Entries by admin

solved type an annotated bibliography in current MLA style that includes

type an annotated bibliography in current MLA style that includes the following information: 1. complete source information including title, publication information, and date in current MLA style (also called 8thedition MLA style) 2. one paragraph that includes: –an assessment of the source reliability –a brief summary of the source central idea –an explanation of how […]

solved 50-point Grade Scale50-45Excellent…above average accomplishment of task. Clear and detailed

50-point Grade Scale50-45Excellent…above average accomplishment of task. Clear and detailed points.44-40Good…above average accomplishment of task, but minor areas of improvement noted…some points clearly explained.39-35Average…accomplishes task, but significant areas of improvement noted. Missing information.34-30Below Average…does not fully accomplish task, major areas of improvement noted.29-0Poor…does not accomplish task.Directions: In 2 – 3 typed pages (minimum 2 FULL […]

solved I need an explanation for this Marketing question to help

I need an explanation for this Marketing question to help me study. Select three brands of your choice and identify the following: Brand elements  Points of difference (POD): Attributes or benefits consumers strongly associate with the brand, positively evaluate, and believe they could not find to the same extent with a competitive brand. Points of […]

solved I need to write a paper about patient named John

I need to write a paper about patient named John Smith, that is diagnosed with ostheoarthritis. Due to this conditions he is scheduled for an arthroplasty, that is a surgical precedure to restore the function of a joint. Since my topic is patient education. I would need to explain How to educate this patient before […]

solved The topic gonna use is Twice(Developmental Differences in Identical and

The topic gonna use is Twice(Developmental Differences in Identical and Fraternal Twins). the group hypothesis is fraternal twins will have more developmental differences than identical. For the speech(my speech part is about Physical/Cognitive Development of DZ Twins) edit part, I would like more detail with my speech not change the slide ideas, the doc will […]

solved Continuing to focus on the health of the  community

Continuing to focus on the health of the  community you have used in previous assignments, this assignment will  require you to identify and examine a public health issue that is  commonly experienced by a multicultural or diverse population in the  community and then apply the health ecological model to identify a  remedy for the issue.  […]

solved Week 9 Discussion Post – Section 4 Instructions: Week 9

Week 9 Discussion Post – Section 4 Instructions: Week 9 only has 1 discussion question. Please review the discussion question below, provide a response. Response posts should be 2-3 paragraphs. After you post your response, please reply to a post written by your fellow peers (you can provide more than one reply if you wish). […]


WEEK 3 DISCUSSION 1 RESPOND TO COLLEAGUES POST Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ postings the following ways: Response should be a minimum of 4 paragraphs each post.  Consider the dangers of unethical communication and how      your peers communication efforts may have helped avoid this Share an insight about what you learned from […]

solved I’m working on a Health & Medical exercise and need

I’m working on a Health & Medical exercise and need support. Topic: Are babies born moral? Watch these 2 videos taking notes:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBW5vdhr_PA and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRvVFW85IcU  After watching the videos “Can Babies Tell Right from Wrong?”  and “Born good? Babies help unlock the origins of morality” decide whether or not you believe that 3-month-old infants are […]

solved Based on the Learn items, how does cyber impact and

Based on the Learn items, how does cyber impact and effect our critical infrastructure by way of interdependencies, etc.? Briefly discuss policy and legislation that supports cyber security. What is the cyber threat spectrum? What protective measures can be taken to better secure or protect cyber targets thus critical infrastructure? Be sure to discuss both […]