Entries by admin

solved Cultural Responsiveness in Human Services Delivery:Does the program meet the

Cultural Responsiveness in Human Services Delivery:Does the program meet the needs of culturally diverse service users in the community? Why or why not?How would you demonstrate cultural competence and humility as a program evaluator? Conclusions:Is the program effective?Is the program improving service users’ quality of life? Are the expected benefits, results, and/or outcomes of the […]

solved Listen to the podcast: Radiolab: Patient Zero (Links to an

Listen to the podcast: Radiolab: Patient Zero (Links to an external site.Please, start to listen or read the transcript starting at the #00:16:00.23# mark where the program starts with a history of different hypotheses about the AIDS epidemics and the origin of the HIV virus. Your post need to be at least a paragraph long […]

solved To receive full credit, my response paper needs to include

To receive full credit, my response paper needs to include the following:1. Link response papers to material introduced to you in class (you have to discuss at least one concept in the readings and lectures and relate them back to the documentaries in the module).2. 1 full page/ 12-inch font/ 1 inch margins (300 plus […]

solved What is the content of the module about? What are

What is the content of the module about? What are the most relevant concepts discussed? Why is the content/reading important? In the third page of the document, a section of critical thinking will be developed. In this section, you will challenge one point of discussion covered in the class/reading. The critical thinking section will help […]

solved This is the second of three assignments that, as a

This is the second of three assignments that, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project. (ATTACHED)Assume that your project sponsor has reviewed the project proposal and has asked that you make some changes to it. For the purposes of this assignment, consider your professor’s feedback […]

solved Prospectus proposal improvements. The attached document is the updated version

Prospectus proposal improvements. The attached document is the updated version of the DSP (Chapter 1-3). Next, we need to work on the following. 1. Correct the pointed-out deficiencies; please refer to Dr. Lunsford’s revised document on the notes on the ride side of the paper (i.e., typos, additional references needed) and other minor corrections, as […]

solved CAT Assignment #2 format – Leisure Time Clock-1.doc Download Leisure

CAT Assignment #2 format – Leisure Time Clock-1.doc Download Leisure Time Clock-1.doc Referencing Learning Module #4 – Complete the leisure time clock by filling in the appropriate times of day that you spend: sleeping, going to school or doing homework, working, eating, doing self-care, doing miscellaneous things, and participating in leisure. This is done by […]

solved I think it might be interesting for us to consider

I think it might be interesting for us to consider the term “politicking.” Workplace politics is an interesting concept in its own, with a history of research and understanding. Below is a list of some definitions of this concept that I would like for you to look at: As we can see, these definitions are […]

solved Recognizing that the registered nurse is a pivotal component in

Recognizing that the registered nurse is a pivotal component in providing patient care in a dynamic and diverse health care arena, it is essential for the student to develop lifelong learning skills. Each student will write an article critique using current evidence-based literature. The purpose of the assignment is to acquaint the student with a […]

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need guidance

I’m working on a business discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better. Chapter 4. Emotions and Moods Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your […]