I’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m stuck. Can you help?
1.Do you think only top managers (CEO, President, etc.) should prepare the company budget, or do you think all employees should have a say in the company budget? Why? Answer in couple sentencesÂ
2. Budgeting in corporate businesses is a team effort involving people from all organizational levels. Managers and individual contributors from every department do their part to provide information that company executives use to draft budget proposals. At the end of the day, members of the board of directors are ultimately responsible for approving or denying budget recommendations, but those recommendations result from work done throughout an organization.
solved I’m working on a english writing question and need an
/in /by adminI’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me study.
In order for the admissions team to become better acquainted with you, please submit a personal statement that:
       •       Describes what personal characteristics set your apart from others and how they will help you achieve success in your academic and professional goals
       •       Identifies your strengths and how you believe they will serve as an asset to your graduate studies
       •       Identifies your weaknesses and how you envision strengthening these areas
       •       Explains your experience working with individuals with diverse backgrounds, talents, and needs
solved I’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m
/in /by adminI’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m stuck. Can you help?
1.Do you think only top managers (CEO, President, etc.) should prepare the company budget, or do you think all employees should have a say in the company budget? Why? Answer in couple sentencesÂ
2. Budgeting in corporate businesses is a team effort involving people from all organizational levels. Managers and individual contributors from every department do their part to provide information that company executives use to draft budget proposals. At the end of the day, members of the board of directors are ultimately responsible for approving or denying budget recommendations, but those recommendations result from work done throughout an organization.
solved please read the “Making the Madisonian System Work: Case Studies
/in /by adminplease read the “Making the Madisonian System Work: Case Studies in Contemporary American Government†case study (the document is on course page via canvas). The reading includes 11 brief scenarios (some true and some fictitious). Please read each scenario and then select one of the scenarios. Using the scenario you selected, prepare an analytical analysis of 2-3 pages. Approach it from the perspective that you are the individual faced with the dilemma and formulate a strategy that you would utilize, along with a recommendation. Be sure to connect the material covered in the course, while also reflecting on your own sense of leadership style and decision making and how they apply to the scenario you chose to write about.
solved The main line is: At 2019 winter quarter, my grandpa
/in /by adminThe main line is: At 2019 winter quarter, my grandpa had a stroke back in China. I stay in the United States continue studying and I couldn’t go back to see him. He was very fragile and lay in icu every day. my grandpa raise me up and I am pretty close to him and I can’t go back to the country to see him because I’m still in school which led to the result I fucked up in that quarter. I don’t have the mood to study and I can not go back to home country. so this article is to present the condition in that period and pls make up some specific detail about me and my grandpa and using all the evidence to state that I need to metro withdraw 2019 winter quarter. all the detail of the stroke I put in the file u can look into it.
solved Success in my opinion is everything I have prayed for
/in /by adminSuccess in my opinion is everything I have prayed for and will continue to pray for every morning and night. I resided from the bottom of life so the only way is up that’s only you don’t want to become an static or get lost in those jail system, I went away for some years as a kid I called it school I educated myself and became GOD’S Son. I didn’t Care for Success at first really just day to day life now I’m older with children SUCCESS achieving my goals exiting off the buck-list is my motivation. One thing I know that’s a fact you will not became that successful in Life without an education. I have an Life Success Board in my room I’m now in my second semester of college gaining my degree is my key to SUCCESS.
solved Some countries around the world have specific laws about marketing
/in /by adminSome countries around the world have specific laws about marketing to children. In this country, however, we do not. After reading this fact sheet on marketing to children (Links to an external site.), please go to the Campaign for a Commercial-free Childhood (CCFC) website: commercialfreechildhood.org. Feel free to look around and see what they are about. Once you have done that click on â€Act” near the top of the homepage and then choose “campaign.” A whole list of articles should pop up, starting with, “Tell Mark Zuckerberg: No Instagram for kids!”Please choose one of these pieces to read (try to pick something that you might feel passionately about)Common Sense MediaWhat campaign did you pick? Why should we support it?
solved 1. Watch examples of technique. Which of these technique videos
/in /by admin1. Watch examples of technique. Which of these technique videos was your favorite? Why?2. Find an article on a film technique. Submit three main points from the article relating to technique and include the link to the article.Watch the following examples: 1. Red Leaves fromHero (2002) Yimou Zhang – editing and use of color2. Jurassic Park (1993) Steven Spielberg -mixture of animal sounds3. The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) Norman Jewishness – split screen editing4. Star Wars (1977) George Lucas – homage to his soft edge wipes. Hero (英雄) – Red Leaves Scene (Links to an external site.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Onp_y-xSQXE (Links to an external site.) Link (Links to an external site.) Link (Links to an external site.)
solved I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class
/in /by adminI’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?
(Topic: exercise Caliciviruses)
Each group should prepare a presentation on one of the following microbes:
histoplasma capsulatum
Yersinia pestis
viral hemorrhagic viruses
vibrio cholera
clostridium botulinum
ascaris lumbricoides
Each presentation should consist of 15-20 slides minimum and includes these elements in the following order:
Cover sheet.
Introduction and definition of the microbes and any relevant information.
The mood of transmission (water – food – etc ).
Symptoms and diagnosis.
Prevalence and incidence rates worldwide and in Saudi Arabia (statistics).
Prevention and control.Â
solved Key AssignmentWhat is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)?Explain the importance
/in /by adminKey AssignmentWhat is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)?Explain the importance of developing metrics and KPIs in logistics and supply chain operations.Explain what metrics indicate and how they can benefit an organization.Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with a reply of 50-100 words about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. Use the following to guide you in your responses:What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?What clarification do you need regarding the posting?What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings
solved I’m working on a writing question and need a sample
/in /by adminI’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Choose a concept or theory we’ve covered in class so far. Here are a few options to jog yourmemory. This list is by no means exhaustive, and you’re free to choose any concept thatresonates with you.LeadershipServant leadershipConflict stylesEthicsTechnology and groupsGroup rolesGroup processTuckerman’s model (one or all stages)First, explain the concept/theory.Then, give an example of how it might be applied or used concept/theory of choice to yourpersonal experiences with a group outside of our class.Finally, discuss how your understanding of this concept/theory can help you to be successful inyour work with this or another group.