solved For this reflection, please write about something that makes you

For this reflection, please write about something that makes you either hopeful or grateful (or both!). This can be related to math class, to college, or to life in general. It’s been too easy to think of bad or sad things this past year, so I want you to think of good things. Please write a paragraph minimum (as much as you want maximum!). Side note: Thinking of three things every day that you are grateful for will actually re-wire your brain over time to think more positively! Try this for a few days — when you first wake up, think of three things you are grateful for. Like REALLY think about them: what they are, why you are grateful for them, what they have allowed you to do, how they make your life better. Write it down in a notebook even!

solved I need an explanation for this Writing question to help

I need an explanation for this Writing question to help me study.

see directions for submitting assignments and reflections on page 6 of the “CD106 Expectation and Reminders” documentPlease make sure to review the highlighted section on page 6 of the “CD106 Expectationd and Reminders” document.CD 106Assignment for Week 1 – Handbooks1. Review the Staff Handbook. It is posted in this module. Briefly comment and evaluate this document. Note on what is expected of you. This part should be about ¾ of a page. 2. Read the Parent Handbook. It is posted in this module. Briefly comment and evaluate this document. Note on what is expected of you. This part should be about ¾ of a page. Reflection for Week 1There is no reflection due this week.

solved I’m working on a social science question and need support

I’m working on a social science question and need support to help me learn.

RESPONSE GUIDELINESView and comment on the presentations of at least two of your peers. Share helpful feedback with them regarding their presentations. In each response, critically think about the strategic plan and organization described by your peer.Which of the points your peer described from the organization’s strategic plan seem to be the most significant for his or her action research?Speculate as to why these points might be significant.Give an example of a significant point from your chosen organization’s strategic plan for your own Action Research Project that might assist your peer.Student post down below:…

solved Force More Powerful, Part 2. This video is part Force More Powerful, Part 2. This video is part 2 of the “A Force More Powerful” series the second episode , you will see the use of nonviolent conflict resolution methods in Denmark , Poland , and Chile to bring about what the ” people ” wanted . You are required to view the video for this activity and then follow the instructions below. ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS : 1. View the video A Force More Powerful , Part 2 2. Write a 350-500 word essay that:1. lists three items from the video one item from each case in the video — that you consider most interesting and explain why you selected these choices .2. stating what part of each case you think could have resulted in failure if not handled properly .

solved In this assignment, we read Chinua Achebe’s story, “Civil Peace.”

In this assignment, we read Chinua Achebe’s story, “Civil Peace.” And you will practice “reader response.”For each question below, answer in a short paragraph. Be sure to explain and give examples and quotes from the story.How does this story connect to YOU as an individual?How does this story relate to Indian culture or background? Is there anything similar? Or does it clash with the culture’s views?What did you learn about the situation in Nigeria at the time?What is your opinion of the main character, Jonathan Iwegbu? Do you respect him? Do you think he is strong? Weak? Explain your response.What is your opinion of Achebe’s writing style?You don’t need to write 1000 words but just give full answers to the questions in detail.

solved Chapter 7 – Leader-Member Exchange Emails, Text, and Other Electronic

Chapter 7 – Leader-Member Exchange Emails, Text, and Other Electronic Communication in the Workplace.1. How does electronic messaging improve the relationship quality between leaders and followers in the workplace?2. How does electronic messaging undermine the relationship quality between leaders and followers in the workplace? 3. Discuss communication behaviors (such as expressing gratitude, praising team members clarifying differences of opinion, etc.) can be communicated effectively through technology to build or maintain workplace relationships.4. Which behaviors tend to erode the follower’s respect for the leader? 5. Share examples of how electronic messaging erodes the integrity of the leader? write an answer the with at least 600 words

solved Question 1If your organization were contemplating using a team-based approach

Question 1If your organization were contemplating using a team-based approach to increase productivity and reduce cost, what training issues would the organization likely face? How could the organization address these issues?Question 2Using Feldman’s three-stage model of organizational socialization (anticipatory socialization, encounter, and change and acquisition), how would you describe the way you were socialized into an organization where you have worked? How well does the model fit your experience? Having read about the model, what recommendations would you offerQuestion 3 What is the supervisor’s role in employee orientation? What could be done to convince or encourage a skeptical supervisor to fulfill this role in the organization?

solved Review the situation and conduct scholarly research on employment law.

Review the situation and conduct scholarly research on employment law. Upon review of the given business situation, create an infographic that evaluates employment law utilizing both federal and state regulations (students should use their own state of residence regulations for the project). Address the following:
Distinguish between full-time, part-time, at-will, and contract employment statuses, and state which status reflects your employment position in this company.

What federal, state and international laws explain the rights, responsibilities and protections of employees and employers in the employment relationship?

What are the property rights of employees and employers for inventions as provided in federal intellectual property laws?

solved Implementing effective collaboration practices can help educators break down possible

Implementing effective collaboration practices can help educators break down possible barriers and build relationships with students, families, colleagues, and community members. Understanding the characteristics and components of effective collaboration techniques is the precursor to being able to implement them.
Part 1: Components in Collaboration Matrix

For this part of the assignment, complete Part 1 of the “Key Components in Collaboration and Consultations Template.” Summarize each key component of collaboration, based on information from your topic readings. In addition, explain how the key components tie into general and special education teachers’ roles and responsibilities to support the learning for individuals with disabilities.

solved You have helped me write the SRP 1 and SRP

You have helped me write the SRP 1 and SRP 2, now it’s time for the SRP 3. Those three assignments are connected with each other. I have attached SRP 1 and SRP 2 below. The first attachment is SRP 1, the second attachment is SRP 2, the third attachment is my professor’s comment on SRP 2. The fourth attachment is the requirement and rubric of this assignment. Please read the requirement carefully. You will submit either a table of your data or an excel spreadsheet of your data, as well as a word document that describes the results. The word document should be no longer than 2 pages (double spaced). That means you have to do two things: 1). a table or an excel of date. 2). The two pages result. Please let me know asap if you have any questions.