solved 1. Read some of the following articles in the links

1. Read some of the following articles in the links provided to give you some context for this ongoing debate between the Getty Museum and the Italian Ministry of Culture. The Getty Museum is trying desperately to retain the statue and the Italian Ministry of Culture wants it returned as they assert they are the rightful owners. 2. What is your position about who should have the Classical sculpture?3. Does anyone truly own art?4. Now write a response to these questions in the Reply box.5. Please reply to at least two of our classmates’ posts with comments about their observations..Getty Museum (Links to an external site.)Getty Museum (Links to an external site.) Archaeology (Links to an external site.)Newsweek

solved I’m trying to study for my English course and I

I’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.

For this problem set, we’re focusing on the reading assignment for the week: Anderson Chapter 1, and Language Files ? 1 and 11.2. Please write out your assignments—you can submit your work via MS Word or Google Docs document, or you can hand-write your assignment and scan a picture of it using a smartphone PDF app (see the Software and Necessary Tools page for links).
You can worth together on this assignment, but each student must turn in their own work.
Problem Set
The problem set is the following–all from Language Files

LF 1.6, #11, 19, 27
LF 11.6, #12

solved I’m studying and need help with a Marketing question to

I’m studying and need help with a Marketing question to help me learn.

Deliver a one-page write-up on the Expert Session, ‘SEO Fundamentals’ with Alissa Steingraber. In this write-up, you will try to teach someone your main takeaway(s) learned in the session that you’ve deemed most pertinent to SEO execution.  You should organize the information and explain it in a way that helps someone else learn the key takeaways from the session without a voiceover.  
There is no single best way to approach this, so I encourage you to use some creativity.  You can use bullet points, diagrams, prose, or any other format that helps teach the material effectively, but it must be done on a single page of a Word document.

solved The team did an outstanding job explaining EPM and performance

The team did an outstanding job explaining EPM and performance to the Vice President of Operations. It has sparked additional interest, so the VP of Operations is requesting that the team provide information on how the EPM process alignment can help evolve and optimize performance across the organization.Write a 525- to 700-word memo that explains how EPM aligns all functional areas of the organization, and include the following: Business and IT Alignment.Strategy/Operations/Tactical Alignment.Financial and Operational Alignment.Cross-Functional Alignment.Internal and External Alignment.Conclude with how alignment can improve company performance.Main fucus to include Strategy/ Operations/ Tactical Alignment.

solved A key part of studying for an exam is knowing

A key part of studying for an exam is knowing where to focus your study time. In this course you have covered a good deal of content; identifying the content areas you found most challenging is a great way to focus your studying for the final assessment.Identify at least three content areas from this course you believe you need to review before taking the final assessment. List the three areas and explain some of the reasons why each of these areas is challenging for you. Next, for each content area, describe one or two approaches you can use to strengthen your knowledge in that area.the topic are :: Quadratic Equations, Functions, and Inequalities Rational Expressions and Functions Systems of Linear Equations

solved Utilizing health survey on page 63-64 – Please take the

Utilizing health survey on page 63-64 – Please take the survey yourself and administer the survey to at least 20 others individuals anddraft a 4-5 page report on your findings –in addition to questions on survey – please collect information on demographics (such, age, race, gender, major, location etc.) so you make comparisons in the dataPlease use charts and graphs to represent not only the descriptive data but comparative data as wellplease add support to your views and findings using credible sources and cite them in APAPlease use textbook below as a reference:Caron, R. M. (2017). Population Health: Principles and Applications for Management: Chicago,
IL: Health Administration Press. ISBN: 9781567938647

solved The prospectus should include the following:A list of the three

The prospectus should include the following:A list of the three primary texts from the course reading list you’re going to analyze and the theme you’re working to join the works together and explicate them.A working thesis for the paper that clearly sets out your argument and interpretation of the three works. This thesis may change as you finish the paper, but I want to see your direction and how you’re going to approach your topic.Annotations for four potential sources drawn from the MLA Bibliography. Each annotation should include the full MLA-style bibliographic information and a paragraph of several sentences that includes a summary of the source and a sense of how it might be useful for your paper.

solved You have a choice to invest $200mm in a 30-year

You have a choice to invest $200mm in a 30-year bond issued by Boston College or in a similar bond issued by WalMart.  Please compare the two credits and decide which one you would prefer.  Both bonds are trading at par (100) and bear a 3.5% coupon.  Both are taxable credits.  Both are senior debt.  Neither is callable.  You will be holding this investment until maturity. The focus is on fundamentals and not trading.
Please use inside and outside views, also please implement premortems.

  inside and outside views is specifically a concept taught by Michael Mauboussin
  premortems are essentially analyzing worst case scenarios and just how bad they would be
This is for a Fixed Income analysis class.

solved Identify a company you want to work for upon graduation.

Identify a company you want to work for upon graduation. Research the company and any job openings that company might have. Write a 2-3 page paper that includes background information on the company, requirements of a job you want to apply for, and what you might need to do to meet those requirements prior to application.You should use at least two sources (Wikipedia does not qualify as a viable source) and at least one should be a printed source. Use appropriate citations and include a title page and a reference page (not part of the 2-3 page requirement) in APA style.Technical requirements:1″ margins; left justification; 12 pt. Arial font; appropriate headings/subheadingsSubmit the report as a word document.

solved I’m studying and need help with a Accounting question to

I’m studying and need help with a Accounting question to help me learn.

The value chain includes costs from research to product design, to production, to marketing and sales, to distribution, and to customer support after the sale. Which areas of the value chain do you think should be included in calculating product costs and why? Where would the other costs be reported, if at all?
Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (requires supporting citations) along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in supporting your answer. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Electronic Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references.