solved I’m studying for my Humanities class and don’t understand how

I’m studying for my Humanities class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Selling Sex
Sex work is the exchange of various sexual activities for money, such as prostitution, striptease, erotic dancing, engaging in live sex shows, acting in pornographic magazines & videos, and erotic massage.
Watch the 5 Prostitution Facts video and then agree or disagree with the statement below in 75 words or less. Support, refute and/or debate your answer with facts obtained and included from a credible source/reference, (using the reference format that I provided you with located in my syllabus):
Sex work should be decriminalized and legalized throughout the United States.
video Link: 

solved PICOT topic: Addiction PICOT is an acronym used to help

PICOT topic: Addiction

PICOT is an acronym used to help develop clinical research questions and guide you in your search for evidence:
P = Patient population
I = Intervention or issue of interest
C = Comparison of interventions or comparison of interests
O = Outcome
T = Time frame
In _________(P), how does __________ (I) compared to _________ (C) influence _________ (O) over ________ (T)?
use PICOT to format possible research questions about that topic. Provide 3 possible PICOT research questions.

Include the following:

Title page
Provide a brief description of the topic and background information.
Explain the significance of the topic to nursing practice.
Provide 3 clearly stated PICOT questions.

solved Review the Chapter- 8 from the attached textbook. Identify what

Review the Chapter- 8 from the attached textbook.
Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Nike is a large and successful firm in the design of athletic shoes. It could easily decide to forward-integrate and manufacture the shoes it designs. Thus, the firm has a credible threat over its current outsourced manufacturers. If Nike has no intention of actually entering the manufacturing arena, is it ethical for the Nike supply chain management to bring up this credible threat during annual pricing negotiations? What are some reasons Nike may want to consider such a vertical integration more seriously?


solved Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.With the HIPAA laws, much emphasis has been placed on the patient’s privacy rights and the requirements of the health care organization (a covered entity) to ensure privacy of protected health information. Discuss the following:When there is a breach of privacy, has a breach of fiduciary duty occurred?The main post should include at least 1 reference to research sources, and all sources should be cited using APA format.

solved I’m working on a history discussion question and need an

I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Cold War interpretations1. Given what you read and heard regarding the various historiographical interpretations of the cold war, who do you think is responsible for its onset and what was the cold war all about? Was the US to blame? The USSR? How should we view the causes of the cold war, aside from the obvious ideological differences? Consider the Orthodox, Revisionist and Post-revisionist interpretation and use examples wherever possible.Who “won” in the Korean War?2. Given what you have read and heard about the Korean War and its outcome, who do you think won or lost this war? Or is this teh right question to ask?

solved What are some of the key issues regarding the links

What are some of the key issues regarding the links behind intelligence and criminality? How does this factor into the discussion of psychopaths vs. other “normal” criminal offenders? Which of the early sociological positivism theorists do you think contributed the most to the evolution of social structure theories of crime? Why? Do you think their ideas still hold up today? How would you describe the neighborhood where you or others you know grew up in terms of Cloward and Ohlin’s model of organization/disorganization? Can you relate to the types of gangs they discussed? Be specific. What forms of organization and disorganization have you observed in your own neighborhood? Supply examples of both and be specific.

solved This Module’s readings and other resources focused on the ideology

This Module’s readings and other resources focused on the ideology behind terrorist movements.  For this Module’s discussion post compare the ideology behind the Salafi Jihad movement and at least one other ideology discussed in the text.  Your post should address: How do these ideologies serve as a backbone for the terrorist movement? What are the historical developments of these ideologies? What role does ideology play in goals, tactics and target selection? What is it about these ideologies that cause groups or individuals to gravitate towards them and become devote followers? You should include at least one outside scholarly source on the ideology that you select to compare to the Salafi jihad movement.

solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need an

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

Encryption helps individuals and organizations to maintain privacy and confidentiality, thereby helping protect civil liberties. However, encryption also helps terrorists and criminals hide their intentions. Some governments have laws that forbid nongovernment organizations to use strong encryption software. The idea is to allow people to encrypt their communication, but not strong enough to prevent the government from decrypting the communication in surveillance of suspected criminals and terrorists. Do you favor such laws, or do you advocate that everybody have access to the strongest encryption software available? Explain.

solved 3) Include the following criteria for each identified concept (topic):

3) Include the following criteria for each identified concept (topic): The NCSBN NCLEX-RN Test Plan will support this
process (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric must match exactly).
a. Priority Concept (Topic)- 20 points/8%
• Identify the priority concept (topic) of opportunity.
• Provide a description of how this aligns with the NCLEX-RN Test Plan as indicated by performance in the
Individual Student ATI Assessment Trends Table.
• Identify a minimum of two learning strategies that you plan to implement to address your learning need.
• Identify a minimum of two resources that you will integrate into your NCLEX-RN Readiness plan to assist you
with improving the identified learning nee

solved you will upload a 2-paragraph (6-8 sentences/paragraph) reflection to the

you will upload a 2-paragraph (6-8 sentences/paragraph) reflection to the discussion board connecting Tuesday’s readings with one or more reading from the previous week. These are not meant to be summaries of the readings but opportunities for you to a) connect with the materials through your own ideas and experiences; b) develop critical reading practices; and c) practice synthesizing course readings and concepts. Questions you may address but are not limited to include: How do readings and course concepts relate to your own experiences within and outside of the university, your communities, families, and peers? How can you make connections between readings/course concepts and contemporary political contexts?Â