Entries by admin

solved Post a draft version of your Digital Study Guide to

Post a draft version of your Digital Study Guide to this discussion by Wednesday. Respond to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts and provide constructive feedback regarding their Digital Study Guides.Remember, feedback must be positive and provide suggestions on how to improve their Digital Study Guides. Improvements should include specific suggestions on their content, […]

solved I’m working on a writing question and need support to

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me study. We Need to TalkMany people who suffer from mental illness too often feel the only way out is to take their own life.After watching the above video, research issues relating to suicide, suicide prevention, and awareness. I would like you to create […]

solved Sara Ahmed, a famous British-Australian scholar who studies critical race

Sara Ahmed, a famous British-Australian scholar who studies critical race theory and postcolonialism, said “The politics of mobility, of who gets to move with ease across the lines that divide spaces, can be re-described as the politics of who gets to be at home, who gets to inhabit spaces, as spaces that are inhabitable for […]

solved Question is A bank has written a European call option

Question is A bank has written a European call option on one stock and a European put option on another stock. For the first option,the stock price is 50,the strike price is 51, the volatility is 28% per annum, and the time to maturity is nine months. For the second option, the stock price is […]

solved Planning a Role in Human ServicesThe human services profession is

Planning a Role in Human ServicesThe human services profession is faced with rapid changes in the social, economic, political, and technical environment, affecting organizations and programs. To remain relevant and beneficial to society, the profession must be able to proactively organize talent, skills, and services that meet the need of society. That means creating public […]

solved Select a communicable disease, I would like to choose Enterovirus

Select a communicable disease, I would like to choose Enterovirus D68,  to write about.  Research the disease from readings located through the Library and from public health websites like the CDC, Healthy People 2020, and/or WHO (the point is to use reputable resources).   Describe the communicable disease, incidence world-wide and in your community (go […]

solved I’m working on a Nursing exercise and need support. HIV

I’m working on a Nursing exercise and need support. HIV Infection in US. Around 1.1 million people are living with HIV in the United States of America (USA). Nearly one in seven of these people are unaware they have HIV. The size of the epidemic is relatively small compared to the overall population but is […]

solved I need to write a summary how different age groups

I need to write a summary how different age groups differ based on various questions  First, I need to interview three people who are in different age categories (The Silent Generation; Baby Boomer Generation; Generation X (Baby Bust); Xennials; Millennials or iGen (Gen Z). Each person should be asked the same question  I need to […]

solved The Need for Change Please answer ALL of the following

The Need for Change Please answer ALL of the following questions: When was the last time you  decided to change a specific behavior (e.g., started to exercise,  started a diet, or changed jobs)? How successful were you in  accomplishing the change? As a manager, what ethical  difficulty might you face when asked to layoff half […]

solved I’m working on a english writing question and need support

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me understand better. JOURNAL ENTRY: Susan Glaspell wrote this play as a critique to the prevailing notion of the role of women.  Conduct some research on “The Cult of True Womanhood” or “Cult of Domesticity” and provide a response to how this play […]