Entries by admin

solved Activity Time:2 hours; Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection:

Activity Time:2 hours; Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection: 1 hourDirections:James Stringer was a member of the Minnesota Vikings. Getting ready for football season, he was out running his five-mile run for the day. James lived in a very small town and knew most of his neighbors. He ran past his best friend’s home […]

solved 2 things need to to :Frist write a paragraph 250

2 things need to to :Frist write a paragraph 250 words Please write in paragraph form, rather than in bulletsDo you have any favorite films, novels, television shows, music artists, blogs, other media? Be as long-winded as you wish-we are all interested in you. Please include a photo if you wish.Tell us how you define […]

solved You may have heard of the accounting and fraud scandals

You may have heard of the accounting and fraud scandals that flooded the news in the early 2000s. Many of these scandals are examples of large-scale fraud. Fraud can happen to individuals or organizations of any size. Think of a personal or professional situation where you were either involved in or heard about fraudulent activity. […]

solved : Interrpreting Lao-Tzu’s Work We have been reading through Lao-Tzu’s

: Interrpreting Lao-Tzu’s Work We have been reading through Lao-Tzu’s Thoughts from the Tao Te-Ching and we have been trying together to figure out what it all means. And we have been trying to find modern value in the advice given to an Aristocratic Leader even though we live in an era of elected political […]

solved It’s an 18-page article that needs to be summarized Read

It’s an 18-page article that needs to be summarized Read and analyze that article (not just the abstract): Identify the principal stages of the author’s presentation. There are likely to be two major phases in the article that will need examination and explanation: 250 to 300 words: A philosophical issue or problem will be stated […]

solved InstructionsYou will engage critically with two weekly readings from week

InstructionsYou will engage critically with two weekly readings from week 12. Discuss what you think of the readings, such as, the author’s argument/s and the material covered in the text.When writing your paper, keep in mind the following. Each response paper should address some (not necessarily all) of the questions below:What is/are the central questions […]

solved Evidence that supports a conclusion is part of the research

Evidence that supports a conclusion is part of the research process. Literature reviews often accompany research papers in the form of a summary and synthesis of the published information about the research topic. Although this week’s assignment is not a literature review, it is designed to familiarize you with the practice of finding appropriate sources […]

solved Complete at least two of the “Implicit Association Tests” (race,

Complete at least two of the “Implicit Association Tests” (race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) located on the Harvard website at https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/. You can learn more about the project at https://www.projectimplicit.net/.  Write a 500-750-word reflection that addresses the following: An identification of the experiment you completed. A summary of the results. An overview of your impressions […]

solved In your own words, explain the difference between reflective teachers

In your own words, explain the difference between reflective teachers and invariant teachers. Provide a real-life example of yourself (up to this point in the program) OR a teacher you had in school who was an invariant teacher. How did you change to become a more reflective teacher OR in what ways could that teacher […]

solved Imagine that you are the principal of a school and

Imagine that you are the principal of a school and you just found out that there was a fight in the lunchroom during lunch. You’ve asked many students and teachers who witnessed the fight to write down what they saw and who they think started the fight. Unfortunately, you have received many conflicting accounts that […]