solved You are called to the room and find Michael 2

You are called to the room and find Michael 2 hours old has been very irritable and spitting up large amounts of formula. He is very jittery. You do not know the maternal history before coming into the room so you advise the mother that you would like to return the baby to the nursery for an assessment and monitoring. In the medical record you focus on prenatal history. You witness the baby having some significant tremors. What would you suspect? Michaels VS are: T (axillary) – 36.0, RR- 70, HR- 166, he is very alert, irritable, and does not console easily. Is moving constantly, and sucking very vigorous on the pacifier you provide for comfort. You place the baby under the warmer and obtain what labs?undefinedNeonatal Abstinence Syndrom

solved Discussion 1 Define the concept of seniority and merit pay

Discussion 1 Define the concept of seniority and merit pay plans, including the strengths and limitations of such plans within an organization. Discuss the job, organizational and/or other factors that should be considered when deciding between the two. Discussion 2 Incentive Pay PlansDiscuss how incentive pay plans – both individual and group – motivate employees to achieve high levels of performance. Identify potential weaknesses of these plans and suggest steps that can be taken to make these plans highly effective. Then, choose one industry that either an individual or group incentive pay plan would work best providing support for your reasoning (using personal examples to illustrate your point if possible). Explain your answer.

solved Ting Articles:After reading the two articles on clinical social worker

Ting Articles:After reading the two articles on clinical social worker responses to client suicide attempts by Ting and colleagues, discuss the issues below in relation to each article using headings to organize your post. Make sure that you clearly indicate where you discuss the quantitative Ting article and where you discuss the qualitative Ting article by using headings.Describe the study participants (how many, basic demographics, etc.).How did the authors collect the data?How did they obtain consent?What were the potential risks to the participants?Who does the study benefit – the participants or others? Explain.Discuss what you think are the benefits and disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative research based on the articles.

solved Week 4 Discussion Question #1 due by SundayChapter 13 discusses

Week 4 Discussion Question #1 due by SundayChapter 13 discusses The Steps in Getting The Picture. Describe a situation in which the presenting problem was only a symptom of the real problem using these steps. Be sure to include the three different layers of analysis (211 – 213):What is the understanding of the technical or business problem?What are other individuals or groups doing to cause or maintain the problem? What are they doing that limits the possibilities?How is the client (manager) contributing to the problem?See pages 207 – 209 for 16 areas that can be explored. Remember to post your response to this discussion question and respond to another student’s posting for full credit.THE BOOK IS FLAWLESS CONSULTING BY PETER BLOCK

solved Explain in your own words the information security concerns that

Explain in your own words the information security concerns that exist in protecting the United States’ national infrastructure.
Describe why the oil and gas industries are prime targets for cyber criminals—?more so than other infrastructures—?and state whether or not you agree and why.
Conclude why there is a need to regulate SCADA and industrial control systems and why there is concern that this is not being dealt with appropriately.
Using the Strayer library or the Internet, find an article that either supports the need for regulating SCADA or that discusses a recent attack. Discuss how this article validates the need for tighter controls.
Use the Internet to locate at least three quality resources for use in this assignment.

solved You are working as a nurse supervisor. You are finding

You are working as a nurse supervisor. You are finding a lot of new nurses are unfamiliar with certain endocrine disorders. You have decided to put together a guide for these nurses to educate them on different endocrine diseases and provide them with ways to provide quality multidimensional care.InstructionsCompare and contrast two endocrine disorders within the guide. Include the following information:Identify and compare the causes and diagnostic tests.Identify and compare the signs and symptoms of the disorder.Describe the nurses’ role in caring for a patient that suffers from this disorder to include the multidimensional aspects of nursing care.Identify how you will evaluate responses to the interventions taken for each disorder.

solved I’m working on a Writing exercise and need support. Early

I’m working on a Writing exercise and need support.

Early childhood education policy has been discussed at great length. You will apply that information in a case scenario.
As an early childhood professional, you have been asked to speak to a group of state policy makers about early childhood education issues in your state.

Identify five current trends or issues impacting early childhood education in your state.
For each trend/issue, identify research that would provide insight into a solution for the issue.
Determine a brief policy recommendation for each of the five trends/issues.
Present the trends/issues, research, and policy recommendations in a 1-2 page document that can be used as a speech appropriate for State policy makers.

solved Review the work that you have done in the last

Review the work that you have done in the last two weeks, making sure that each cell in the matrix is completed.
Create your reference list, including books and methodological articles on each area. You can use the ones listed in the Learning Resources and search for your own as well.
Write a 2- to 3-page narrative. In your narrative, be sure to respond to the following:
Summarize what you have learned about the similarities and differences among the approaches.
Describe how what you’ve learned by developing the matrix has allowed you to choose the approach that you plan to use for your research plan in this course.
Identify the approach you intend to use for your research question.
Describe your rationale for your choice of approach.

solved Your company is considering the development and launch of a

Your company is considering the development and launch of a product competitive to the ready-made Rice Krispy Treats. You are the Chief Marketing Officer and must evaluate this opportunity and launch the product if there is an opportunity.What are the primary considerations in making the decision to develop this product?Assuming the development of the product has been approved, what is the process you would recommend for product development to ensure a product that will be successful in the marketplace? In other words, what are the best practices for product development for this product?Now assume the product is launched, what does your department need to do to promote the success of the product throughout the entire product life-cycle?

solved Write a 5 page interview essay including reference page and

Write a 5 page interview essay including reference page and title page alone with APA format. Text: Times new roman size 12 double spaced. Reference the book title Service Marketing by author Jochen Wirtz; Christopher Lovelock. Also include another reference that supports information about RN nurses. My interview will be on a RN nurse.Write a 3 page, double-spaced paper in APA format that presents your findings as well as your own insights and perspectives of the employee’s answers in light of the concepts you learned in Chapter 11I accidentally added a second document that document question will be included toward the essay you can put what you feel will fit the question. also for the interview name can you please put the name Tagrid