solved Using the strategies discussed in your They Say/I Say textbook,

Using the strategies discussed in your They Say/I Say textbook, write an argumentative essay of approximately 1000 words (double spaced/12-point font) taking a position on one of the topics covered in the readings from one of the five chapters of the textbooks. Your introduction should provide a summary of the background/context of your selected topic. the debate over the value of a college education in America today, or the influence and effects of technology in society), illustrating that your topic is situated within a larger dialogue, and concluding in a focused thesis statement that states your position and you’re reasoning for taking this stance in the third person.  In an original argument you can often use textual sources. to help lay out the differing scholarly perspectives and context/background on the issue you will be arguing before stating your particular perspective/argument in your thesis.  One common method for establishing context is to begin your introduction stating your opponent’s view, and then using a contrast transition (such as “however” or “In contrast”). This method has the benefit of not only raising your opponent’s counterargument at the outset but also using it to establish context for your claim.   

solved Choose a publicly traded company from the following:FordCostcoThe Walt Disney

Choose a publicly traded company from the following:FordCostcoThe Walt Disney CompanyAmazonor another publicly traded company of your choice.Scroll to the “about the company” section usually found at the bottom of the web page, investor relations, reports (or filings), and select a year. The financial statements for any given year will provide two years’ worth of data. Here, you can perform a quick analysis of the company’s financial health. Financial statements can also be located and compared in the Mergent Online library database: Learn more about using Mergent Online: post:Horizontal analysis, also called trend analysis, refers to studying the behavior of individual financial statement items over several accounting periods (2 years here). Use the most current year as the base year and make a comparison of sales/revenues, operating expenses, and net income. What do you see? Give a 200-400-word summary post.Reply post:Prepare a follow up response of 150 to 200 words expanding on how an investor might use information from a horizontal analysis. Note a single horizontal analysis is not a comprehensive analysis, but you can infer how the firm is doing.

solved **Write a 1,000-1,250-word essay that addresses the following:Discuss whether ethics

**Write a 1,000-1,250-word essay that addresses the following:Discuss whether ethics in law is different than ethics in other fields, such as business or medicine.What are the potential ethical tools and models that might help a decision-maker in the law make the right choices? Explain.Provide an example of when an ethical decision would be required in a legal context; explain the circumstances surrounding the decision.Explain the various potential consequences for someone who fails to meet their ethical obligations in the field of law. **Utilize three to five relevant, scholarly sources in support of your content. Use or google scholar. Below are some sources you can use:……Ethics in Criminal Justice by Cyndi Banks – Fifth Edition **Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. This guide is located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. (APA Style Guide is attached)**This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. (I will send it once tutor is selected)

solved Review the CDC’s page on Health-related Policies (Links to an

Review the CDC’s page on Health-related Policies (Links to an external site.).Now choose a health-related issue not mentioned on that page to be the topic of an executive summary. (An executive summary is a a summary of collected information into a concise document for review by others.)NOTES FROM PROFESSORAll,Please note that you all will need to create a policy topic or idea that is not already a policy. Please think outside of the box and come up with an unique policy issue. Also, think on a National level (Public Health Impact). NO COVID related issues this will take too long.Over the next 5 weeks you will be framing questions, analyzing the public impact, feasibility, economic, and budgetary impacts of the proposed policy. This is a challenging assignment and you need to spend time defining the problem, researching the problem (background), developing policy options, understanding who are the stakeholders/interest groups, and determine how he policy will be implemented.There are a number of factors you will need to consider when developing policies for individuals and populations: political, economic, social, cultural, and social determinants. As we advocate for our patients we also need to consider the effect the change may have on others.

solved I’m working on a communications multi-part question and need a

I’m working on a communications multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Watch the TED Talk : Answer each of these questions as comprehensively as possible, using the eTextbook as a guide:1) Visual Culture & Visual Literacy (pgs 7-9) How are photographs like these part of the visual culture, and how do we apply our visual literacy skills to “read” them?2) The Lasswell Communication Model vs. the concept of Agency (include the Ted Talk format as a method the artist used to share his work as part of this question). (pgs 18-19)3) Stuart Hall’s Encoding-Decoding Model of Communication: how would Huey’s photographs be given dominant, negotiated, and oppositional reading? (pgs 24, 186-189)4) Semiotics: what indexical, iconic and symbolic signs are evident in his photographs and how does this affect how the images might be perceived? (pgs 71-79)5) Visual Persuasion: how do these photographs fit into the idea of “advocating for social justice?” (pgs 136-139)6) Dominant Culture and Stereotyping: Compare and contrast Huey’s images with those made by Edward Curtis, in terms of their style and in terms of their representation of Native American culture then and now.

