I’m trying to learn for my Management class and I’m stuck. Can you help?
The purpose of this assignment:Â
This assignment helps you develop critical thinking about current issues. You need to critically think about the current issues around the world and how those influence you as a consumer or a marketer.Â
Especially, we are experiencing a “new normal” due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and marketers respond to this situation in various ways.Â
Current Topic: Marketers and/or Consumers in “new normal” era
You can think about:Â
How does Covid-19 influence marketers to communicate their products/services with consumers?Â
You may narrow it down to a specific product category, or specific areas. (e.g., toilet paper & sanitizing products, services such as restaurants, online shopping, education area, Â remote working, etc.). Please make your arguments more concretely rather than abstract. You may include citations to support your arguments.Â
How marketers react to that issue? What is your response to those marketing messages? How it influences you as a consumer?
What is the reason for choosing this specific area/topic?
What would be the next? Any recommendations for marketers?Â
solved CAMPAIGN ADS DISC BOARDCampaign Ads Disc BoardPlease w atch the
/in /by adminCAMPAIGN ADS DISC BOARDCampaign Ads Disc BoardPlease w atch the following political ads and compare and contrast them for effectiveness. Choose which is the best (most effective) and worst (least effective). Also do a brief internet s earch of each ad and learn the background or circumstances of each. Be sure to discuss what makes an ad effective or not. Also find at least 2 commercials of your own using youtube or other sources and post them in your thread. Make sure that all posted content is appropriate for discussion.Be sure to comment on at least 2 ads posted by fellow students. (If any of the links do not work, please search youtube using the info below, you can also email me if you need assistance).LBJ’s “Daisy†1964Willie Horton 1988 – George W. Bush Commercial vs. Dukakis
Phone call? 2008 -Hillary Clinton vs. Obama
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing or RINO – Political Ad
Goldwater KKK ad
Illegals – Sharon Angle vs. Harry Reid
Helms Hands Ad -Helms vs. Gant North Carolina Senate Race
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIyewCdXMzkSpend it Now, Spend it Not 2012 -Stabenow Ad Michigan SenateChristine O’Donnell 2010 – I am not a Witch
Harold at the Party – Harold Ford Jr. Ad
solved Need help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for
/in /by adminNeed help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for my class.
Capstone Change Project Outcomes
After working with your preceptor to assess organizational policies, create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention. Write a list of three to five outcomes for your proposed intervention. Below each outcome, provide a one or two sentence rationale.
The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan. my topic is hand washing for infection control in a home health setting
My picot is In home health care setting (P) do hand hygiene practices (I) compared to no hand hygiene practices (C), prevent transmission of infection (O) reduce the spread of Infections within 30 Days since the Start of the Project (T)?
I will attach a paper that I have turned in to give you an idea of what I am looking for.
After working with your preceptor to assess organizational policies, create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention. Write a list of three to five outcomes for your proposed intervention. Below each outcome, provide a one or two sentence rationale.
The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.
solved I’m trying to learn for my Management class and I’m
/in /by adminI’m trying to learn for my Management class and I’m stuck. Can you help?
The purpose of this assignment:Â
This assignment helps you develop critical thinking about current issues. You need to critically think about the current issues around the world and how those influence you as a consumer or a marketer.Â
Especially, we are experiencing a “new normal” due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and marketers respond to this situation in various ways.Â
Current Topic: Marketers and/or Consumers in “new normal” era
You can think about:Â
How does Covid-19 influence marketers to communicate their products/services with consumers?Â
You may narrow it down to a specific product category, or specific areas. (e.g., toilet paper & sanitizing products, services such as restaurants, online shopping, education area, Â remote working, etc.). Please make your arguments more concretely rather than abstract. You may include citations to support your arguments.Â
How marketers react to that issue? What is your response to those marketing messages? How it influences you as a consumer?
What is the reason for choosing this specific area/topic?
What would be the next? Any recommendations for marketers?Â
solved Collaborate and Discuss: Think of a conflict situation that could
/in /by adminCollaborate and Discuss: Think of a conflict situation that could occur in a healthcare setting and create a scenario. This can involve health care workers or patients. For example, it could be a conflict between workers or it could be a conflict between a health care worker and a patient. In your scenario, describe how those involved were able to reach a collaborative solution. Use the concepts from Chapter 10 in your scenario. The Instructor will not post in this forum, and you are required to post your initial scenario and respond to one student only, for a total of two posts.To begin discussing in this forum, click the forum title. Then, click Create Thread on the Action Bar to post your initial reply. To reply to a fellow participant, click the title of the initial post, then click Reply.Grading Criteria:Scenario describing a collaborative effort between two individuals: 30 pointsSubstantive post to ONE student about their scenario that demonstrates an understanding of the course material: 25 pointsSpelling and Grammar and Standard American English writing at the university level: 20 pointsReference to course material, including the use of citation and APA format: 25 points
solved the research question is “is working as a maid in
/in /by adminthe research question is “is working as a maid in the middle east a form of modern slavery?” the answer is yes and explain whythe instructions:For this research essay, students must identify a research question/problem relating to one of the below course topics. The essay attempts to address this question through independent research.This research paper must address the following course topics:Diasporas and identities in the history of the Middle East, in the attachments you’ll see the course reading which is the one you’ll be addressing in this research paper tooThe central question your research paper addresses must be approved by the professor. Your Research Paper should be about 2000 words long. It needs to be organized in a proper essay format, with an introduction stating your goal and thesis, body paragraphs (each containing a clear idea/topic and presenting evidence from your research to support your thesis), and a conclusion/summary. Your essay needs to use at least four external academic sources (those not covered in the course). Such sources may be academic articles, book chapters, surveys, etc.you can watch this documentary as a reference https://youtu.be/jb_pBhWi1YM
solved Prompt: When completing client assessments, it is important to select
/in /by adminPrompt: When completing client assessments, it is important to select the appropriate tools and resources. In the Tools and Resources Worksheet document,you will practice choosing the appropriate tools and resources for client assessments. After completing this worksheet, consider what resources would apply toyour final project and your client. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
ï‚· Explain how to move forward to help the client in Scenario One. What resources and tools will you use to help?
