solved Care coordination with telehealth highlights the challenges inherent in a

Care coordination with telehealth highlights the challenges inherent in a healthcare landscape with multiple, non-compatible EMR/EHR suites. It has been my experience that telemedicine has not negated the need for robust follow up by the patient (or for our purposes, the advanced RN) to ensure that their medical team is engaged in communication to facilitate patient care and satisfaction. Patients with chronic disease conditions that necessitate collection of data through physical exam are particularly at risk for telehealth being unable to solely meet their care needs (Blandford et al., 2020). Telehealth may also effectively mute a provider’s intuation, and reduce a patient to yet another Zoom call with data points.

solved The point of a scholarly book review is to evaluate

The point of a scholarly book review is to evaluate critically the work of non-fiction. Your job will be to analysis the author’s purpose, argument, methods of analysis, and the evidence elicited. The goal of this assignment is for you to go beyond rearticulating what the author is saying to look at the relationship between the evidence and conclusions. Does the author make valid claims, and are those claims backed up with facts? Are the methods used appropriate and the evidence elicited convincing? Your review should include an assessment of the strong points and shortcomings of the book. Additionally, you should discuss the author’s thesis, and any relevant theories, topics, and concepts discussed in the course.  

solved opic 8 DQ 1 (Obj. 8.1) CNL 527 DQ1 How

opic 8 DQ 1 (Obj. 8.1) CNL 527 DQ1 How would you explain the challenges regarding which disorder came first, the mental illness or the addiction? Provide an example to support your explanation.This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standards:5.C.2.e. Potential for substance use disorders to mimic and/or co-occur with a variety of neurological, medical, and psychological disorders.5.C.2.g. Impact of biological and neurological mechanisms on mental health.TEXTBOOKSLevinthal, C. (2016). Drugs, behavior, and modern society (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publishing ISBN-13:9780134003047URL:

solved Discussion: Informative Speech Observations This discussion board will put your

Discussion: Informative Speech Observations
This discussion board will put your ability to analyze a speech performance using our informative speech rubric to the test. 
Watch the informative speeches below.
Select 1 speech to review.
Using the informative speech rubric, analyze the performance. What overall grade would you give the performer? What areas of the rubric do you feel the performer exceeded expectations? Why? What were the opportunities for growth? Make at least 1 suggestion on how the speech could be improved upon. Identify one thing that this speaker did well that you want to do in your informative speech performance.

solved Option 2: ScriptCreate a 3-5-minute script that outlines a therapy

Option 2: ScriptCreate a 3-5-minute script that outlines a therapy session between a therapist and one of the following options:Directly with an adult client.Directly with a teenage client and their parent.Imagine that the client has begun smoking or vaping and is in need of education regarding nicotine and the impact of nicotine on the brain and body. Be sure that your script outlines the two-way dialogue of a therapy session that indicates a dynamic conversation between the therapist and client.This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.CNL-527-R-T3NicotineEducationScoringGuide-Option2.docx

solved Here are the directions below. (Sorry, I know I am

Here are the directions below. (Sorry, I know I am late to posting this.)
For this class discussion forum, read Roger Daniels, Not Like Us, pp. 1 – 100, then choose a specific person or event that he discusses anywhere in that section of his book. Use the database Chronicling America, or any of the databases listed on this page Newspaper Archives to find a news article from that time period about the topic you chose.
Explain this topic, its relevant details, and how it reflects some of the main points Roger Daniels presents on immigration and ethnic history up to 1920. What does the news article you found say about this topic, and how does the perspective in the article compare to Daniels’ interpretation?

solved out link aboveNote out link aboveNote what I want in terms of this first paragraph Your hook should be from a current event that has to do with your topic and side IT SHOULD GRAB MY ATTENTION! REMEMBER PATHOS! USE A CURRENT EVENT THAT HAS TO DO WITH YOUR TOPIC AND YOUR SIDEThen you need to give me background on topic what’s going on with your topic and what has happened in the past (example: for death penalty Tell me how many states currently have the death penalty what is history of it – briefly)NOTE: death penalty not an approved topicThen give me the thesis statement you already wrote with your side of argument REMEMBER THIS IS YOUR INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH!!

solved I’m working on a scriptwriting writing question and need a

I’m working on a scriptwriting writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

#2 prompt:
In the plays, The Glass Menagerie and Death of a Salesman, the playwrights use the Loman’s and Wingfield’s as representative of families in search of achievement of the “American Dream.”  First, define what is meant in your eyes by the “American Dream,” both in general, and, for you personally.  Secondly, do you think these specific families achieve this dream?  And, given the current climate in our country, do you think what has been traditionally known as the “American Dream,” can realistically exist anymore?  Remember, I do not want a synopsis, but an honest and personal answer to the question that I have posed.

solved Nurses can be an integral part of designing public policy

Nurses can be an integral part of designing public policy as political leaders. As a registered nurse, you have a professional commitment to improve health care. However, many nurses are not politically active and do not lobby for important aspects of their profession.What are the reasons many nurses do not actively engage in lobbying efforts?What actions can nurses take to encourage themselves and their peers to get involved politically and lobby for specific issues such as healthcare policy changes? Provide a detailed example.In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question using subtitles or bullets AND cite at least one scholarly reference in your response.100 + words

solved Question 1 What factors determine whether people turn out to

Question 1 What factors determine whether people turn out to vote in U.S. elections? Should states continue to allow ballot initiatives and other forms of direct democracy? Why or why not? Assignment 1 Locate an article that covered the 2016 presidential election. Look for evidence in the article for priming, framing, and slant. Make sure to include in your assignment: Name of the article and its authorIs the article made by a public or private entity?Who is the author trying to reach (audience)?Are they playing more to one specific ideology and if so, what ideology is it? Looking at the article as a whole, and based on what you have found in your analysis, do you believe that this article is a credible source? Why?