solved Please read Snow Policy A (attached here) Â Once you’ve

Please read Snow Policy A (attached here)  Once you’ve read the memo, enter your responses to the following questions (make sure to number your answers accordingly):
1.  How would you rate the CEO’s attitude toward his employees on a scale of 1 (very negative) to 10 (very positive)? Why?
2.  If you were a new employee of this company, and this was the first memo you read, what would be your impression of the company? Why?
3.  How important do you feel to the company (Scale of 1-10)? Why?
4.  What one word would you use to describe the tone of the memo? Why?
5.  How would you describe the formatting of the memo (Scale of 1-10) and why?
6.  What one word would you use to describe this CEO? Why?
7.  Comparing this memo to the Sample Memo, how would you rate the formatting – heading, use of visual cues, etc.  and why? (Scale of 1-10)
8.  How would you rate the content as a whole?  Is it confusing? Clear? Concise? Wordy? (Scale of 1-10)
In your post, please remember to explain why your ranked Snow Policy A the way you did as directed.

solved I’m working on a english writing question and need a

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Question: Mengestu writes, “It’s easy to see now how even as a family we were isolated from one another—my parents tied and lost to their past; my sister and I irrevocably assimilated.”
What does he mean that he and his sister are “irrevocably assimilated?”  What are two examples that show how they’ve assimilated (or became assimilated)? How do you think their assimilation affects their relationship with their parents?
Guidelines: You are proving an understanding of the overall reading as you answer the question. Make sure to use examples and specifics from the text. 

You should also make sure that you understand the meaning of assimilation in context of the story.  Look at several definitions and find the correct meaning. You can also see me and we can discuss!
There are two examples of how Mengestu has assimilated. He doesn’t mention his sister when he gives the examples. He assumes the reader understands that she assimilated in the same manner.

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need support

I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Demand function specifies other factors that management will often consider, including the design and packaging of products, the amount and distribution of the firm’s advertising budget, the size of the sales force, promotional expenditures, the time period of adjustment for any price changes, and taxes or subsidies. For this discussion forum, consider your favorite consumer product (e.g. cell phone, car, cereal, restaurant, hair gel, etc.) and describe the variables that might be part of the demand function (i.e. substitute good, complementary good, income level, advertisement, consumer preference, etc.) for this product. How would you describe the elasticity of demand for this product – is it highly or somewhat elastic or inelastic? Why?

Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategy, and Tactics (14th Edition)
James McGuigan, R. Charles Moyer, & Frederick Harris
Cengage Learning, © 2017, 2014
ISBN-13: 978-1-305-50638-1
ISBN-10: 1-305-50638-3

solved Psychology QuestionAttached below is an abstract that gives an idea

Psychology QuestionAttached below is an abstract that gives an idea about what drug
trafficking is. Build on the abstract and do your research on the topic (Drug Trafficking).
Choose what you want to talk about in this paper (ex. dangers of drug
trafficking, who and what people are being affected, and how do we
reduce it)Lastly make sure to include some Criminology theories at the
end of the paper and explain how they relate to this study (ex.Strain
Theory,The Rational Choice Theory,etc)Drafts must contain proper citations and have a bibliography and must be 6 full pages double spacedRubric: Theme is well-defined. Paper discusses historical significance and relates to material in course // Excellent background, context, and idea development // Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence // Can understand all of what is being communicated.Make sure that all citations can be accessed. please don’t include books as sources.Everything else is stated above. The abstract should give you an idea of what this paper should look like.

solved ake one objective from each of the three goals in

ake one objective from each of the three goals in the Healthy People 2020 infrastructure goals and objectives (Workforce, Data and Information Systems, Public Health Organizations), and discuss possible strategies for reaching the objective (see pp. 142–148, Exhibit 7-1 from your text titled Public Health Leadership by Louis Rowitz).Include the following:Clearly define the objective you are providing the strategy for, including the “Number” and “Objective Short Title.”Example: PHI-1 Competencies for public health professionalsProvide one detailed strategy per objective.Besides the course book, include information from at least 1 external source (2 references total).The paper should be 2–3 pages, excluding title and references pages. Use current APA Style and cite your sources. Integrate your sources into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.Healthy People 2020 website:

solved I’m working on a management writing question and need an

I’m working on a management writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