solved Go back and review Chapter 5 in Kowit’s In the

Go back and review Chapter 5 in Kowit’s In the Palm of Your Hand. This is your chance to have fun and work on your bad poetry writing. Choose a loved one (or former loved one) you’d like to write a Valentine poem to. Perhaps this poem is a love poem or just a good occasion to write a love-turned-to-something-worse poem. Using as many of Kowit’s cautionary points as possible, write the worst Valentine’s poem possible. Include, for example, generalizations, clichés, abstractions, awful rhymes, archaic diction, stilted language, inappropriate tone, wordiness, and poor line-breaks. Be as goo-ily sentimental or as irrationally angry as you want. Have fun with this assignment! Be a BAD poet!To get you further primed for this assignment, consider, for example, these lines from Scottish poet William Topaz McGonagall (once described as the “worst poet in the history of the English language”) as he remembers those lost in the 1879 Tay Bridge disaster: Beautiful railway bridge of the silv’ry Tay Alas! I am very sorry to say That ninety lives have been taken away On the last sabbath day of 1879 Which will be remember’d for a very long time. Or these lines, also from McGonagall: On yonder hill there stood a coo It’s no’ there noo It must’a shif’ted.

solved Overall Project ScenarioCorporation Techs provides remote and on-site support to

Overall Project ScenarioCorporation Techs provides remote and on-site support to small and mid-size businesses. Clients use Corporation Techs’ services to solve problems involving malware removal, to manage data recovery and network issues, and to install hardware and software.Due to recent developments, most technical representatives will begin working from home within the next six months. Because Corporation Techs provides 24/7 support, its systems and communications pathways must be fully operational at all times. In addition, the company has been experiencing unprecedented growth and is preparing to double its client-facing staff.You are a junior network architect who is responsible for helping to plan and design network enhancements to create a more secure internal network, and to ensure secure remote access.DeliverablesThe project is divided into several parts. Details for each deliverable can be found in this document. Refer to the course Syllabus for submission dates.Project Part 1: Network DesignProject Part 2: Firewall Selection and PlacementI HAVE ATTACHED THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE PROJECT AN ALSO PART 1ITS A 4 PAGE TASK. BID ONLY IF YOU CAN WORK ON IT. AFTER ACCEPTING, DONT TELL ME THAT THE PRICE IS NOT GOOD OR THE TIME IS NOT GOOD.

solved I’m working on a Accounting exercise and need support. Scenario

I’m working on a Accounting exercise and need support.

You are a newly promoted manager for one of the business units in your organization. As such, you need to consider how to manage yourself before you can really manage others. You need to think about what your personal and professional stress levels are–what might be the breaking points between succeeding and failing? How can I manage that stress? What emotions come to light that could be viewed as positive or negative? How else can I get my message across?
Based on your evaluation of your individual tendencies, you have decided to prepare a self-management plan. You need to include the following in your plan document:

What are some early warning signs that you should be aware of to avoid a setback?
What are some negative or positive beliefs about worrying or failing you need to consider?
What situational problems are there to consider? (i.e. deadlines, exams, large groups of people, public speaking)
What does your future support system look like? (i.e. mentors, coaches, professionals, groups, associations, etc.)
What techniques or strategies are needed to help overcome these challenges? Choose three and explain how they will help overcome your discussed challenges.

solved Scenario Based on the communications that you have received from

Based on the communications that you have received from your team depicted in the Riverbend City: Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation scenario, it is clear that your team is resisting the changes being proposed. Your examination of the communication surrounding your team members’ feelings about the changes have left you concerned. Of particular concern have been the communications of Matthew Chu, who has sent group emails with disrespectful comments and memes about the governor. You have resolved to reset the team members’ attitudes so they clearly understand your approach to the changes and how communications among them need to reflect it.
After analyzing the situation, your plan is to briefly introduce items for your team to consider before the meeting, via a 4–5 minute video. Your goals for this video are to:

Communicate your decision on how you plan to address the governor’s actions and plans. 
Explain three critical communication issues and challenges faced by the team, including communication issues to date.
Describe an action or policy that you will introduce to improve communications and assure people are working with a unified purpose.
Define your expectations for ethical discourse in team communications. 

solved Your assignment is this: Chose one topic, subject, bit of

Your assignment is this: Chose one topic, subject, bit of information, or closely-related set of facts that you either found interesting or chal-lenging, and find a memorable way to present it. What you prepare needs to be ultimately useful to future students.•Create a piece of art that conveys information in an understandable way.•A comic or comic book.Here is the following information. Please Include whatever information you can onto a poster or comic series, which ever is easier for youPremortem- before death, while alivePerimortem- around the time of deathPostmortem- after death How do temperature and stiffness help you to estimate time since death? BODY TEMPERATURESTIFFNESSTIME SINCE DEATHBODY TEMPERATURESTIFFNESSTIME SINCE DEATHWARM,NOT STIFFLESS THAN 3 HOURSWARM,STIFF 3 TO 8 HOURSCOLD,STIFF 8 TO 36 HOURS COLD,NOT STIFF OVER 36 HOURS What are some of the other ways that you can estimate time since death? (decay and insects) StageInitial decay- fresh outside, fermentation inside due to bacteriaPurification- swollen by gas, odor of decaying flesh.Black purification- flesh creamy and black gas escapes with strong odorButyric fermentation- remaining flesh dries, mold appears with cheesy odor.Dry decay- cadaver almost dry. Slow decay rate