Entries by admin

solved Submit a presentation (PDF of PowerPoint, 8 slides in presentation

Submit a presentation (PDF of PowerPoint, 8 slides in presentation style with Speaker Notes – Post a PDF showing the slides and speaker notes) answering: 1. Identify the major competitors in the blue jeans market. 2. Who has the leading market share, whose shares have declined? 3. What segmentation is (has) occurring/occurred in the blue […]

solved Please assume the following when answering the question:You are a

Please assume the following when answering the question:You are a senior finance undergraduate, who started an internship a 2 months ago. The internship was virtual and for a company called (INTERNATIONAL TURNKEY SYSTEMS) located in KUWAIT. The company specializes oil developing Sharia compliant banking systems for ISLAMIC BANKS. Your task was to market the company’s […]

solved what is the greatest threat to U.S. border security and

what is the greatest threat to U.S. border security and why? Course Syllabus: Border security is a crucial part of our country’s homeland security efforts; however, many do not realize its complexity.  Securing the nation’s borders is a multifaceted and complex task comprised of often seemingly competing objectives that cross over multiple homeland security domains, […]

solved Communication is a critical success factor for any consultant. Consultants

Communication is a critical success factor for any consultant. Consultants must be effective communicators in both their verbal and nonverbal communication. When communicating, consultants need to avoid jargon, misuse of words and ambiguity in their language Search TedTalks, YouTube or similar video platforms and locate a speaker who is using jargon, misusing words or presenting […]

solved Before each Tuesday class period, you will upload a 2-paragraph

Before each Tuesday class period, you will upload a 2-paragraph (6-8 sentences/paragraph) reflection to the discussion board connecting Tuesday’s readings with one or more reading from the previous week. These are not meant to be summaries of the readings but opportunities for you to a) connect with the materials through your own ideas and experiences; […]

solved There is one 2- 3 page (excluding title page and

There is one 2- 3 page (excluding title page and reference page) paper. You are to write an academic paper describing and analyzing the following topic: Displacement and Hot Spot Policing “Place” can be an important aspect of crime and crime prevention. Behaviors occur across space and time. Since the 1990’s, hot spot policing has […]

solved First, review the Koala Fun case (Case 2) in your

First, review the Koala Fun case (Case 2) in your textbook, as well as your responses to the case study review in Module Three, and then explain your answers to the quiz questions. In addition, address the following in your journal assignment:Risks: Describe the risks that Koala Fun faced as a company.Management: In what ways […]

solved First, review the Koala Fun case (Case 2) in your

First, review the Koala Fun case (Case 2) in your textbook, as well as your responses to the case study review in Module Three, and then explain your answers to the quiz questions. In addition, address the following in your journal assignment:Risks: Describe the risks that Koala Fun faced as a company.Management: In what ways […]

solved I’m working on a psychology project and need support to

I’m working on a psychology project and need support to help me understand better. Assignment: Review THREE journal articles about ‘attitudes and work performance’. Submission must be done as a single document through the Turnitin and not exceed 20% similarity.  1. Write summary of each article in each paragraph (3 paragraphs in all). Summarize the […]

solved Download and use the format in the “Sample Paper.” Reflect

Download and use the format in the “Sample Paper.” Reflect on Module 3 and review Chapters 8, 9, and 10 in the textbook (Nowicki, 2018). Review Module 3 PowerPoints posted on Blackboard.   Use critical thinking and metacognition when you read the Mini-Case Study in the textbook, see Nowicki, 2018, p. 177: Suppose you are […]