Entries by admin

solved my topic is Personality.. Topics:Personality or IntelligenceFormatAssignment are to be

my topic is Personality.. Topics:Personality or IntelligenceFormatAssignment are to be presented to the class as whole. Each group presents for 10 minutes. They must use PowerPoint and have a written script of the oral presentation.Requirements and marks allocatedAssignment must conform closely to the slides on blackboard for the topic chosen and must cover:Definition of major […]

solved Hi, how are you doing?Please use this format:Page 1: APA

Hi, how are you doing?Please use this format:Page 1: APA Cover Page 7th edition.Pages 2-3: Two pages of 12-font double-spaced writing critically. YOU MUST USE THE INFO IN THE CHAPTER TO CREATE AND SUBMIT A BRIEF 250-500 OVERVIEW OF YOUR FINAL PROJECT AND PAPER, and talk about your topic, what research you have done so […]

solved Part 1. Based on the eight-sentence formula from Understanding Concepts,

Part 1. Based on the eight-sentence formula from Understanding Concepts, write a two-paragraph annotation of a second academic article on your topic. This includes summary and analysis of the article, and write one sentence of synthesis connecting the thesis/findings of this article to the article you annotated for Assignment 11.1. Format the source in the […]

solved These questions are based on the novel IT by Stephen

These questions are based on the novel IT by Stephen King, if you need access the novel and it costs extra please let me know and I will add to tip. I would like to see at least one well developed paragraph for each question. Preferably however long it takes to completely answer each question […]

solved Assignment 2 Capitalism Vs. SocialismWorksheetCapitalism is an economic and political

Assignment 2 Capitalism Vs. SocialismWorksheetCapitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state whereas socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or […]

solved After reading the von Sivers assignment for this week, read

After reading the von Sivers assignment for this week, read the following documents: “Lament for IJr.” Selected excerpts. N.p. N .d., 57-61. o What are the specific crises that Ur (Urim) is facing? To what causes does the lament attribute the crises? What do the answ?rs to these two questions indieate about the co mmunity […]

solved Part 1 (300 words)During chapters 5-8, the class was introduced

Part 1 (300 words)During chapters 5-8, the class was introduced to a variety of topics, including accounting for capital projects, using the debt service fund to pay long term debt of the general government, using proprietary funds (enterprise and internal service), and fiduciary funds. From these units, please select one interesting GASB accounting standard that […]

solved Question 2:Juniper Ltd, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom

Question 2:Juniper Ltd, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom (UK), is operating a coal-power plant based on a 30-year concession issued by the government of Highlands in 2015. In 2020, the Highlands Parliament has adopted a new law banning the generation of coal-fired power after 2030 in order to meet climate change goals set […]

solved Working individually, students should complete the Critical Thinking questions per

Working individually, students should complete the Critical Thinking questions per the list assigned. Prepare responses to the questions below after viewing the Negotiation Strategy and Tactics Tutorial in this week’s lesson. In drafting your answers to the questions, make sure that you apply course concepts in your answers.Part A: What are the objectives of both […]

solved What Is Your Value Proposition?In this week’s Tio video, Austin

What Is Your Value Proposition?In this week’s Tio video, Austin talks about his belief in his product as a new type of savory snack meal that could appeal to busy Americans. Here he is discussing his value proposition for the customer segment he serves. Read the definitions below for Market (Customer) Segments and Value Proposition, […]