solved I’m working on a Writing question and need guidance to

I’m working on a Writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Compare strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients with lower respiratory disorders.ScenarioYou are a nurse on a pulmonary rehabilitation team at an outpatient clinic in your community. You are updating educational resources to educate clients who want to know more about health promotion and maintenance and improving pulmonary health related to their lung conditions. InstructionsCreate an infographic for a lower respiratory system disorder that includes the following components:Risk factors associated with the common lower respiratory system disorder.Description of three priority treatments for the lower respiratory disorder.Description of interprofessional collaborative care team members and their roles to improve health outcomes for the lower respiratory system disorder.Description of three multidimensional nursing care strategies that support health promotion and maintenance for clients with the lower respiratory system disorder.Description of a national organization as a support resource for your client specific to the lower respiratory system disorder.

solved respond to this question! 50 to 100 words phillis Wheatley

respond to this question! 50 to 100 words phillis Wheatley In her poem “On Being Brought from Africa To America,” Wheatley uses language to help set the tone for her readers. In this poem, she describes that being taken from her home was a blessing. She describes it as “mercy.” In this poem, I believe that her objective is to show her readers, mainly white people at the time, what they want to hear. In the poem, she talks about how many view her race as “diabolic” but because she is being taught about Christianity, she hopes for the public to know that there is a way for African Americans to be forgiven. Looking at Wheatley’s other poem “To the Right Honorable William…” her objective is to highlight the view of slavery from a salves point of view. For those who weren’t in a slave’s shoes the best way for them to understand her thoughts was to talk about the way, the colonies wanted to escape from England. She uses more powerful words like “snatch’d” and “tyrannic sway.” Her strategy towards black progress was to show both views of slavery from each poem. The first poem was from the view of white people and the second poem from African the post you can ask a question

solved The correctional system has 3 different organization models: Authoritarian model

The correctional system has 3 different organization models:

Authoritarian model
Bureaucratic model
Participative model

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 2-3 pages:

In detail, describe and explain each model listed above as they apply to correctional environments. For each model, answer the following:

What is the intended goal of corrections administrations that utilize the model?
During what time period was the model developed? Explain.

Was it effective during that time period? Explain in detail, and use scholarly and academic resources to fully support your arguments.
Is it effective now? Explain in detail, and use scholarly and academic resources to fully support your arguments.

How is a correctional facility operated under the model? Be specific and detailed in your response.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each model? Explain in detail. 
Now, identify the correctional settings where each model would be most effective.

Provide 2 examples for each model.
Explain why your examples would be effective for your selected correctional settings.

This should make up the bulk of your assignment and must be fully supported by research.

solved Week 3 Assignment – Developing a Strategic Communication Plan Overview

Week 3 Assignment – Developing a Strategic Communication Plan
You have been assigned by the chief of police to create and implement a strategic communication plan to respond to the community following a high-profile use of force event by an officer with your department. While the use of force appears to have been legally justified and within department policy, there is still a great deal of negative reaction from the public.Preparation
Review the steps for developing a strategic communication plan from Chapter 3 of Strategic Communication Practices: A Toolkit for Police Executives.Instructions
Using the specific steps outlined, write a 2–3 page communication plan in which you:

Outline the approach that you would use to research and interpret the situational analysis for your hometown.
Determine the main goals and objectives of your proposed communication plan.
Predict the target group of your communication plan.
Propose the general communication strategies of your proposed plan. 

Provide a rationale for your response.

Develop the first four main steps of your local police department’s strategic communication plan. 

Provide a rationale for your response.


solved the research question is “is working as a maid in

the research question is “is working as a maid in the middle east a form of modern slavery?” the answer is yes and explain whythe instructions:For this research essay, students must identify a research question/problem relating to one of the below course topics. The essay attempts to address this question through independent research.This research paper must address the following course topics:Diasporas and identities in the history of the Middle East, in the attachments you’ll see the course reading which is the one you’ll be addressing in this research paper tooThe central question your research paper addresses must be approved by the professor. Your Research Paper should be about 2000 words long. It needs to be organized in a proper essay format, with an introduction stating your goal and thesis, body paragraphs (each containing a clear idea/topic and presenting evidence from your research to support your thesis), and a conclusion/summary. Your essay needs to use at least four external academic sources (those not covered in the course). Such sources may be academic articles, book chapters, surveys, can watch this documentary as a reference

solved I’m working on a article writing report and need an

I’m working on a article writing report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Ch 20
review or re-read chapter 5 

Ch 6 
What are information reports? What are they used for in workplaces in terms of purpose and audience?

