Entries by admin

solved I want a persuasive speech 350 word or more about

I want a persuasive speech 350 word or more about ( how to communicate well and make a good relationship with your co worker and your boss ) and I need 3 to 5 sources APA style plz follow the instructions I’m going to attached for you The instructions and the APA style and the […]

solved Clash of Civilizations essay Answer the following question in an

Clash of Civilizations essay Answer the following question in an essay of at least 1200 words (excluding citations). What have been the chief factors encouraging people to imagine the West and the Islamic world as fundamentally opposed? What did they have to suppress or ignore in order to sustain this viewpoint? Use examples from at […]

solved This is perhaps the most confusing assignment of the course

This is perhaps the most confusing assignment of the course because the directions on Taskstream talk about “your field experiences.” Obviously, you didn’t complete any classroom observation hours for this course this semester. As such, please consider the feedback that you received from me for your practicum assignments, You must include the following in your […]

solved This is for my dissertation! Please only bid if you

This is for my dissertation! Please only bid if you are able to write a professional, not plagiarized, informative section of my lit review. Please use scholarly articles! However, please write these 6 pages talking about adolescent mental health broadly. Then which disorders are female adolescents more susceptible to for example like depression, anxiety, eating […]

solved Choose one topic from below:1. Explain how the security dilemma

Choose one topic from below:1. Explain how the security dilemma logic explains major power behavior in WW12. Provide a structural explanation of any major powers behavior in WW13. Why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand present Austria with a survival threat?4. Provide a structural explanation of Europe’s long cycle of war5. Explain the role of […]

solved i need atleast a 10 page literature review apa format

i need atleast a 10 page literature review apa format must use these references Adegboyega, A. (September 25 2020). Social distance impact on church gatherings: Socio- behavioral implications. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Enviroment, 1-14. Afolaranmi, A. O. (2020). Effects of COVID-19- Pandemic Lockdown of Churches in Nigeria on Pastoral Ministry: Matters Arising. […]

solved Summative Lessons Learned PaperIn this paper, apply concepts from throughout

Summative Lessons Learned PaperIn this paper, apply concepts from throughout the course. Lessons Learned from the slidesPlease select 4 core principals or lessons that you learned in this course that you prefer over others. Provide a brief analysis and apply these lessons to real problems that you know or anticipate.Learning objectives:Analyze lessons learned.Judge whether collaborative […]

solved Define negotiation as it applies to patient education. Explain how

Define negotiation as it applies to patient education. Explain how the change in the patient’s status through the years has affected patient education. List the pros and cons of negotiation. Describe the general conditions that would be included in a patient contract. Discuss old age and the baby boomer. List several generational, religious, and cultural […]

solved 1. Wall Street Journal editorial attached. This assignment is worth

1. Wall Street Journal editorial attached.  This assignment is worth 9 points, you will write a summary of one of the cases discussed in this editorial. From news sources you should cite, describe: 1. the parties 2. the jurisdiction (court, State, etc.) 3. the essence of the plaintiff’s complaint 4. the essence of the defendant’s […]