solved Can you help me understand this English question? What did

Can you help me understand this English question?

What did you find most interesting or surprising about what you learned from the da Vinci video? What are some things you didn’t know?
Write a 1 page response and summary

(Typed, single spaced, in 11 or 12 point font with 1″ margins. You are welcome to write more but may not write less).
Just a point to ponder — you may include your thoughts on this or not — one of the things he’s most famous for now are his incredible anatomical notebooks. But what about the identities of the people whose bodies are also an integral part of that art? Who were they?

solved Short Essay: Data Lake   The Data Lake approach

Short Essay: Data Lake   
The Data Lake approach to population health management allows health systems to collect, organize, combine, and normalize all types of data on an as-needed basis. Organizations that combine a data lake with massively parallel computing capabilities can quickly turn data from disparate sources into actionable information they can use to improve care.   
For this essay, research the following four types of data used for population health initiatives: administrative data; patient-generated data, clinical data, and claims data. In your short essay, discuss each type of data source, where it is derived from, and how it is used for population health initiatives. 

solved Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 13 Reflection and Discussion Forum

Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 13
Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 13
Assigned Readings:
Chapter 13. Analyzing Strategic Management Cases
Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding 
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Over the past few decades, many American firms have relocated most or all of their operations from the United States to countries such as Mexico and China that pay lower wages. What are some of the ethical issues that such actions may raise?

solved You will need to watch the video ATI Video Case

You will need to watch the video ATI Video Case Studies 2.0 Cultural Diversity, and then follow the below instructions:…
You must write 250 words (one page double-spaced) and cite the ATI video along with at least one other resource.
This is the ATI video citation 
Cultural Diversity. ATI testing. (n.d.). 
Writing prompt: In what ways can the nurse provide culturally sensitive nursing care? Provide two or three examples. What types of communication skills should the nurse use? ATI Video Case Study (1)
ATI Video Case Study (1)

solved For this assignment, you will write a short, literary analysis

For this assignment, you will write a short, literary analysis of Bradstreet’s “Here Follows Some Verses Upon the Burning of Our House.” 
Answer the following questions with at least 300 words:
How does Bradstreet’s poem embody her Puritan beliefs? In other words, what about this poem makes it a truly Puritan text? 
For your response, make sure to use specific evidence to support your analysis. 
For poems or shorter works, you can certainly paraphrase/summarize, but a direct quotation here or there is going to help you land your points. 

When quoting a poem, you need to cite the line number: Ex. “In silent night when rest I took / For sorrow near I did not look” (1-2).

solved 1. Â Â Â Â The Struggle for Global Supremacy

1.     The Struggle for Global Supremacy
Due: June 27, 2021 at 11:59 PM PDT
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compare and contrast the challenges posed to American interests by China and by violent non-state actors. Does either pose an existential threat to the global leadership exercised by the United States?
Your score is based on:
Development of Ideas 50%
Organization 10%
Conventions 10%
Voice 10%
Focus and Coherence 20%
Human Rights in a Global Context
evaluate the effects of global trade. Determine if it is more of a force for promoting global social justice, including among the previously impoverished, or if globalized trade is more of a destructive force that promotes injustice.

solved For this assignment you will be summarizing a journal article

For this assignment you will be summarizing a journal article in 700-750 words.
The purpose of this assignment is:

Read and understand scientific writing
Locate and include pertinent information in the article
Write concisely and clearly, including all important information and not including any “filler”.
Write in APA style and cite correctly. Include a title page and reference page at the end (reference your one article here).

Notes regarding paraphrasing:

There should be no string of 5 or more words copied directly from the article. Any string of 5 or more words should be in quotes. However, because this is an article summary, there should not be any quotes in your assignment.

solved I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.

I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.

Compose a short 200-300 word reading response that uses the textbook to answer the following questions:

What is professional writing?
Explain why professional writing needs ethical considerations and how it can invoke bias.
Summarize the rhetorical situation, rhetorical appeals, decorum and kairos in your own words.
What does “purpose” in writing refer to? Give at least two examples of the purpose of recent things you’ve written (emails, texts, etc.)
What does “audience” refer to? Who was the audience for the examples you used for “purpose”? How did your tone or style change based on the audience

Use the first three chapters.

solved I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an

I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Do you think that ethics is simply a matter of opinion, that it all depends on your culture, or that it is up to the individual, that you can’t criticize other people’s moral views? This is different than the question of whether you should refrain from criticizing someone else’s moral views, which is a question of tolerance. This is a question of whether it was possible or necessary for anyone to give reasons for what they believe to be ethically right. If you agree with relativism how do you respond to Rachels?Book: Exploring Ethics 5th edition, edited by Steven Cahn. Oxford University Press

solved 1. Attach copy of article. Article must be current (within

1. Attach copy of article. Article must be current (within last 5-10 years), relate to nursing care, and published in a professional nursing journal (no editorials accepted). 10%
2. Summary of article: 25% (Length: Minimum of 12 sentences)
3. Relevance of the article to nursing care of the client (It can be postpartum, labor and Delivery or newborn nursery)- 25%
4. Agreement / disagreement with article: State why you agree or disagree with the information provided. Use information obtained in textbooks, other journals. In clinical setting or personal experience as sources to site when you agree or disagree. 15%
You can select any topic relevant to Maternal child health Nursing practice.