I’d like you to select from the YouTube channel link below, specifically choosing from only the Practical Tips to Manage Others and/or the Academic Stuff playlists (for now). To be fair, you should watch video(s) that are a combined total of at least 20 minutes. Then, please write a reflection of at least 600 words (the length of these assignment details is 450+ words) about what you learned, found interesting, and how you thought about management differently. It should not be a play-by-play (i.e. first she talked about this, then this, etc.). Please identify each of the video(s) you watched. Your submission should be professional in nature and look like a student attending a great university wrote it. I’d also like to know if you enjoyed this assignment. I plan to build some other assignments (as well as extra credit) around it in the future and would appreciate your feedback.The link is:

solved Description:Students will discuss the most essential topics covered in Modules

Description:Students will discuss the most essential topics covered in Modules 6-9 as a review for the final assessment.Objectives:Highlight the important concepts of microbe-human interaction in health and in infection and disease.Outline and discuss the body’s immune system: 1st Line of Immunity, 2nd Line of Immunity and 3rd Line of Immunity (specific or acquired immunity).Explain the phenotypic, genotypic, and immunologic methods to identify pathogens and diagnose infections.Discuss in detail the structure and disease process of the pathogens associated with human disease including: Gram (+) and Gram (-) cocci, Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacilli and miscellaneous bacterial pathogens.Discuss in detail the structure and disease process of the pathogens associated with human disease including: fungi, parasites and viruses.Instructions:Step 1: Respond to the following:Discuss at least 3 important topics related to the course content for Modules 6-9 as a tool to prepare for the final assessment. *Be sure to cite any outside sources in APA format.

solved Explain sensation and perception. Indicate 1- how they are alike,

Explain sensation and perception. Indicate 1- how they are alike, 2- how they are different, and 3- how they work together.
Please include key terminology and examples. If you’re going to cite something use very few citations in the essay. THE WORK SHOULD BE ORIGINAL IT WILL GO THROUGH PLAGIARISM CHECKER.
Min 3 pages written in Times New Roman Excluding the title and reference pages (APA format= double-spaced, 12 pt font, citations where appropriate).
Three Page Essay RubricThree Page Essay RubricCriteriaRatingsPts
Page requirement/ Meets full three pages with proper spacing.
5 pts

Organization /Papers has good flow, an introduction and conclusion. Explanation of the three concepts is thorough and includes details and examples.
5 pts

Used key terminology/ There is key terminology from the units and reference to the material.
5 pts

Included all three concepts.Gave a brief explanation for #1-3= explained similarities/differences and inter-connected/explained the relationship between sensation and perception.
5 pts

Total Points: 20 

solved Students will compose an expository essay, which investigates an idea,

Students will compose an expository essay, which investigates an idea, evaluates evidence, and presents an argument. The student will explore the concepts of freedom, power, equality, justice, and/ or civic life, and their evolution, in the context of the US (DJC 100.1). The student will classify, categorize, and summarize the structures and functions of government in the U.S. appropriate to the concepts discussed (DJC 100.3).
This is an academic, formal essay written to an academic audience. Students must use Calibri 11 font.
Expository Essay – Does the Constitution Still Matter Today?
Does the Constitution still matter? The Founding Fathers are considered geniuses for the government they created, especially considering how long it has lasted. Does the Constitution still matter today? Does the Constitution protect and safeguard the rights and liberties of the people to the extent promised by the Founding Fathers? Why or not? Argue your position by citing at least three (3) specific provisions within the Constitution and/or Bill of Rights.

solved Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 10,

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 10, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 from your textbook; review the website (Links to an external site.); and review the Week 4 Weekly Lecture.Go to (Links to an external site.) and review the annual reports recently released by two corporations in the same industry. Review each report and discuss the issues listed below.Make sure you appropriately cite your sources from and include a minimum of two scholarly and/or credible sources from the library in addition to the course text.In your paper,Describe organizational differences that you see in how each corporation discusses its annual performance.Explain how clearly the data is or is not presented for enabling shareholders to draw conclusions about how well the company performed.Explain what goals, challenges, and plans top managers emphasize in their discussion of results.Describe ways the format and organization of each report enhances or detracts from the information being presented.