solved Hello, The paper should answer these seven points below and

Hello, The paper should answer these seven points below and summarize them on 1-2 pages only. Use the question/answer format.1- Essence of the CaseWhat is the gist of the case?2- Theoretical frameworkWhat theory/theories apply?3- Key issues identifiedWhat are the key issues identified from the narrative?4- AnalysisThe analysis is breaking up the components and putting all of them back together.5- Alternative solutionsMultiple solutions need to be provided that are alternatives.6- Recommended solution with logic7- Summary of the caseThis assignment should be 2 different papers, 1 for me and the second one for my sister, be careful because we are in the same class. Our friend recommended you for us because she worked with you last semester for the same class that we are taking now. We have other case studies this semester. So, if we like you work, we will be working together all this semester. Please let me know if you have any question. Thank you

solved As mentioned in our lecture this week, the election of

As mentioned in our lecture this week, the election of Franklin Roosevelt represented a major change in the policy structure of the U.S. government towards Indigenous Peoples. Using this week’s reading by Colin Calloway as your primary source, address the Indian New Deal: What was the Indian New Deal? What policy initiatives did it create? And how did these policy initiatives differ from the policies that the Indian New Deal replaced? Remember to engage directly with your source by use of detailed paraphrasing (with in-text citations) or the use of direct quotes. (200 words – 20 points) Then respond to another student’s post and suggest how the text either supports or challenges their position. (100 words – Worth 10 Points) Rubric: Primary Response: (20 points – 200 words) An A level response (19-20 points) Will engage with all aspects of the prompt, use detailed specifics from the text (including direct citation), and will meet the word count.

solved Introduction: Facilities Management (FM) has long been widely practiced and

Facilities Management (FM) has long been widely practiced and recognized globally. Significant development can be seen in the West in particular, where FM has shown tremendous revolution on the professional practice and key strategic elements approached.
The way forward for FM would require good planning and understanding of the current issues, challenges and barriers that are hampering the development of FM in Malaysia. Therefore, a good understanding of the current scenario and FM development is needed for strategic planning in recognizing the profession of FM from the eyes of stakeholders, clients, practitioners, customers, and the public generally.
You are required to conduct a comprehensive literature review of the following items:
FM Definitions/ Perspectives by various scholars/ governing bodies • Scope of work of FM services

FM Development and Evolution
• Factors contributing to the growth and development of FM

solved Learning two or more languages can be beneficial to cognition

Learning two or more languages can be beneficial to cognition in several ways. After reading the articles, sum up some of the major findings of research on being bilingual. For example, what advantages or disadvantages do bilinguals have? Given what you have learned about being bilingual this week, how do you think second language acquisition should be approached? How do you think your approach could increase cognitive function in different professional settings? Be sure to defend your answer with scholarly research.Your paper should include all of the following elements: ï‚· A summary of major research findings on being bilingual ï‚· A discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism ï‚· A description of a recommended approach for second language acquisition ï‚· An explanation of how your recommended approach could increase cognitive function in different professional settings
ï‚· A defense of your approach with scholarly research

solved A new CFO at Hanson Technologies is tasked with the

A new CFO at Hanson Technologies is tasked with the responsibility of analyzing costs in an effort to reduce them in preparation for expansion into the global markets. Much of the cost cutting so far has been from finding lower cost suppliers for much of the materials, reducing machine maintenance schedules, and hiring contract labor to reduce benefits to longer term employees. The CFO has now been looking for additional cost cutting strategies and has identified warranty expense as one of the costs that needs to be cut. He is considering two proposals to do so. The first is to cut out warranties on their product altogether to reduce the warranty expense to zero. The other is to cut the estimated warranty liability percentage down to 25% of its current value. Discuss whether either of these options will work for this purpose. What are your thoughts on which, if either, option should be enacted? What would you do if you were the CFO in this case?