ï‚· Discuss what additional information you will need in order to help move this client forward.
ï‚· Explain the career goals of the client in Scenario One. ï‚· Explain how you will evaluate the results for the client in Scenario One. ï‚· Explain how you plan to help the client in Scenario Two. What resources will you use ï‚· Discuss the special considerations that will need to be made or addressed in order to help the client in Scenario Two. ï‚· Explain how you will evaluate the results using different assessments and tools for the client in Scenario Two.
Guidelines for Submission: This activity must be completed using the Tools and Resources Worksheet document
solved Book: Fun Home: A Family TragicomicOPTION C: “UNRELIABLE NARRATIONS”: As
/in /by adminBook: Fun Home: A Family TragicomicOPTION C: “UNRELIABLE NARRATIONS”: As we saw in Gatsby, there are many kinds of “unreliable” narrations in “fictional” texts. Bechdel and many other modern writers and artists explore the issue of “unreliability” in a different context.Terms such as “autobiography” and “memoir” are often assumed to be “non-fiction” texts: one just writes about one’s own experiences and ideas OR those of people they know very well–such as a parent. BUT MAYBE IT’S NOT QUITE THAT SIMPLE. Please pay close attention to the numerous panels in which Bechdel writes in her “diary”–a type of writing that is usually associated with complete honesty. What starts to get complicated about this process? And since this a “graphic” text, how does Bechdel use visual images to help a reader understand her uncertainty about describing even the simplest events in her family life?WHEN REFERRING TO THE BOOK, PLEASE INDICATE EITHER THE PAGE OR THE “LOCATION” IF YOU ARE USING A PDF.ALSO, PLEASE NOTE THAT “GRAPHIC NOVELS” HAVE PANELS, NOT PARAGRAPHS. SO PLEASE USE THIS SIMPLE NOTATION:(PAGE/LOCATION, PANEL)THAT IS, IF YOU WRITE (13, 3), THEN I KNOW YOU ARE LOOKING AT PAGE 13, PANEL 3.
solved Watch the video titled “Last Days on Earth.†This video
/in /by adminWatch the video titled “Last Days on Earth.†This video is in COLTube. (Access COLTube via the connection in the “Home Page†of this course. Click on “CDM COLTube Link†which is the last entry of the right column on the “Home Page.†Be patient! It takes a while to connect to COLTube!) You need to keep scrolling through all of the videos since I combined those that I show for IS505 and IS506 into one single area in COLTube.
After watching the video, document information in the DISCUSSION FORUM as explained here. The video shows the 7 events that MIGHT affect civilization on our planet. Looking at all of the events that could occur, is there one or two of these that concern you? Â Or is there an event that they did not show that you think could do our civilization more harm? Â What are your thoughts?
Keep in mind that this video was made about 8 years ago.  However, I think the same or similar threats still exist in our world.  However, someone told me that the Asteroid might not be headed our way…But I did not check that out!  One note…As you will see in the video, we have made great strides in the area of robotics! Other areas might be a bit questionable!
solved Motown was often criticized for not being “black enough,†especially
/in /by adminMotown was often criticized for not being “black enough,†especially as compared to southern soul. What was the basis for such an argument? What could be a possible counterargument? Clearly the primary subject matter for Motown was love songs. Controversial subjects like the Vietnam War, police brutality, civil rights and racismwere definitely avoided. Finally in 1968, the Supremes released Love Child. And then Marvin Gaye’s 1970What’s Goin On set the bar for protest music from Motown. Famously, Motown CEO Berry Gordy initiallyrefused to release the song saying “it doesn’t sound like a Motown song.Getting Started Motown self-consciously sought a “refined†sound and image. At a time when celebration of racial identity was one strategy to combat racism, Motown’s refinement seemed to cater directly to white ideas and values. Conversely, southern soul’s sound and image were understood as more authentic expressions of the African American experience. One possible counterargument could be that Barry Gordy was seeking to bridge the gap between white and black audiences, and as pointed out in the chapter, African American audiences were also major consumers of Motown music.
solved The main topic for my paper will be to be
/in /by adminThe main topic for my paper will be to be comparing and contrasting Parable of the Sower the novel by Octavia E. Butler and the film Children of Men directed by Alfonso Cuarón. You will need to discuss the major differences and similarities between the two works.-Please craft an essay discussing your understanding of the themes in Afrofuturism and their meaning, context and/or effectiveness. You should have a thesis statement in your first paragraph and lay out your subtopics. Each paragraph introducing a new subject or idea should have a topic sentence.FORMAT: You must write DOUBLE-SPACED in a 12-pt font, preferably Times New Roman. The word count will be weighed more heavily than the page count, so do not rely upon specialty fonts to increase your page count. Again, it is best to use Times New Roman. Essays may be formatted in MLA or APA style, but all citations should be cited in a Works Cited page.LENGTH: 1,800 words or longer (approx. 7.5 pages; word count is more important than the page count)And at least TWO secondary sources. (An outside article/blog/opinion that supports your argument or you refute in your paper. Wikipedia and dictionaries are not appropriate sources.