solved Watch both videos for Part I and select 1 video

Watch both videos for Part I and select 1 video from Part II and then complete Part III. Part I:Gender: to an external site.Sex and Sexuality: to an external site.Part II:What I realized about Men after I transitioned Genders: to an external site.Educating Kids about Gender Norms to an external site.Toilets, bowties, gender and me to an external site.Part III:Write a 1 single spaced paper reflecting on the two videos from Part I and the 1 video from Part II. What did you learn about gender, sex and sexuality? What did the Ted talk teach you?

solved I have 4 links of interviews video and I want

I have 4 links of interviews video and I want it to write bullet points of the results about my topic “cyberbullying ” as results of surveys bullet points and the main questions in the interviews and the results this is the links for the 4 interviews: 1.


3. 4. you can write a questions from you not only the below examples: the name of who have interviewed and the age?_x000D_
the percentage of how many male and female?_x000D_
how many of who have been have or seen this problems?_x000D_
Have you been bullied?_x000D_
Have you been frustrated?_x000D_
Did you suffer from mental illness?_x000D_
Have you seen misfortunes?_x000D_

solved I’m trying to study for my Social Work course and

I’m trying to study for my Social Work course and I need some help to understand this question.

NASW Code of Ethics (Links to an external site.)The National Association of Social Workers is the professional association for social work and social workers. Please review our Code of Ethics, and in particular, please pay careful attention to our core values. The mission of our profession is rooted in our core values, and these serve as the foundation for our profession. We are a values-based profession, and it is vital that all social workers learn about, support, and believe in our core values. ServiceSocial justiceDignity and worth of the personImportance of human relationshipsIntegrityCompetencePlease review these core values, and tell us which one means the most to you and why.

solved Each international market provides unique challenges and opportunities for doing

Each international market provides unique challenges and opportunities for doing business and day to day living. A commonly used framework for examining these factors is the PESTLE analysis (or framework). The PESTLE framework includes political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental issues that impact a company, industry, or target location. For this presentation on powerpoint include, develop a PESTLE analysis on a foreign country of your choice (ideally one that interests you or you have lived in). In addition, also consider important considerations/differences in day to day living for an employee considering living in this country. This is a time to fill in your classmates on interesting and important considerations of foreign markets. Please add pictures.

solved An ethical decision-making process should be followed to ensure sound

An ethical decision-making process should be followed to ensure sound moral judgments are made (Harman, 2017). In the professional setting, such as in health care, a formal matrix structure may prove beneficial for managers to work through an ethical dilemma.
Using the Ethical Decision-Making Matrix template, construct a scenario that you might encounter as a health care manager.

In a concise paragraph, explain your ethical dilemma scenario.
Using the template, (template attached) create your Ethical Decision-Making Matrix, populating all fields with information.
In approximately one paragraph, summarize the conclusion of your ethical dilemma.
Then, briefly explain how the matrix aided you in reaching a conclusion.
Include references, in APA format, on a separate reference page.

solved Andre Rieu Case:Â 1. Is the classical music industry attractive?

Andre Rieu Case: 
1. Is the classical music industry attractive? If you were head of an orchestra set on beating the competition, what strategic options would you have? Want would be the likely results?
2. How do you feel about attending a classical music concert based on your personal experience? What are the pain points of such concert-going experiences? Who are the customers of traditional classical concerts?“Stella & Meghry” 
3. Some critics and hard-core classical music lovers do not see Andre Rieu’s music as authentic classical music. In your opinion, what genre of music does his fit into? In what way did Rieu change and reconstruct the classical music?
4. What is the key logic underlying Andre Rieu’s business success.
This case is for group and I select number 4.

solved I have a paper essay next week and today I

I have a paper essay next week and today I have to write a paragraph or two asa proposal so the tutor who will choose to do it will write the paper tooConsider which flawed or harmful arguments have had an impact on our culture and are of interest to you. If it helps, you can select a conspiracy theory, since such arguments are usually non sequiturs by nature. Write a 1-2 paragraph reflection on which arguments you are considering writing about, and why. How might you conduct research? How would you include primary source materials – especially conspiracy theories – in context? If you are considering analyzing harmful rhetoric, such as the racist rhetoric of far-right extremist groups such as the Proud Boys or the Ku Klux Klan, how might you do so accurately but with sensitivity?

solved Research different tools for assessing leadership styles. Summarize at least

Research different tools for assessing leadership styles. Summarize at least three tools and the styles they assess. Do you believe that it is best for leaders to use different styles in different situations? Why or why not? Which leadership styles would best apply to the management of the IT implementation project you are researching for your Capstone Project? Explain.

Ennis, A. (2013, January 31). 6 tips for choosing the right technology for your business. Small Business Bonfire. Retrieved from
Hicks, J (2017, May 10). Implementing a new healthcare information system: Planning for a medical office or organization. Retrieved from 

solved Have you ever been to a big amusement park/resort? Do

Have you ever been to a big amusement park/resort? Do you enjoy going to them? What do you like and dislike about them?For this project, we will examine the big amusement park brand, Cedar Point. Learn about Cedar Point by going to: the following questions in your own words:
Identify the appropriate flow unit for a roller coaster at Cedar Point. Refer to Figure 2.4 on p. 28 for an example.

Define the key process metrics for Cedar Point. Specifically define and explain inventory, flow rate and flow time. Use the information listed on pas n example.

From what you have read, describe Little’s Law and provide an example of how it can be applied to Cedar Point.
Submit your response in at least 3 paragraphs in your own words to Project 1 in Moodle

solved fix it based of the notes in the literature review

fix it based of the notes in the literature review files and do the following:based on the file of 1- Unicorn main file and the 2- refrences in excel complete and add on the literature reviewdefine each terminology with references in the terminology file 3 difitions for each one.according to the notes in the literature review files we supposed to start not less than 72 references at stage one and ending at stage 5 with 43 referencesuse the references that you have in the excels and in the link, if they did not reach the number above please add as many as you can to reach the final number (43)all Harvard stylesuse the link for the references mentioned above in addition to the excel files attached.