solved Go to the Strategy Club website and review the Sample

Go to the Strategy Club website and review the Sample Strategic Plan for Sanderson Farm, 2020 (Attached). This sample strategic plan is an example of what your completed strategic case analysis should look like at the end of the course.Perform a Financial Ratio Analysis on the Starbucks Corporation. Complete the following:Use the pertinent data on the completed Historical Ratios Table on the Starbucks Corporation (Attached).In 500-750 words, prepare a report of the research information being sure to discuss what the findings mean regarding strategy creation.Be sure to cite three to five relevant and credible sources in support of your content. Use only sources found at the GCU Library, corporate websites, or those provided in Topic Materials.

solved opportunity for students to assess what they learned this semester

opportunity for students to assess what they learned this semester regarding public speaking. Particularly, each student will discuss the major public speaking aspect or concept that has had the most impact on her/him. Students should explain what the concept is, how it has applied to/impacted them (using specific examples), and give a strong conclusion. Chapter 16: Speaking to
Persuade. I will attach the book >>> – my topic is chapter 16 an outline is required, Identify your topic or thesis statement. Decide what points you would like to discuss during your paper. Put your points in logical, numerical order so that each point connects back to your main point. Write possible transitions between paragraphs.

solved Share one negotiation situation you’ve experienced, and discuss it using

Share one negotiation situation you’ve experienced, and discuss it using some of the terminology and concepts discussed in this week’s material.Here are some sample questions you might touch on:Did you realize the interaction was a negotiation as you engaged in it? Or was it one of those situations which seemed, at the time, to be something else (a conversation, an argument, a debate, a fight, etc.)?How would you describe your intuitive approach or style to dealing with the situation?At any point, did you make a conscious choice to work in a way that was different than your intuitive style? If so, were you able to implement your decision?How did elements of engaging / avoiding, and of competing / cooperating, play out in this negotiation?

solved I need support with this Sociology question so I can

I need support with this Sociology question so I can learn better.

Read through the following questions and answer one of them in your journal.

1. Define social change and discuss the four social revolutions. Define modernization.

2. Summarize Marx’s dialectical process of historical change.

3. Define and discuss the three processes of social change, according to Charles Ogburn, providing at least one example of each. Define cultural lag, and explain its effects on culture.

4. What are postindustrial (postmodern) societies? Discuss the role of computers in education, business and finance, and warfare. Discuss two concerns that some people have about computers.

5. What is environmental sociology? List and discuss its nine key principles.

solved I need an explanation for this Business question to help

I need an explanation for this Business question to help me study.

Explain how Key Risk Indicators assist companies in identifying emerging risks. Select a company other than Intuit and provide examples of how KRIs would be useful.Explain how Key Performance Indicators help companies to manage existing risks. Select a company other than Intuit and identify at least three KPIs unique to their business. Explain how the KPIs can assist the company in managing risks specifically related to their company/industry.What is the effect of not measuring performance of an ERM program on the overall quality of the program?How can the Board of Directors be confident in the information reported on management’s progress in responding to significant risks?

solved Question 1If your organization were contemplating using a team-based approach

Question 1If your organization were contemplating using a team-based approach to increase productivity and reduce cost, what training issues would the organization likely face? How could the organization address these issues?Question 2Using Feldman’s three-stage model of organizational socialization (anticipatory socialization, encounter, and change and acquisition), how would you describe the way you were socialized into an organization where you have worked? How well does the model fit your experience? Having read about the model, what recommendations would you offerQuestion 3What is the supervisor’s role in employee orientation? What could be done to convince or encourage a skeptical supervisor to fulfill this role in the organization?

solved Discussion Ageism is a concept introduced decades ago and is

Discussion Ageism is a concept introduced decades ago and is defined as “the prejudices and stereotypes that are applied to older people sheerly on the basis of their age…” (Butler, Lewis, & Sutherland, 1991).What are some common misconceptions you have heard or believed about older adults? What can you do to dispel these myths?For all DQs: Please abide by APA 7th edition format in your writing. Answers should be 2-3 Paragraphs made up of 3-4 sentences each, at least 250 words (more or less) in length. AND, please use your assigned textbook as, at least, one reference, or 10 points will be deducted.Textbook:Eliopoulos, Charlotte; Gerontological Nursing (9th Ed. 2018). Lippincott Williams & WilkinsISBN: 978-0-06-000038-7 (9780060000387)

solved I’m working on a anthropology discussion question and need a

I’m working on a anthropology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Here are the three articles:
Article 1:
Haour, A. (2005). Power and permanence in precolonial Africa: A case study from the Central Sahel. World Archaeology, 37(4), 552-565. Retrieved from the JSTOR database.
Article 2:
Buriel, R. (1993). Childrearing orientations in Mexican American families: The influence of generation and sociocultural factors. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55(4), 987-987. Retrieved from the
ProQuest database.
Article 3:
Adams, T. M., & Fuller, D. B. (2006). The words have changed but the ideology remains the same: Misogynistic lyrics in rap music. Journal of Black Studies, 36(6), 938-957. Retrieved from the JSTOR database. 

solved PurposeThe purpose of this discussion board is to share your

PurposeThe purpose of this discussion board is to share your thoughts and ideas for the Final Project. You are encouraged to interact with your classmates to generate ideas.DirectionsPlease include the following in your initial post:The final project format option you are consideringYour idea for your projectWhy you think that your idea is awesomeAfter your initial post, please respond to at least two classmates with friendly advice and suggestions for their projects.It’s important to note that you can still change your mind and use another idea for your official Final Project Proposal, which is not due until our next module, Module 3.Your participation in this discussion will be a valuable experience as you begin to plan your final project.

solved Option #2: Harvard Business Review: Should You Listen to the

Option #2: Harvard Business Review: Should You Listen to the Customer?Read the case study: Should You Listen to the Customer. Write a paper in which you analyze the process of gathering information and collecting marketing research. Use Delacroix as your example and make a case for and against the use of marketing research and consumer input. Defend both Nataslia’s and Elizabeth’s perspectives. Nataslia, the executive director, believes that artistic considerations should drive the type of dance offered by Delacroix Elizabeth, the newly hired marketing director, believes much more customer input should be considered when deciding on the offering. When siding with Elizabeth, explain different ways of gathering market research from customers.