solved Research Paper: Please consult the list of SLOs on the

Research Paper: Please consult the list of SLOs on the course syllabus to draw your research topics. Research Paper Topics/Titles should relate to the course SLOs.
Term Paper Outline
I. Introduction to the Problem
What is the “Title” of your Research Paper?
What is the Public Health Management (PHM) Problem(s) in the topic/title you want to write about?
II. Review of Pertinent Literature
What did the literature or the information you read say about the problem you are writing about?
a) What PHM policies did the literature say was applied to solve the problem(s) or PHM policies suggested that should be applied to solve the problem
III. Conclusion and Recommendations
IV. Citation inside the Paper ( use APA or Turabian—Footnotes only)
V. Reference/Bibliography Page
VI. Cover Page

solved Discuss your options in the job market based on your

Discuss your options in the job market based on your educational level.
Review the IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations for achieving higher levels of education. Describe what professional certification and advanced degrees (MSN, DNP, etc.) you want to pursue and explain your reasons for wanting to attain the education. Discuss your timeline for accomplishing these goals.
Discuss how increasing your level of education would affect how your competitiveness in the current job market and your role in the future of nursing.
Discuss the relationship of continuing nursing education to competency, attitudes, knowledge, and the ANA Scope and Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics.
Discuss whether continuing nursing education should be mandatory. Provide support for your response.

solved Judges are often charged with the ethical supervision of attorneys.

Judges are often charged with the ethical supervision of attorneys. The potential problem is that judges are most often attorneys themselves, and may be charged with disciplining persons who they may be familiar with.
Write an essay of 750 to 1,000 words addressing the following:

Explain whether it is problematic to have judges being charged with the supervision of attorneys.
Discuss why it is it is essential for judges to ensure that attorneys conduct themselves ethically and with integrity. Might having a Christian worldview impact the actions of judges and attorneys in regards to ethics? Explain. (comp. 4.1)
Apply ethical models to the potential problem of judges disciplining attorneys. Do these models support the continued paradigm of judges disciplining lawyers? Explain.

solved Watch the following scene from the movie Jerry McGuire*. Â

Watch the following scene from the movie Jerry McGuire*.  In the provided scene, you will see Jerry’s (Actor Tom Cruise) attempt to try and talk Rod (Actor Cuba Gooding Jr.) in to staying on as a client. As you watch it, reflect on and answer the following questions. Use the readings from this module to support your answers. 

Why was it important for Jerry Mcguire to clarify what his client needs from the start of the conversation?
Why are Jerry’s feelings and beliefs so important? Why is it so important to be able to communicate these to the client (Rod) and get the client (Rod) to communicate it to Jerry? 
What important elements should Jerry consider when attempting to develop a relationship with Rod? How does Jerry maintain the relationship with Rod after the call?

solved You’ve made it to the final stage of the iShirt

You’ve made it to the final stage of the iShirt campaign proposal! Cherie has asked you  to create a set of persuasive voice annotated slides to present to Mr. Cook and the  Board of Directors. The presentation will be used to earn approval for the iShirt  campaign! Instructions: Please create a PowerPoint presentation to earn buy-in from senior management. Key  elements of the presentation will include: • PowerPoint deck with eight (8) slides – Slide 1 should be an introduction page, and slides 2-7 will cover each phase, and slide 8 should be a set of concluding  thoughts. • Voice annotate on each slide – Every slide should include voice annotation. • Refer to the video in Readings and Resources for instructions on adding voice  annotations to your PowerPoint. 

solved In this assignment, you will create a graph to show

In this assignment, you will create a graph to show a data set. Submit your graph as well as a short paragraph explaining the information.  takes you to a table on the National Institute of Health website.
Choose a set of data from the table that you find interesting and represent the data in a graph. It’s recommended to choose about 5 to 10 data points for this assignment, but you may choose more if you’d like. Create either a bar, circle or line graph. Choose the graph type that best represents the data you are showing. Use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or an online graph maker. Here are a few example websites:

solved First paragraph Identify yourself. Address to a party/client Write that

First paragraph 

Identify yourself.
Address to a party/client
Write that this is a preservation notice. 
2-3 sentences describing the claim.

Second paragraph 

ESI Scope

Date rate
Type of data: i.e. design of the tablet, testing of NMIR, communication regarding previous injuries, etc…
ex : « I want to collect email from custodian A from Jan 2020 to Jan 2021 »

Third paragraph 

FRCP 34 = preservation rule
Suspension of retention policy
Failure to preserve..FRCP37
« You know we have a duty to preserve, if not presented there could be a sanction »


Representative to answer further questions.
ex « Thank you very much, please let me know if I can answer any questions and I hope I provided information that you need »

solved Five Paragraph Essay Two- Compare and Contrast In Suzanne Britt’s

Five Paragraph Essay Two- Compare and Contrast
In Suzanne Britt’s “Neat People vs. Sloppy People” and Dave Barry’s “Batting Clean-Up and Striking Out,” both authors examine just how intricate human relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there.  Examine the differences and the similarities between the two texts and determine who has the funnier essay and why. 

Your essay needs to be five paragraphs in length. 
It needs to be in a point-by-point structure. 
You need proper MLA formatting
You need to use the correct in-text citation for your evidence. 
You need a works cited page with an entry for each of the essays.  
You need to demonstrate organizational skills like transitions, transitional sentences, parallelism, etc.   

solved 1) Provide an example of a decision you will make

1) Provide an example of a decision you will make (or have made) and how following the decision making steps as explained by the Business Insider article could (or would have) helped, and
2) Explain specific ways that you could apply at least two ideas from the “How Senior Executives Find Time to be Creative” article to being more creative at work. (attached doc file)
3) Think about some of the interactions you’ve had with people from another country. Look at your home country’s Hofstede cultural value scores (p. 80 of the textbook) and those of the other country you (or someone you know) deals with regularly. How can you interpret these interactions in light of these scores?

solved Think of a company including a catchy name and a

Think of a company including a catchy name and a product or service. Complete the following parts.
Part I – Answer the following items in a paragraph (8-10 sentences per paragraph) form:

What is the name of the company and what product or service does your company offer? (1 paragraph)
Describe the Market Segmentation for your product/service. (2 paragraphs)
Describe the Positioning Strategy for your product/service. (2 paragraphs)

Part II

Draw and describe the Perceptual Mapping for your product/service. (1 picture and 1 paragraph)
What is the Entry Strategy for your product/service? (2 paragraphs)
Describe the Product Lifecycle Management (1 paragraph)
Brand Equity Management (1 paragraph)
Product Line Management (1 paragraph)

Part III

Write a one page abstract summary