In today’s turbulent economic times, reward systems, in many organizations, have been revised/modified, thereby resulting in frustration, uncertainty, loss of security, etc. In fact, many organizations have cut base pay, reduced short-term incentives, eliminated long-term incentives, and more. Due to COVID-19, organizations are struggling to maintain financial stability. Unfortunately, employees often feel the brunt of the reward cutbacks.For this week’s discussion forum, please select an organization of your choice. The organization can be based in the KSA or anywhere else in the world. No student should select the same organization as his/her classmates. In your post, address the following:Explain what type of reward system is utilized.Then, consider that a 20% cut needs to be made, in regard to rewards, to ensure organizational success. What types of rewards would you recommend cutting? How might you use intangible returns to make up for monetary cuts? What types of intangible returns could you use? Why?References is needed in APA style
solved I’m trying to study for my Management course and I
/in /by adminI’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.
Chapter 10: Project Schedule Planning
Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
Go online and research the difference between total slack and free slack.
Prepare proper reference citations for the sites you located, using APA style.
Write definitions of total slack and free slack in your own words.
Why would the distinction between different forms of slack be important to a project manager?
solved I’m working on a writing question and need support to
/in /by adminI’m working on a writing question and need support to help me study.
Financial Management-Level 1
Develop a written fee policy which could be provided as a handout to parents of children in your center
The policy must include:
               Amount of fees (reflecting varying amounts based on age if appropriate)
               Any discount you may offer
               What types of payment are  accepted
               Fees for returned checks (if you accept checks)
               When fees are due (the less complicated the better for parents)
               Consequences for late payment (be specific)
               Any plan for families in crisis
Make sure this is in a readable and understandable format for your families.  Also, do your research—be sure that your fees are appropriate for the type of program you have and your community.  If a consequence for late payment is expulsion, be sure to include steps for child to be reinstated.
solved And here is the video referenced in the podcast:Evaluate the
/in /by adminAnd here is the video referenced in the podcast:Evaluate the ethical implications of this technology-related event using the relevant elements of the Ethical frameworks discussed in class, specifically:The five (5) ethical frameworksThe six (6) contextual dimensions of ethical dilemmasAt the core of your analysis should be an answer to the essential question:”Given these events, should this technology be abandoned or further embraced?”Another important dimension to consider are stakeholders impacted. In any business ecosystem, the following are essential stakeholders, at varying degrees of aggregation. Please consider the needs of the relevant stakeholders in your analysis:CustomersMarketsProductsProcessesOrganizationsGovernmentsSocietyIn addition to elements discussed in the textbook and in class, please leverage external sources. If you do, be sure to fully cite your sources.Use a sans-serif font (Calibri, the default Word font, is fine), size 11, 1″ margins on all sides, 1.5 spacing.There is no need to restate the question in your response.
solved Drape some fabric to form soft folds. Position a singular
/in /by adminDrape some fabric to form soft folds. Position a singular light source on your subject.A garment draped on the back of a chair under a lamp is a good subject for this project.Since curvilinear cross-contours help to define the surface, a stripe on the subject helps.Leave a note for others in your residence that the folds and lighting of your project must remain precisely in position while you are away from the drawing task.Study the firm edges and diffused gradations in the achromatic version of vintage film credit screen, “Harlem Nights”.Positioning a single a light source on the fabric study is essential. Light the surface of your drawing page from another source that does not impose upon your the controlled lighting of your drapery subject.Use charcoal on a large 18″ x 24″ newsprint to draw the visual details that you observe.Plan to devote a significant amount of time to the drawing.Investing time and effort will be worth it.Study how diffused gradations contrast with firm edges. Skills with fabric will be useful for your drawing toolbox.
