Entries by admin

solved 5 days agoSandra Porter RE: Discussion – Week 10COLLAPSEHello All,Post

5 days agoSandra Porter RE: Discussion – Week 10COLLAPSEHello All,Post a description of team leadership and its characteristics.Team leaders naturally possess certain qualities, such as compassion and integrity, or learn leadership skills through formal training and experience (Scott, 2019). The qualities of an effective team leader inspire the trust and respect of the team and […]

solved Prepare a 2-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate

Prepare a 2-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.As you begin to consider the assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Breach of Protected Health Information (PHI) activity. The will support your success with the assessment by creating the opportunity for you to test your […]

solved The first response is for the following article: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-217

The first response is for the following article: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-21747567. Please read the article and answer the questions below (option A) in 200 words. (Please provide detailed answers) Option #A: Cyrus Cylinder – How a Persian monarch inspired Jefferson After reading, you should be able to answer at least one of these questions. In all cases […]

solved Each student will interview two entrepreneurs of his/her choice and

Each student will interview two entrepreneurs of his/her choice and listen to two entrepreneurs’ stories on How I build this Podcast. This assignment is to provide you with insights on entrepreneurship that cannot be obtained from classroom alone. Choose entrepreneurs who are on a pathway that’s similar to your intended one (including but not limited […]

solved Discussion – Week 12: Reflection #2 – Final Reflection (Disaster

Discussion – Week 12: Reflection #2 – Final Reflection (Disaster Behavioral Health in context & Personal Development) Think about the application of disaster mental health in the field. How is this skillset and application helpful? For example, how does it tie into Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how is that helpful in a post-disaster context?  […]

solved Draft a reply to another students original discussion board post.

Draft a reply to another students original discussion board post. The instructions to the post are as follows: The State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program grantees are required to monitor and track statewide implementation, adoption, and transactions of exchange mechanisms that they implement directly or enable through funding, technical assistance, marketplaces, etc. to support the meaningful […]

solved Build your own police department make sure the following is

Build your own police department make sure the following is included add photos as well some info is already in here add info and make a power point Mission Vision Core values Office of professional standards Polices abs proceduresSupervisor,officer performance measures Floor planCommand structure Field of operation commander Lieutenant Sergeant Patrol men Polices and procedure […]


FIRST REPLY          When providing health promotion services to a rural issue it is important to be not only knowledgeable of the culture but respectful too. Raingruber (2017) discusses how health is perceived differently in rural communities. If you are not on medications and you do not have any diseases preventing you to work you […]

solved Compare and contrast the benefits of non-profit versus for-profit healthcare

Compare and contrast the benefits of non-profit versus for-profit healthcare organizations. first reply The week four discussion board prompt question has asked the students of the class to examine a very common question when it comes to the topic of health care within the United States. That question has often centered around the competing models […]

solved Assessment 3: Reflection on EHR Accuracy, Data Mining, and Clinical

Assessment 3: Reflection on EHR Accuracy, Data Mining, and Clinical Decision Making Complete three EHR Go activities relating to medication reports, order verification, and risks and clinical warnings. Write a reflection paper (1-page) addressing key lessons learned relating to EHR accuracy and standards, data mining, and legal and ethical considerations surrounding EHR-CDS usage. Data mining […]