solved Think about the master narratives (pg. 48) from your national

Think about the master narratives (pg. 48) from your national context that you were told in school, or by the media as a younger student. Pick one master narrative, for example: the “heroic” arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas, the notion that “all migrants are criminals” or “immigrants come to our country to take our jobs”. Using at least 100 words, answer the following questions: 1. What forces created this narrative and for what purpose?2. Whose voices and experiences are missing from this narrative?3. What are the implications of this narrative in the past and in present? Reply to one other people’s response (at least 50 words). I’ll show you after you answer, so give me your answer first.

solved read chapter 1 and 2 of Electronic Literature, Scott Rettberg

read chapter 1 and 2 of Electronic Literature, Scott Rettberg (Polity, 2019) – the book is attached1- Try to approach it with an open mind & look forward to seeing what interests you about this material at the outset of the course.Chapter Two begins the process of introducing a particular type of E-Lit (Combinatory), as well as providing copious background info on “the oldest genre of electronic literature” 2- you will be discussing selected examples of works produced in this “genre”, so please try to focus on the chapter (overall), and discuss the work itself in the other.3- If there is anything from your own experience that resonates within these chapters, please introduce it in your response. p.s.: SPELLING MATTERS!

solved I’m working on a marketing writing question and need an

I’m working on a marketing writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Identify/summarize/highlight major events or significant news in the following markets during the last five weekdays (week) preceeding the following dates e.g.
1.November 8th Summary will be for the events from Nov 1st to Nov 5th for ( FOREIGN/INTERNATIONAL MARKET).
2. November 15th summary will be for events from Nov 8th to Nov 12th for ( US STOCK MARKET).
3.  November 23rd summary will be for events from Nov 15th to Nov 19th for (US COMMODITY MARKET).
Please indicate/show sources of information.
The following sources may be helpful:

Wall Street Journal, Financial Times newspaper,,,

solved HERO’S JOURNEY ESSAY Use the outline you developed last week

Use the outline you developed last week to write your story about your personal journey in which you are the hero. Create a document to compose a properly formatted essay that follows the Hero’s Journey archetype. This assignment will formulate into a five paragraph essay, one paragraph for each of the five aspects of your journey. Ensure your essay includes the following:
Provide a narrative that follows the Hero’s Journey archetype.



Use descriptive language that provides detail for each stage of the Hero’s Journey. Such description includes feelings and experiences, coupled with sights and sounds, that will make your journey come alive for your reader.

solved I’m stuck on a Political Science question and need an

I’m stuck on a Political Science question and need an explanation.

Write (develop) a policy proposal for a new U.S. government policy that addresses the rising incidents of anti-Asian sentiment in the U.S. and offer a solution on how to resolve the hate crimes perpetuated against Asian Americans. 
In your proposal/solution: you are required to address the following areas:

A method on how to increase civic duty among Asian Americans.
Identify ideas that can be put into action in real life and daily practice. 
Include references/citations from the course material.
Highlight the lessons learned from U.S. history and Asian American experience that can be used as supporting evidence to justify your policy proposal. 

solved Please read the attached case entitled “Transfer pricing at Coca-Cola”Â

Please read the attached case entitled “Transfer pricing at Coca-Cola” 
You will likely want to utilize the textbook for additional technical background on Transfer pricing and may wish to perform independent research to enhance your understanding of the applicable technical rules.
You assignment is to answer the following questions from the list presented in the case under the heading “II. Requirements”.
Q1; Q2; Q3; Q9: Q10 & Q11.
Grammar and writing style
Evidence of clear understanding of relevant facts and issues; logical analysis; and clear, concise explanation/answer in response to questions posed.
Technical accuracy of the analysis and conclusion.
Proper acknowledgement/citations of supporting sources.

solved Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, and use 12-point font.

Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, and use 12-point font. Papers should be a minimum of 5 pages and no more than 8 pages. The page count does not include the list of references or the title page, you must have 5 complete pages of content. Papers should provide an answer to your research question, citing and using your list of references. Please incorporate any relevant information you learned from course readings, and lectures. Your paper must have at least 5 peer-reviewed journal articles. The textbook and course articles do not count towards the required 5. An abstract is not required.Is there evidence that inclusion for children with severe or multiple disabilities works? In what ways? The blow is example:

solved I need support with this Management question so I can

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

Katharina C. Husemann, Florian Ladstaetter, Marius K. Luedicke Conflict Culture And Conflict Management In Consumption Communities. In The 2015 Volume Of Psychology And Marketing, Vol 32.
Anna Dorothea Schulze, Melanie Janina Christine Stade, Janine Netzel – Conflict And Conflict Management In Innovation Processes In The Life Sciences. In The March 2014 Creativity &Amp; Innovation Management, Vol 23.
David B. Lipsky, Ariel C. Avgar – The Conflict Over Conflict Management – In The May-June 2010 Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol 6.
Annotated Bibliography Using The Above Three Articles. They Are All In The Business Source .Complete online journal database.

solved write an essay of around 500 words using the painting

write an essay of around 500 words using the painting the “The joy of life” by Henri Matisse and use the following guidelines. 
Briefly identify the artist, when and where it was painted, and its place in the history of arts.
Critique the painting by answering the following five “critical questions”
• In what medium is the art work created?
• What are the work’s important lines and shapes?
• If applicable, how does the work use color and light?
• Does the work contain significant patterns?
• How are the parts of this work combined into a meaningful whole?
Discuss how you relate to the painting intellectually and aesthetically, what meaning it has in your life, and how it fits into what you have learned.

solved Create a professional presentation of your evidence-based intervention and change

Create a professional presentation of your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to be disseminated to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Include the intervention, evidence-based literature, objectives, resources needed, anticipated measurable outcomes, and how the intervention would be evaluated. Submit the presentation in LoudCloud for feedback from the instructor.While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.