Entries by admin

solved I’m working on a english question and need guidance to

I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me learn. 1. Watch this film: 2. Please write a 1 page, Single-Spaced, 12 pt font, reflection answering these questions: A. Do you think The Garden is a cult? Why or why not? B. What concerns do you have about The Garden while watching […]

solved Select an underrepresented group (cultural, religious, sexual orientation or gender)

Select an underrepresented group (cultural, religious, sexual orientation or gender) in the United States and discuss their strengths and challenges as they travel through the K-16 education system. 1. Include the group’s history, factors affecting the group’s educational achievements, issues teachers and administrators need to address, and the outlook for the future. 2. Include recommendations […]

solved For this assignment, you will complete Your Family’s Disaster Plan

For this assignment, you will complete Your Family’s Disaster Plan Checklist adapted from Appendix A of your ReadyRN text. This week you will gather and complete the recommended information and supplies listed on the Family Disaster Plan Checklist Checklist. Please note: You are not required to purchase any items on this list, however, take note […]

solved [3] Read the Iliad (Volume 1, pp. 122-194).If you are

[3] Read the Iliad (Volume 1, pp. 122-194).If you are still waiting for the arrival of your textbook, you can read an electronic text: Homer, Iliad.etext (read pp. 77-98, 467-487, 541-558, 588-614).pdfDiscussion Questions:Epic is a long narrative poem involving heroic figures and supernatural events and written in elevated style. Identify some elements of epic in […]

solved If I had to choose between Plato’s two extremes, I

If I had to choose between Plato’s two extremes, I think I would rather be perceived as an ethical person with a reputation for injustice. As a leader of a big corporation, I can see how employees at lower levels may not see the ethical thoughts of their leaders, just the actions, which could screw […]

solved The German term “zeitgeist” means literarily “the spirit of an

The German term “zeitgeist” means literarily “the spirit of an age or a historical period.” It is “the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas, beliefs, values and ways of looking at the world of the time.” For example, you might remember the TV show “That 70’s […]

solved Do some research and answer the following critical thinking questions

Do some research and answer the following critical thinking questions from this week’s readings. In your analysis, cite a minimum of three (3) references from different sourcesDealing with change is an ongoing challenge for every manager. Describe how an organization can tell that it needs to change. What are indicators that change is needed?Organizational development […]

solved Read and annotate your book for chapter 2 and then

Read and annotate your book for chapter 2 and then answer the following questions in your own words – do not copy sentences from the book. You get points for this activity by simply doing your best. We will discuss these concepts further in our groups, so you will not lose any points if you […]

solved For this exam, you will write a critical analyses paper

For this exam, you will write a critical analyses paper demonstrating understanding and application of key concepts learned on chapters 18-20. Your paper must be 3-4 pages in length excluding references pages, 12p font, and double spaced. Separate all major topics into individual headings for better flow and clarity. Adherence to APA 7th Edition formatting […]

solved After reading “Seeing,” select one sentence from Dillard’s piece. It

After reading “Seeing,” select one sentence from Dillard’s piece. It should be one that you find interesting, memorable, or essential in the essay. Then write a 350-450 word exploration or analysis of it that does the following: 1.) Accurately reproduces (directly quotes) the sentence with a page number. 2.) Explains why this sentence is interesting […]