solved ASSIGNMENT 1: Defining behaviorBehavior:Behavior is anything that an organism does.

ASSIGNMENT 1: Defining behaviorBehavior:Behavior is anything that an organism does. It is observable and can be measured.Topographical definition of behavior:The topography of a behavior is the form or the shape of the behavior. This means that you define the behavior in terms of what it looks like. The behavior should be defined clearly enough so that it can be observed and measured. Avoid use of emotional, subjective terms when giving a topographical definition. (hint: avoid adjectives)Poor example:Behavior: impoliteDefinition: Jason is impolite.Good example:Good example:Behavior: interrupting.Definition: Jayson speaks while other people are talking.ActivityIdentify 5 behaviors that you engage in.Write a topographical definition of each behavior

solved I’m working on a music question and need support to

I’m working on a music question and need support to help me study.

-How did the Beatles evolve as song writers? What were some of the new influences they brought to rock and roll? How did their music move from a “singles” based approach to songs to a focus upon the LP, or whole album?-How did the San Francisco counter-culture affect music performance and broadcasting?-Briefly describe the evolution of James Brown’s music from the 1950s through the late 1960s. How did his music evolve, and how did his lyrical subject matter change?-Describe one roll of a producer that we have discussed this unit. Name one of the producers and how they fulfilled that roll.-Identify some of the important qualities inherent in the “power trios” of the late 1960s

solved The task consists of two parts, python code, and a

The task consists of two parts, python code, and a written report.You will need to:o Define a relevant business problem based on the dataset by using PYTHON·Use visualisation types to analyze the data (you may use other types in addition to the types(Density plot and radar plot), but you must use these two types).·For example, you think that the data could be better represented using a stream graph. You may use stream graph in addition to density and radar plot, but you must use at least density and radar plot in your analysis.o Discuss whether the density and radar visualisation types are best for your analysis and if not – explain which types would have a better fit.·Carefully explain your conclusions: what insight does your analysis bring?

solved I’m working on a writing project and need a sample

I’m working on a writing project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Watch the HBO documentary Capturing the Friedman’s. (I can provide it)
Include the following in the paper:
1. Brief summary of the documentary. 
2. Identify important factors that occurred in the film.
3. How are those factors related to child abuse and neglect?
4. How do you think the police handled the matter?                                                                                                                      
5. What can you gather based on what you know about child abuse and neglect as it relates to the police style of interviewing?  

solved 1. Explain why the required rate of return on a

1. Explain why the required rate of return on a firm’s assets must be equal to the weighted average cost of capital associated with its liabilities and equity.
2. Which is easier to calculate directly, the expected rate of return on the assets of a firm or the expected rate of return on the firm’s debt and equity? Assume that you are an outsider to the firm.

3. What factors must a financial manager consider when making decisions about accounts receivable?

4. List some of the working capital management practices you would expect to see in a manufacturing company following just-in-time inventory practices.

5. Define underpricing, and explain why the majority of IPOs are underpriced. What role do investment banks play in the price-setting process?

solved I’m working on a management case study and need support

I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me learn.

 1. Which traits, skills, and behaviors associated with successful leaders does Grace possess? Are there characteristics she could enhance to improve her leadership ability? 
2. Why did Grace have problems making changes and maintaining discipline when she first was promoted to a position that required leadership? 
3. Analyze Grace’s leadership situation in terms of her sources of power: Are there types of power she couldn’t or shouldn’t use? What types of power could she draw on, and how could she use those types to greatest effect? 
4. Are there substitutes for leadership present in this situation? What neutralizers must Grace overcome to be an effective leader?

solved Can you help me understand this Management question? You have

Can you help me understand this Management question?

You have recently assumed the role of job analyst at a regional hospital located in NC and have been tasked with preparing job descriptions (including specifications) for everyone in the hospital’s care management department.  The care coordination manager has scoffed at your request to complete the job analysis questionnaire you developed.  She laughed, said she didn’t have time for such nonsense, and walked away. Explain how you would handle this situation. What information/arguments might you use to persuade her to change her mind? If you are unable to convince her to change her mind, how would you collect the job analysis information needed to develop the position’s job description?

solved 1. Discuss how the philosophical principles that you have learned

1. Discuss how the philosophical principles that you have learned in this course, especially as they relate to critical thinking skills, are a critical component to one’s development personally, professionally, and educationally.  Use at least one scholarly research source that directly backs up your thesis using full APA standards at the end of your essay.
2. Discuss how lack of self-knowledge and self-confidence makes you or others you know more vulnerable to fallacious reasoning.  Use specific examples showcasing what you have learned from this course to demonstrate how you would solve a common problem you would experience in the workplace with critical thought applied to your decision making and fallacious reasoning would stand in your way.

solved Hello,I have provided the paper outline that was approved for

Hello,I have provided the paper outline that was approved for my paper, along with the information about the assignment. There is an excel document with the data and an article. Please read all of the info doc (with the requirements) and outline, then watch the video from the link provided in the info doc. Any help with writing the paper is appreciated. Any references used I need to be able to access. Please do not use references that I can not view. I have never submitted anything like this before with so many sources to pull from. I think the hardest part is the link analysis. I have never done one. I also have never had to evaluate evidence for an investigation. I am familiar with internal controls. Let me know if you have any other questions.

solved Good afternoon! I need someone to fill out this worksheet

Good afternoon! I need someone to fill out this worksheet for my marketing class. the project description is, “Within this project, you will be responsible for selecting a city and providing convincing rationale for expansion of your assigned professional sports league. Listed below are the areas that must be addressed within the written paper and presentation” it might take about an hour but It is not a hard project at all. As you can see we need to pick a sports league and a city and we are choosing San Antonio Texas as place, and Football as sport. Let me know if you have any questions! thank you! Also please make sure any links that are used are placed at the bottom of the document that I am able to click on and view so there are no problems.