solved Need help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for

Need help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for my class.

What is the problem being studied? Is the researcher clear about what s/he is studying? Is the problem clearly identifiable? Is it researchable? Is it significant to nursing practice? To theory development? What is the theoretical framework for a quantitative study, if any? What is the philosophical underpinning for a qualitative study, if any?
Does the report clearly state the purpose of the study? Is the purpose related to the problem? What is the research question? Are there research variables being studied? If so, are they clearly delineated? What are they? Is there a hypothesis? Should there be one? What is it or what are they?

solved 1. Discuss how you can apply the concepts learned in

1. Discuss how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. How might the lessons you have learned positively impact your career success? answer in paragraph
then below reply to post within 2-3 sentences
2. Applying what I have learned in this course is very essential to my future career goals. I plan on pursuing management in health care as I have been in health care for 22 years. I know the back and the front office and this course has allowed me to dive deeper into different policies. What I have learned in this course will allow me to communicate effectively and with diplomacy to my staff. It has also given me insight on how to deal with conflict amongst staff members. 

solved Using the textbook, additional readings and lecture notes that support

Using the textbook, additional readings and lecture notes that support this assignment, analyze “The Saga of Sam and Alex” in terms of the concept areas highlighted above. Wherever you can, use short quotes from the story to support your argument.  Your answer should include, at least, an analysis of: (1) the stages this relationship has gone through and where it seems to be now, (2) how our culture’s beliefs about love and romance may have contributed to the problems faced by this couple, (3) how the “hamburger fight” is an indication of this couple’s inability to deal with conflict, and, (4) how this fight might have been done differently and perhaps have led this “saga” to a different ending.

solved Choose an AUDIO example (not video clip) from Unit 8:

Choose an AUDIO example (not video clip) from Unit 8: Caribbean and write about ( Bahamas: Rake n’ Scrapea ) 150 word journal about it. Please utilize the listening guides in your textbook for this assignment. Include information about the audio example including the genre or style, instruments and form. What culture creates this music? What behaviors or activities are associated with this music? Also include your personal thoughts or feelings about your chosen audio example. Do you like it/dislike it? Why did you choose this particular example?Your Journal should be around 150 words (5 pts), cover all of the topic points (5 pts), and be submitted on time (5 pts). There are 15 points possible for this assignment.

solved The final part of your project is to deliver a

The final part of your project is to deliver a presentation on your new idea to your boss and senior leadership. You have all the research from your weekly submissions and now all you have to do is create a PowerPoint® presentation with voice-over on your research. 
Your presentation should be at a minimum, six slides and include approximately 4–6 bullets per slide. Be sure to include a reference slide to show your research, and at a minimum, six scholarly sources. Include graphics or animations to enhance your presentation. Again, try to convince your boss and senior leadership your idea is needed and create a visually appealing presentation. This will be the final proposal for the Costco project Proposal. 

solved I’m studying for my Business class and don’t understand how

I’m studying for my Business class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

instructions: Case analysis using the FIRAC method on Age Discrimination Case Argued in the Supreme Court of the

United States (SCOTUS).
Please read and digest the case and those comments by SCOTUS Justices, and use our case analysis format to see if you could draw a conclusion that might be similar to the one of SCOTUS to make in spring 2020? (Links to an external site.) (Links

solved Hello,This is a case analysis, We must respond to the

Hello,This is a case analysis, We must respond to the 7 questions give based on the case given, the lecture 12 knowledge, the case analysis method guide.Reminder:We Respond to all 7 questins, including their sub questions a) b) c)… (Each question answer shall be between 200-300 words) We can only apply knowledge internal, or common knowledge. ———We must apply knowledge from the given Lecture 12. (Only one ppt)Do what the method guide told toNo external source, but No copy paste from any source.undefinedCase also attached.Thank you.—————–Materials: has the same files as below, just in case you cannot download from the pool.

solved Option #1: NPV Review the following data concerning the amount

Option #1: NPV

Review the following data concerning the amount of capital investment and return of investment for two alternative projects.
Use Excel to calculate the NPV values for the two projects with the discount rates of 5%, 15% and 20% using proper formula in Excel.
Provide a two-page narrative to:

Describe the steps you took to calculate the NPV values
Explain your findings
Specify which project you would select for each of the discount rates of 5%, 15%, and 20%.

Include an excerpt (showing your calculations and outcomes) from your Excel file in your narrative and specify the formula you used

solved Question ONE Discuss the structure phase and the four specific

Question ONE Discuss the structure phase and the four specific tasks; refer to chapter 8 in your textbook.Provide significant discussion information with APA citations for quotes or paraphrases and provide the research link that you have used to help you understand the question.Question two What are the five purposes in the ownership phase has in Chapter 9? Provide significant discussion information with APA citations for quotes or paraphrases and provide the research link that you have used to help you understand the question.ReferenceHow to Manage Project Opportunity and Risk: Why Uncertainty Management can be a Much Better Approach than Risk Management, 3rd Edition ISBN: 978-1-119-96665-4 September 2011 Wiley

solved TASKS:Review the Case of Isaiah Respond to the following prompts:Address

TASKS:Review the Case of Isaiah Respond to the following prompts:Address the failures of the systems that should have intervened with providing services to Isaiah. Specifically, note the types of intervention services Isaiah needed as a youth.According to psychoanalytical theory, what are the three stages of psychological development through which a person passes? Apply these psychological stages as it pertains to Isaiah.What types of deviant behavior regarding Isaiah can be traced to the stages of development?According to learning/behavior theory, what is the cause of Isaiah’s antisocial behavior?According to labeling theory, how can the criminal justice system hinder efforts of rehabilitation in Isaiah’s case?