Why and how are shaping the page and the four quadrants important to information reports?
What are graph axes and how do you properly label them? Give an example.

What is a visualization caption? Where does a caption go on the page? 
After reviewing the types of visualizations in Ch 6, come up with 2-3 examples for each of the following types. Your examples can be from your real life (bar graph: to show how you split chores at home) or from information you find online (pie chart: polls on president approval). You do not need to re-create the visualization; you simply need to state the idea in your own words.
Please also provide a one sentence rationale as to why you chose that visualization versus another type. Note, not all data works in all types of visualizations, so there are wrong answers. You should be able to find all the info you need to determine the best visualization based on Ch 6. 
bar graph

line graph
pie chart


solved Film Discussed: Director: Year of Film: Country of Origin: 1.Basic

Film Discussed: Director: Year of Film: Country of Origin: 1.Basic Plot/Narrative Structure: Describe briefly the basic plot or narrative of the film. 2.Main Characters: Who are the main characters in the film? What is the fate of each character by the end of the film? How do the characters contribute to the film’s message about Africa?3.Filmic Signs and Symbols: Do you notice the repetition of filmic signs or symbols in the film? How do these signs contribute to the film’s representation of Africa or Africans? 4.Cultural Sociological Analysis: Use Griswold’s Cultural Diamond to briefly analyze the producer, receiver, social context, and film as a cultural object. What relationship does the film have to the power elites of the African society shown? How do its symbols support or contest the dominant ideologies of the society it depicts? 5.Relation to Week’s Reading: What is the relationship between the film and the course readings? You may concentrate on one reading or incorporate multiple readings. You can also relate your comments to your lecture notes.answer each question no less than 150 words, and Please note the grammar. movie link

solved this section you clearly outline what methodology you used in

this section you clearly outline what methodology you used in your research i.e. what you intend to do and how you intend to do it. It must be clearly written so that it would be easy for another researcher to duplicate your research if they wished. Most researchers will use one or more of a number of well documented and acceptable methods understood by the research community. We will discuss a number or research methodologies in different sessions, but there will be many others you can choose fromThe structure of a methodology chapter will be discussed in class and examples given. The Methodology would normally constitute Chapter 3 in a research report, see suggested guidelines in (report.doc, chapter 3).Copyright © 2015-2018 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 5MITS6011 AssessmentsThe submission for the Methodology has been divided into a number of submissions so the Unit lecturer can gauge the student’s progression in this topic.Session 11 Discussion – First PageThis will not be submitted online but checked in class only during the individual discussions with each of the students. This will be the first page of Methodology component including any references cited in the first page.

solved Topic: Nursing during an epidemic, pandemic or natural disaster across

Topic: Nursing during an epidemic, pandemic or natural disaster across the country or around the globePPT Presentation will have 8-10 slides, NOT including the title and reference slides. You will also need to include graphics to make your slides interesting.You are to create bullet points for each slide, not including the title and reference slides. Include speaker notes for each slide by including 4-5 sentences to address the bulleted items on each slide. Please follow APA style and include citations in your speaker notes.Including a minimum of 4-5 peer research articles as references in the presentation. All research articles needs to be within 5 years from today’s date. No blog, chat, other university or Wikipedia information allowed in presentation. The PowerPoint presentation must follow APA style.Describe in detail your plan for how you would lobby your legislators or local government for funding and support for your chosen current issue or trend.Include the following elements in your presentation:How will the topic impact your role as a nurse in nursing workforce or clinical setting?Current relevance of the topicHow your topic is integrated and used in clinical practice

solved I’m working on a nursing case study and need a

I’m working on a nursing case study and need a sample draft to help me study.

Activity Fluid and Electrolyte Case Study: Answers the Questions using a PowerPoint Presentation. Ms. Craft, age 59, is brought by ambulance to the emergency room because she thought she was dying. She reports difficulty breathing, dizziness if she attempts to sit up, and feeling a sense of impending doom. Ms. Craft called for emergency assistance under the assumption she was having a heart attack.Physical examination shows Ms. Craft to have weakness, malaise, warm skin, and hypotension along with a verbal report of nausea. Her blood glucose value is diagnostic for diabetes. Cardiac markers and an EKG do not indicate a heart attack. Medical history reveals Ms. Craft has not seen a doctor in several years and is unaware she has diabetes. Respirations are deep and rapid, and typical of Kussmaul respirations. · Explain what Ms. Craft probably has and why/how did this occur?· In what way does the diabetes contribute to her condition?Isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic are terms that refer to concentration levels in a fluid. Explain an example of one type and how it impacts the body in Ms. Craft’s case.