solved Why do female and male geladas have red patches on

Why do female and male geladas have red patches on their chests instead of on their rear-ends?How are researchers trying to discover what females are choosing in male geladas? What are they measuring?Male sage grouse display on a lek and display in order to attract females. How are biologists studying male sage grouse vocal displays? What did they discover?Researchers think male barn swallows might get more mating opportunities if they have dark red feathers. How are researchers testing this hypothesis? What were the results of the study: were darker red males having more babies? What were the changes in their body chemistry?Video link:…

solved Responsibility to ClientsRead Bannerman’s 1990 article, “Balancing the Right to

Responsibility to ClientsRead Bannerman’s 1990 article, “Balancing the Right to Habilitation With the Right to Personal Liberties: The Rights of People With Developmental Disabilities to Eat Too Many Doughnuts and Take a Nap.” Post a substantive response to the following:Have you ever been in a situation where the rights of the client were not fully considered?If you have not been in this situation, what is a hypothetical situation in which client rights would not be fully considered?How can a behavior analyst respect the rights of their client, while also ensuring appropriate treatment?What core ethical principles discussed in this unit do you see relevant to this discussion and why?

solved Requirements: In three to five pages (at least 3, but

In three to five pages (at least 3, but no more than 5 pages) not including the cover sheet and reference page, research and discuss a topic relevant to this course.
You are to research the topic using either traditional methods (books, journals, articles, etc.), by using the Internet, or a combination of both. All works referenced, from either source, must be documented and credit given to the author or web site.
It will be up to you to narrow the topic down to the specific research you want to do. For example: if your topic is “alternatives to the incarceration of juveniles,” you may choose to research diversion programs, survival programs, community-based corrections, etc.

solved Review Chapter 2 in Muennig and Su (2013).In a Word

Review Chapter 2 in Muennig and Su (2013).In a Word document, 1.5 line spacing, 12 Times New Roman fonts, write a short essay (300 – 500 words) to answer the following prompt:Compare how current middle-income countries face the same sorts of development challenges that industrialized nations such as England, Japan, and the United States did in the last century? What has changed? What is similar? What is different?Follow APA guidelinesWrite down all citations and references including the textbook ;Required Text
ï‚· Muennig, P. & Su, C. (2013). Introducing global health: Practice, policy, and solutions. San Francisco: John
Wiley & Sons. ISBN: #9780470533284 (print), #9780470533284 (e-text).

solved Explain the interrelationship between the theory, research, and EBP.· Identify

Explain the interrelationship between the theory, research, and EBP.· Identify and discuss the research questions, sampling and sampling size, research designs, hypothesis, data collection methods, and research findings from each study.· Identify the goals, health outcomes, and implementation strategies in the healthcare setting (EBP) based on the articles.· Discuss the credibility of the sources and the research/researchers findings.· 6 pages paper (the body of the paper), without the references, in APA format.· Minimum of 6 references (the course textbook must be one of the references), articles must be peer reviewed and must have been published within last 3-5 years ( 2018 to 2021)

solved I’m working on a accounting discussion question and need a

I’m working on a accounting discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

In this module, the discussion focuses on the similarities and differences among costing systems.  You should be able to describe the systems and also identify which system would be most appropriate for a company and why that would be the case.
Describe the differences between job order costing, process costing, and Activity Based Costing (ABC).  What are the advantages and disadvantages of each system?  Imagine a company that you might be a manager for.  Describe that company and what their major product or service would be.  Then, tell which cost system would be best suited to that firm and why.

solved Can you help me understand this Health & Medical question?

Can you help me understand this Health & Medical question?

The Continuum of Health care services comprises many health care delivery settings. Health services are delivered in specific settings and provides a different type of health service. For example: Preventive care can/would be provided through public health programs, community programs, or personal lifestyle programs. This design is to shift the focus of health from illness to wellness. Incorporating wellness promotion requires fundamental shifts and transformation in great detail. Describe a trend or type of health service that needs a shift, describe its setting, and provide suggestive solutions or methods to support this change. 

solved Advocacy/Outreach project Detailed instructionsStudents will use the content learned in

Advocacy/Outreach project Detailed instructionsStudents will use the content learned in this course from the coursebook Sex trafficking: inside the business of modern slavery by Siddharth Kara to prepare advocacy material that can help community agencies in our area to advocate and practice with victims of human trafficking. This assignment can include creating posters, paintings, Powerpoint, radio shows, documentaries, etc. Please email the instructor your idea for approval by March 27, 2021. All of your projects have to be submitted online. Rubric for evaluationDemonstration of Critical thinkingDemonstration of advocacy skillsDemonstration of social work practice and advocacy using arts

solved I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

psychological research:Requirment using the google scholarly articleArticle #1:Find a peer-reviewed psychology articleCopy and paste the article link Discuss the study design. What was the research question? What type of study was conducted and Summarize the article in 3-4 sentences and discuss why you found the article interesting.Article #2:Find a peer-reviewed psychology articleCopy and paste the article link Discuss the study design. What was the research question? What type of study was conducted and Summarize the article in 3-4 sentences and discuss why you found the article interesting.

solved I’m working on a English writing question and need a

I’m working on a English writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.Read attached both readings and slides and to Unpack the following subtext in this sentence “On the morning she was moved to the cemetery, the one where Al Jolson is Buried, I enrolled in a “Fear of Flying” class.”answer the following questions if they would help:What is a small alternative choice the writer could have made here? It can help to think of small alternative choices the writer could have made, to see more clearly the choices the writer did make. For example, what’s the difference between saying “On the morning my best friend died” vs. “On the morning she was moved to the cemetery”?