solved I’m working on a english question and need support to

I’m working on a english question and need support to help me understand better.

Please provide with short answers to the following two questions based on your readings of the introduction (part I) of the Odyssey, and Plain Style.1/What
is the so-called Homeric Question and what is the main debate between
the Analytic and the Unitarian schools? (In your introduction.) Write
about 100-200 words.2//Please list the main three purposes of italics in a text. In other words, which are the main three reasons for italicizing words?Then explain the difference between titles that appear in italics and
titles in quotation marks. Is there a specific difference between the
two or is up to writer to put titles in whichever typographic style she

solved 200 words each subjects.1.Family Social ProblemsWhat do you think are

200 words each subjects.1.Family Social ProblemsWhat do you think are the three most important social problems facing families today? Do you think these issues will be resolved in the next twenty years? Why or why not?2.The Private vs. Public Nature of HealthYour book addresses the public and private nature of child vaccination. What other examples of personal health troubles can become a public health issue? Can and should a society force its members to follow personal health guidelines for the benefit of the well-being of the group?3.Populations in the FutureIn your opinion what present-day social changes will impact communities in the future? What actions must be taken today to ensure that the global population has a better tomorrow?

solved The Effects of ChangeEach week, you will be asked to

The Effects of ChangeEach week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 300+ words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. This week you learned about change and how this may affect the workplace. We are often faced with decisions based on change and, as leaders, we often encounter resistance from those on our team.Assume the role of a manager who is faced with an organizational restructure. This restructure will result in team members moving to and from your department. Explain how you will establish corporate culture among your new team. Furthermore, discuss how you will help your team with the transition.

solved YOUR PERSONAL MASKUsing any material of your own choosing, create

YOUR PERSONAL MASKUsing any material of your own choosing, create a mask that represents YOU (family, culture, skills, talents).You can use construction paper, plastic, fabric, Paper Mache, etc. Think about the following:Composition: Symmetry or Asymmetry – arrangements of line, shape and form.Texture: Smooth, rough, etc.Shape and Color: Will your mask be a big mask or a passport mask? Will the shape be circular, oval, rectangular, elongated…?WRITING ASSIGNMENTWrite a 1-2 page rationale for designing your own personal mask. Include a description of the shape, materials, colors, patterns, and what you are trying to symbolize by this mask. (FOR THIS MASK IM SYMBOLIZING AFRICAN HERITAGE.)so you can writeabout African heritage and mask.

solved…Ted Talk Notes Name:____________________…Ted Talk Notes Name:________________________Speaker’s name and title of Ted Talk: ___________________________Date:___________________________Write a few paragraphs of analysis of what the argument is in this Ted Talk or video presentation. What logical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) does the speaker use the most? Define what the appeals mean and show how they are used. Then, what evidence can you supply to support your analysis of these appeals? What is the purpose of this presentation? Did the speaker change your mind on whatever issue is being discussed? If so, why, and if not, why not? Overall, what is your estimation of this speaker’s presentation and why? answer in this form

solved Assignment ContentLog on to the City of Scottsdale website, and

Assignment ContentLog on to the City of Scottsdale website, and click the About PD tab.Review the Current PD Strategic Plan.Click on Crime Statistics under Police Information on the home page, and review the 2017 UCR Highlights and the 2017 Crime Clock.Write a 700-word evaluation that assesses the strategic plan from the Scottsdale Police Department.Include the following in your evaluation:Components of SWOT analysis presentTechnology and/or social media addressedFutures (predictions) used in planJustifications and assumptions for strategies are adequately articulatedMeasures support and ensures follow-through and implementation of strategiesPotential limitations or challenges with planFormat your evaluation according to APA guidelines.

solved Topic 1: Read the required reading. Review the Determinants of

Topic 1: Read the required reading. Review the Determinants of Health website and view the short video and content.…For this discussion you will identify and define determinants of health for an individual or family population at risk including social, environmental and global factors as applicable. How you approach the discussion is your choice. You may choose a condition or topic first then elaborate from there, while including the population characteristics and determinants of health. Alternatively you may choose to define a specific population, such a rural Appalachian single mothers, and then address risks and the determinants of health.APA 7th Edition3 References Nursing Question

solved I’m working on a business law discussion question and need

I’m working on a business law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Listen to this audio on Concourse. Provide at least 4 quality annotations, as well as engage with peers in addressing questions. 
Comment made by peer, which need to be answered or addressed: 
Time in Audio: 2:15
I don’t understand why they don’t have to prove that the land can be used for public benefits. I can understand why you will take my home if you can prove to me that it can benefit the public overall, but if you can’t then it is not fair to take my land. I know that eminent domain allows the government to do this, but there should be proof.
You can find the podcast here:…

solved Ch. 5. P.74Stop & Think: Conflict and YouWhat did you

Ch. 5. P.74Stop & Think: Conflict and YouWhat did you learn as a child about dealing with disagreement and conflict? Haveyou developed other ideas as an adult?When a conflict arises with a colleague ora family member of a child in your program, what are your first emotional responses?What techniques do you use when you find yourself in a situation of disagreement or conflict over what to do as an early childhood professional? The disagreement might be about a child, a specificactivity or part of the curriculum, or an area of ABE you think isWhat kinds of disagreements or conflicts are more difficult for you to address? Why do you think that is so?What techniques would you like to be able to use in situations of disagreement or conflict?

solved Considerando tanto las características del ensayo y la estructura del

Considerando tanto las características del ensayo y la estructura del mismo, te invitamos a escribir uno. Para comenzar, este proceso podría consistir en: 

Ensayo poético o literario 
Ensayo analítico – crítico 
Ensayo argumentativo. 
Portada: es la primera hoja, corresponde a la presentación del ensayo. Indicar:  título o tema del ensayo, autor, lugar y fecha.  
Introducción: es el 10% del ensayo y abarca más o menos media hoja. Está compuesta de tres partes, un párrafo para cada una de ellas. La justificación de por qué se escogió el tema del ensayo. 
Desarrollo: constituye el 80% del ensayo; abarcaremos más o menos 3 páginas. En él va todo el tema desarrollado: ¡ten en cuenta lo estudiado!Â