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solved Instructions: Get peer reviewed articles within the last 5 years.Question

Instructions: Get peer reviewed articles within the last 5 years.Question 1Compare and contrast the current demographics of 1) RNs, 2) nurse educators, and 3) the U.S. population. ï‚·How would you briefly describe the demographics of RNs, nurse educators, and the U.S. population? ï‚·How would you compare and contrast these demographics?ï‚·What changes need to be made […]

solved Create a thesis statement that focuses on the importance of

Create a thesis statement that focuses on the importance of the event in relation to the people of California and how it impacted the following areas:People of CaliforniaPolitics of CaliforniaSociety and culture of CaliforniaEconomy of CaliforniaEnvironment/geography of CaliforniaEconomic and environmental factors of the eraCreate an outline for your presentation that includes all of the following:Introduction […]

solved I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support. Chapter

I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support. Chapter 1 Discussion Consider the following popular beliefs:  Crime rates increase when the moon is full. Venting anger is healthy. Abused children become abusive adults. If you’re depressed, think happy thoughts and you’ll feel better. Visualize success, and you’ll achieve it. Positive thoughts can cure disease. […]

solved WK2 Advocacy Discussion Objective 1: Define advocacy within the context

WK2 Advocacy Discussion Objective 1: Define advocacy within the context of a community effort.Effective advocacy involves gathering facts, educating others, influencing public policy and the media, and more in order to ensure that budgets, laws, policies, services, and practices meet the needs of those requiring help. Working collaboratively and engaging others are two key components […]

solved 1.How do snapshots function for her? What does the photograph

1.How do snapshots function for her? What does the photograph provide for her relationship with her dad?2.In what ways is the wall of photographs she describes more than a mere collection of family photos?3.What does hooks’ dad’s role as the photographer say about cultural production, especially at that time?4.What is a hegemony?5.How do photographs function […]

solved Upload a copy of your Blood Pressure Lab Write-up Part

Upload a copy of your Blood Pressure Lab Write-up Part I here. Your assignment needs to be either a Goggle doc, Word doc or PDF doc. Follow the instructions for the write-up and make sure to include the hypothesis you developed for the effect of body position on blood pressure. After working through the Vernier […]

solved Jack Hart’s chapter on “Story,” he writes about the different

Jack Hart’s chapter on “Story,” he writes about the different components that make up a great story (e.g., a “character who wants something,” “a sequence of actions,” “a complication,” and so on).  Consider the many components Hart touches on, and write a journal entry of at least 500 words in which you discuss the formal […]

solved I need an explanation for this Philosophy question to help

I need an explanation for this Philosophy question to help me study. What philosophical issues may be embedded in the way an individual views learning? In other words, what does classical conditioning assume about the individual being taught, compared to social learning theories (like Bandura)? Do different theories describe people as mere animals (that can […]

solved I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn. In Western culture, no matter what age we are, we get ideas about how we should behave as males and females from the media. Your assignment is to watch 5 or 6 commercials aired during a TV show for children. (YouTube is […]

solved The Great Depression was the most severe economic downturn in

The Great Depression was the most severe economic downturn in United States history. The 2008 financial crash and subsequent economic damage it caused has been often compared to the Great Depression, although most scholars do not believe it was as severe or as devastating as the events of the 1930s.From what you have read this […]