solved You are to watch the attached Ted Talk video, then

You are to watch the attached Ted Talk video, then write a Reflection Paper (in a Word document)on what you have learned. You need to provide an overview of the video, then identify specificissues shared in the video, as well as how the video impacted you (identifying your key takeaways). The grading requirements for the Reflection Paper include:The information must clearly state the purpose of the video, be organized, factual,and correct, and demonstrate a thorough self-reflective analysis of its impact on you. The paper is to include supporting details and examples. The Reflection Paper requires well-constructed paragraphs, using proper grammar,sentence structure, punctuation, etc. (please use Grammarly onthis assignment). Must be no less than one and a half full double-spaced pages, but no morethan three pages long. Either 11-point or 12-point font size throughout is acceptable.Watch: Link…

solved Assignment-3-Case Study Assignment Question: Â Â Â Â Â Â

Assignment-3-Case Study
Assignment Question:                                                          ( Marks 5)
Please read the Case-8.3 “Tham Luang Cave Rescue.”  from Chapter 8 “Scheduling Resources and Costs” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 304-307 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers. Answer the questions given below taken from the case study as deliverables where you should consider the milestones and technical requirements. Answers to all 3 Questions should be within 500 Words limit.
1.How did the physical environment of the cave affect the rescue plan? (2 Marks)
2.How did the rescue team respond to the risks of the project? (2 Marks)
3.Some have called the rescue a miracle and that luck was the decisive factor. Do you agree? Explain. (1 Mark)

solved I’m working on a health & medical writing question and

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Describes what you did and what you learned in practicum this week that contribute to further attainment of executive leadership knowledge, skills, and/or abilities (KSAs).
Relates what you did or learned to attainment of specific course outcomes (CO) and briefly explain the relationship involved.
Is error-free, grammatically correct, and mechanically sound.

My Clinical Activities are below:

Activity 1, From DNP essential 3:  Attend meetings pertinent to project: Description: Integrating theory into practice through the development of a quality improvement project.
Activity 2. From DNP Essential 6: Participate in an interprofessional team in member role

Description: Attended a meeting in relation to identified clinical problem to gain insight on how to inform practice decisions and support the understanding of patient care consequences.

solved Times New Roman – 12-sized font – Double spaceCite any

Times New Roman – 12-sized font – Double spaceCite any sources you use.You have two options:Answer all 3 questions in 1-2 succinct paragraphs (this means 1-2 paragraphs for each question). 10 points for each question.Answer only one question in a short essay (3-4 paragraphs). 30 points for essay.This means you have the option of answering all 3 questions in short, succinct ideas, or answer one question and go into more detail.Remember: a paragraph is 4-5 sentences, and it is defined by an indentation of the first line.What is the incentive behind government officials in Europe labeling the refugee crisis a human trafficking crisis? And how would you link rising refugee crises around the world and rising nationalist movements in Europe?How has the COVID19 pandemic unveiled systemic disparities in the healthcare system in the US and on a global scale?How does the US use the global free market economy to enforce its cultural hegemony globally?

solved I need an explanation for this Powerpoint question to help

I need an explanation for this Powerpoint question to help me study.

Part 1: Online Presentation
Select the life stage you intend to study in depth. In order to streamline the two Life
Stage projects, it is recommended that you select the life stage of the child you will
observe in your Observation: Case Study.
Early Childhood: Aged 3 to 6 years
Middle and Late Childhood: Aged 6 to 11 years
Early Adolescence: Aged 11 to 14 years
Conduct research on your chosen/assigned life stage.
Focus on relevant, scholarly, and recent research to provide information beyond what is
covered in assigned readings on:  Physical Development (minimum of 3 critical concepts)
Physical Education activities (minimum of 2 activities that a child in this stage
should be able to complete),  Spiritual/Moral Development (minimum of 3 critical concepts), Cognitive Development (minimum of 3 critical concepts),  Socio emotion development (minimum of 3  critical  concepts)