solved Please provide the warehouse manager a summative report of the

Please provide the warehouse manager a summative report of the main points of focus you wish to communicate regarding the module experiences you just encountered. What realizations did you come to and when? Please respond with 200–300 words to the following questions:When scheduling production of your products, what were the key factors considered?Why is the reputation of an organization so important?How do your customers differ from one another?What are holding costs and why is it important to manage them?Based on your overall performance, what are your thoughts on your overall experience of the simulation program? Did application of the skills you have learned help you to maximize your ability to meet your customer needs?

solved I’m working on a english question and need support to

I’m working on a english question and need support to help me study.

Identify facility and equipment maintenance and cleaning duties that promote a safe exercise environment.2. Identify and explain the elements of negligence and their relationship to risk management.3. Identify modifiable risk factors of a facility. For this assignment students will reflect on the course learning outcomes listed above. The following components should be addressed in your writing assignment: Define and discuss negligence as well as the four components needed to be proven in a negligence case. Discuss the legal responsibilities that the personal trainer may face. Show knowledge of risk management and the manner in which it minimizes litigation.

solved Sun-mi Hwang’s The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly is,

Sun-mi Hwang’s The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly is, from the beginning, a story about hope and redemption. As we begin our two-part discussion on this beautiful novel, I want to invite you to offer your first impressions of the story. What are your thoughts on Sprout who first appears at the lowest of lows? What part does Straggler play in giving Sprout a sense of hope? What do you make of his sacrifice? What are your thoughts on motherhood?The first part of our discussion is to simply orient ourselves with regards to the book’s themes. Because you are writing a paper on this book, it is critical that you get a good toehold from the very beginning so that you can begin to think about formulating a written response. 250 words

solved Watch videos, read articles, and listen to podcasts (all of

Watch videos, read articles, and listen to podcasts (all of them) listed below. They cover topics discussed in lectures.Choose 1 of them to write a short report (title + 3-4 sentences maximum) summarizing the key points, in your own words, at the bottom of this page. Think of it as an elevator conversation. You run into a friend in the elevator and you want to tell them about the exciting article you just read. You want to convey the main idea, or the idea that struck you the most, in one minute! Force: 2. Forces acting on you: 3. Faults classification: Faults and folds—models of deformation:

solved I’m working on a sports management writing question and need

I’m working on a sports management writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The modern Olympic Games come with staggering financial figures. Why are the Olympics so costly to organize and manage? What are the sources of financing for the Olympics? What is the economic impact of the Olympics? How has the cost of the Olympics changed over the decades? Support your analysis with examples from the course text. 
Tchokogue, A., Nollet, J., & Beaulieu, L. (2017). Supply management for major sport events: The case of the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games. Revue Canadienne Des Sciences de l’Administration/Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 34(1), 7–18. Retrieved from 

solved Help me study for my English class. I’m stuck and

Help me study for my English class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

This discussion requires that you read The Epic of Gilgamesh and also watch the video “Invitation to World Literature – Gilgamesh.”Open this link and watch the video on The Epic of Gilgamesh.:…use this version of Gilgamesh:…read the questions below and respond in about 200 words:1. Which of the experts in the video was most useful to you in your overall understanding and appreciation of The Epic of Gilgamesh? Explain. Quote or paraphrase specific information given by the expert you liked. Use at least one quote from The Epic of Gilgamesh itself, too.

solved Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLYThe Assignment must be submitted

Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLYThe Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.Late submission will NOT be accepted.Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.Submissions without cover page will NOT be accepted.

solved 1st half of the assignment PROMPT: Select one artist from

1st half of the assignment
PROMPT: Select one artist from this chapter and write a two page paper compare and or contrast your creative process to the one artist you have selected. 

Two-pages, double-spaced, 12 point type
Title your document “Reconstruction – Narrative”
11/21, 11:59 pm

Janine Antoni
Cai Guo-Qiang
Kara Walker
Andrea Zittel
(For this assignment I will include my project for you to look at my process and compare to one of the four artist)
2nd half of the assignment:
Write a two page written response to the reading and include two quotes from the reading to substantiate your response. 
12 point type, double spaced
Title “The Mona Lisa Without a Mustache” (I will include the reading in the attachment)

solved I’m working on a health & medical question and need

I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Question #1
Research the history of public health nursing. What role does the government play in the health of its citizens? How involved should the government be in our health?
Question #2
Compare and contrast health care systems in the United States to other major post industrialized countries. What are the advantages/disadvantages to these systems?
Question #3: 
Identify one pivotal person who impacted the history of public health nursing. Make sure to include information about this person and explain ways they impacted public health nursing and how this was important to the development of public health nursing as it is understood today.

solved Using information that you have gleaned thus far, design three

Using information that you have gleaned thus far, design three (3) Before Reading strategies for developing anticipation and activating prior knowledge
Requirements: You must use three (3) different texts from the Text Set listed in your Thematic Unit Planning Guide for these three strategies. One of the three texts must be your Visual Literacy text. Identify each text and thoroughly describe what the strategy is and how it will be used with the students. Include the literacy and content area standards that are being addressed with each strategy. Include any handouts that will be used.  Use the Unit 3 Writing Assignment Template found in Canvas, expanding it as necessary. 
My subject area is PE/Health for 9th-12th grade.