solved You will read essays, short stories, and poetry by several
/in /by adminYou will read essays, short stories, and poetry by several of the most influential writers in the American literary tradition. For the assessment, you will write 2 to 3-paragraphs responding to one of the given prompts below.Remember, your supporting evidence should come in the form of outside sources plus your explanations. Watch this video to learn how to bring the party to your paper.PROMPT ONEChoose one 19th century American poem or short story and one historical document.Write to compare the ways in which each of these represents the changing popular idea of democracy from the time period in which it was written. Cite specific evidence from the literature to support your ideas.PROMPT TWOChoose one short story and one poem from the 19th century.Write to compare the ways in which each of these may be considered representative of American culture during the time period in which it was written. Cite specific evidence from the literature to support your ideas.SELECTIONSBelow is a list of reading selections that can be used for this assessment:
solved Research and select a criminal justice organization in your community
/in /by adminResearch and select a criminal justice organization in your community in relation to outlining a strategic planning process. Make sure you are able to access information about the organization for all the required parts of the assignment.Assess the public safety issues in your selected criminal justice organization as they correlate with the agency’s mission, vision, and goals.Create a 1-page outline that details the initial steps in the strategic planning process for the selected criminal justice organization and correlating public safety issues.Include the following in your outline:Relevant stakeholders and their rolesPublic safety issues/challengesStrategies for scanning and assessingData and resources needed to address the issues/challengesWrite a 350-word paper that discusses:Prioritization of the issues/challengesCorrelation between the organization’s mission, vision, and goals regarding the prioritized issues/challengesGoals to address the issues/challengesFormat your paper according to APA guidelines.**There is a format guide attached*
solved I’m trying to learn for my Criminal Justice class and
/in /by adminI’m trying to learn for my Criminal Justice class and I’m stuck. Can you help?
Assignment Description
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Should state and federal homeland      security grant money be distributed based upon population density? Why or      why not? Explain.
Should state and federal homeland      security grant money be distributed based upon risk assessment? Why or why      not? Explain.
Should state and federal homeland      security grant money be distributed equally across the      nation/jurisdictions? Why or why not? Explain.
Do you think that a combination of      any of the listed funding factors above can be effectively utilized? Why      or why not? Explain.
solved the business problem will be presented to the class by
/in /by adminthe business problem will be presented to the class by the instructor at the start of the course. The business problem could be in the form of a case study or a short video discussing a specific IT-related problem relating to an organization. You will critically analyze the case study/video, summarize the key ideas, discuss the IT challenges, and present your recommendations.This report will be organized as follows:Introduction – Short summary of the business problem. This section will also include a background of the organization.Challenges – Provide for a brief description of the challenges that the organization is facing and how they are planning to address them. This section will provide the audience with a picture of how the organization is planning to address some of the challenges.Change Management – Discuss how change is being managed by the organization.Recommendations – Discuss what you would have done differently and why.Conclusions – Discuss the lessons learned and the key messages that you would like the audience to take away.
solved Answer these two questions. Note 0, 1A and 1B are
/in /by adminAnswer these two questions. Note 0, 1A and 1B are attached.1. Reading AssignmentFor this homework, please read Note 0, Note 1A, and Note 1B. This will provide an overview of linear equations and augmented matrices. Write a few sentences about how the content in these notes relates to what you have learned before and what content is new.2. Reading ReflectionOur modern world is filled with information devices and systems, and we want to get you thinking about them! Think about your favorite devices. If you’re stuck, here are a few examples: cell phone camera, voice-activated speaker, heart rate monitor, vocal microphone, RADAR scanner. Write a short paragraph identifying the following:(a) How does this device physically sense and measure the real world?(b) What does it do with the information it senses?(c) Does this device have any actuators or other ways to respond to what it senses?(d) What are some applications where this device is used? Are there any alternate options we can use?e) What do you hope to learn about this device in this class?
solved In today’s turbulent economic times, reward systems, in many organizations,
/in /by adminIn today’s turbulent economic times, reward systems, in many organizations, have been revised/modified, thereby resulting in frustration, uncertainty, loss of security, etc. In fact, many organizations have cut base pay, reduced short-term incentives, eliminated long-term incentives, and more. Due to COVID-19, organizations are struggling to maintain financial stability. Unfortunately, employees often feel the brunt of the reward cutbacks.For this week’s discussion forum, please select an organization of your choice. The organization can be based in the KSA or anywhere else in the world. No student should select the same organization as his/her classmates. In your post, address the following:Explain what type of reward system is utilized.Then, consider that a 20% cut needs to be made, in regard to rewards, to ensure organizational success. What types of rewards would you recommend cutting? How might you use intangible returns to make up for monetary cuts? What types of intangible returns could you use? Why?References is needed in APA style