solved I Need your help to write a proposal for Glaucoma

I Need your help to write a proposal for Glaucoma clinic run by clinical pharmacist , please see the attached for example of uveitis clinic that may inspire you in writing the proposal for Glaucoma clinic , the glaucoma clinic will be helpful for monitoring the patients and increase the adherence of medication , also auto switch anti glaucoma drops in case out of stock medication , allergy of medications or if the patients faced any side effects in addition to order prescription refills for the some articles that may help…………

solved You have done a lot of work in your task

You have done a lot of work in your task force on the disaster situation. Let’s build on this a bit to start communicating out to your community. In this activity, you are going to represent a leader in your field (Public Administration Program City Manager) who needs to tweet an urgent preparedness message about the impending disaster to your social media network. On a piece of paper or a word processing document, list the first ten things that come to mind that your community should be prepared for.Now that you have made your list, select the most urgent one. Then compose a tweet to communicate a preparedness message on this urgent issue to your community. Remember that tweets must be no more than 280 characters, so choose your words carefully.

solved Compare and contrast the AHIMA Code of Ethics with the

Compare and contrast the AHIMA Code of Ethics with the AAPC Code of Ethics. with Assess the ethical professional standards of practice and present your finding in the PowerPoint presentation described below:Prepare a PowerPoint presentation as a training tool for professionals to advocate the ethics to ensure compliance. Your target audience will be employees in an Health Information Management Deptartment at a hospital or clinic. You will be training them regarding professional ethics. The PowerPoint needs to be over 10 slides and cover the similarities and differences between the two professions ethics. Give at least one example of compliance to one of the organizations code of ethics and cite your sources on the last slide.

solved I’m working on a social science writing question and need

I’m working on a social science writing question and need support to help me learn.

Find an article published in a major newspaper (such as the New York Times, the Arizona Republic, the Washington Post, or the Huffington Post) that presents public opinion on government or a national policy issue.  The article should be recent, no more than a year old, and can refer to public opinion, or be an editorial piece that reflects an opinion.  Write a paragraph (no more than 10 sentences) that identifies what the opinion expressed is and addresses the following questions:  Do you feel that the opinion is clearly stated?  Does it appear to be supported by facts and good research?  Does it seem biased?   Did it help you to better understand an issue?

solved I need support with this Law question so I can

I need support with this Law question so I can learn better.

Communication SkillsChris works as a paralegal in a busy office. He tries to talk to clients when they call and to pass along information from the client to the supervising attorney, but sometimes he forgets. On one such occasion, a client called Chris because she was unable to talk to the attorney. The client called with vital information that the attorney needed regarding an important aspect of the case. Unfortunately, Chris failed to pass the information along. Based upon the chapter reading, along with any Model Rules, discuss the importance of communication skills with the client. How can you help or instruct Chris to ensure that he passes along the information in a timely fashion?

solved I’m working on a history report and need a sample

I’m working on a history report and need a sample draft to help me study.

This will be very simple. I want you to choose an interest group for your paper. I want you to write a one page double spaced paper that is MLA formatted simply describing the basics. Which interest group did you choose, why did you choose it. Some basic background information like what types of policies do they represent, whether or not they tend to endorse candidates. This assignment is not binding. I will not require you to write your project on the group that you chose today, all I want is to know that you have started to do the research to complete this assignment. All this assignment is asking you is to demonstrate that you have started the research for your project.

solved Research and find any free organizational culture quiz. Some free

Research and find any free organizational culture quiz. Some free quiz sites are provided below, but feel free to search and use your own quiz.Culture Quiz (Links to an external site.)What’s Your Organizational Culture? (Links to an external site.)Take the quiz and then copy/paste your results into a Word document. In a one to two page document, answer the following questions:Discuss your learning experience impacted by the organizational culture quiz. Please specifically discuss/assess what you see as an ideal culture or a culture that is ideal for rapid change.Discuss how continuous improvement is impacting healthcare, banking, retail and/or government (choose one area). Merger of Lean and Six Sigma are interesting topics you can explore here.

solved use this online museum or and pick two

use this online museum or and pick two different artworks by two different artists– drawings, a painting, sculptures, etc. from the 19th or 20thCentury, describe why you feel the works are culturally significant, i.e. enriches our understanding of the world around us. Focus on three elements, line, color, and light, and discuss how these elements operate within the scope of the work and what meaning do you derive from this?write a 1000-word essay bio about the artist and background, citing at least 3 separate sources — i.e. gallery description of work, artist’s personal statement, any reviews of the piece, magazine articles and online citation, and Originality i.e. are your ideas new and engaging?

solved Reflect critically on any current events that might be relevant

Reflect critically on any current events that might be relevant to our subject matter, as well as your own views on the role of ethics in business. Each entry should be between 200 and 1000 words. The purpose of the journals is for you to think about things that happen in your everyday lives in a way that connects with our course topic.The journals need to contain reflections on topics that intersect your course directly or tangentially. When writing about articles, TV, or movies, write about the ideas, do not summarize —I want your ideas Course topics are foundational issues ( does ethics make sense, managing to be ethical) and systems of moral evaluation ( utilitarianism, virtual ethics and recommendations, caring as an ethical perspective)

solved In roughly 750 words, write a PUNCHY, CRUNCHY, CONCRETE &

In roughly 750 words, write a PUNCHY, CRUNCHY, CONCRETE & TIGHT newspaperOPINION column that starts like this:”The modern day media mogul we should be most worried about is _____That’s because …… …….. ……… ……… ……… ……………… ………. “Please explain who the mogul is and explain in detail WHAT media, platforms andassets their companies own and explain the % market penetration of thesecompanies, stations, platforms and media assets.Use concrete numbers, percentages, statistics, facts and figures to explain thescope of the mogul’s operations.Please explain in detail the nature of your concerns.Paragraphs are 2-3 sentences MAX.Assignment 700 wordsThe person you will be talking about for the paper is Mark Zuckerburg