solved Sign post with various life skillsAfter reading the Master Student

Sign post with various life skillsAfter reading the Master Student article on pages 3-6,
(1)  Think about and define three of your most important master student qualities. 
(2)  Justify your decision for choosing these qualities by describing a time in your life when you exhibited these characteristics.

Describe three details of the situation, including the place, time, and people involved. 
Describe how you felt about it, emotionally and physically. 

(3)  From this experience, tell us what you discovered, starting with the sentence, “I discovered that…….” 
(4)  Then tell us what you intend to do about this discovery, starting with the sentence, “I intend to………..”

solved Instructions Each case brief will be completed in the same

Each case brief will be completed in the same format. Court cases are discussed throughout the textbook. Choose a court case (i.e. Miranda v. Arizona) you are interested in researching. Find and read the court case. You may use a case discussed in the textbook, or you may use the media tools listed below to find one. After you have chosen your case, read How to Brief a Case in Chapter 1 on pages 27-29.  

“US Supreme Court website” –
“Findlaw Legal Information website” –
3.ASU Library – 
State run websites dedicated to cases that originated from that state.
Oyez –

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need an

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Turning Data into Information
Having framed the problem/opportunity, formulated a testable hypothesis and gathered and organized key data, you are ready to continue your analysis by developing a data story that can be shared with others. To get started, download and review the “Types of Data Analysis” guide from our Week 4 readings, above.

Apply one or more of the following analytical tools to your dataset:

Grouping and Visualization
Standard Deviation

Explain whether your analysis of the data confirmed or refuted your testable hypothesis.

solved Read Deceitful Spammer or Marketing Genius? and complete the 4

Read Deceitful Spammer or Marketing Genius? and complete the 4 questions at the end of the case study.
 Describe the ethical dilemma or dilemmas Rachel faced.

Do you think Rachel’s boss’ “Cindy Anderson” strategy is ethically acceptable? Why or why not?
What is Rachel’s obligation to her customers and what are Rachel ‘s obligations to the company?
What do you think is the most important factor in how Rachel responded to the situation: That she thought the proposed “Cindy Anderson” strategy was deceitful or that she thought the strategy would cost the company customers? 

Answer to question1
Answer to question2
Answer to question3
Answer to question4

solved PHC101: Discussion Topic Discuss  how primary prevention is one

PHC101: Discussion Topic
Discuss  how primary prevention is one of the methods to control infectious  diseases? Moreover, explain the role of the COVID-19 vaccine in primary  prevention.
Instructions for Completing the Discussion Questions:

State agreements and provide additional supportive evidence or examples.

Ask additional questions for clarification or provide additional ideas or perspectives on the answer.
Advance  the participant’s ideas further by providing additional references or  support and providing feedback on the participant’s experience or  perspectives.
State disagreements, if any, but provide evidence or support, using professional tone and netiquette.

solved I’m working on a nursing presentation and need support to

I’m working on a nursing presentation and need support to help me understand better.

APRN Protocol contract negotiation Presentation
Students will develop a PowerPoint with no more o 6 slides explaining the part of a APRN
protocol or contract negotiation. The student will obtain a copy of the contract from preceptor or the internet and will demonstrated with examples their understanding of contract development.
The power point is just to reflect what is a collaborative agreement or protocol , when to be completed , the persons involved ( NP and physicians), what must be included in the protocol, why it’s required/ important orms/arnp-protocolformat.pdf

solved In “A Call to Men”,Tony Porter addresses the subtle nature

In “A Call to Men”,Tony Porter addresses the subtle nature of sexism, its horrific consequences, and a conceptual way to think about the problem. Using this video, relate it to the topic of women, sports, and religion, specifically through engaging Title IX, Katherine Switzer, and/or Women Who Make America, Part II. In some way, your response needs to include the following four points: (1) a summary of Porter’s argument, (2) how the video is relevant for the class, (3) how the video helps to expand or clarify concept(s) or theme(s) from the class, and (4) how his ideas would improve the religious dimensions of sports. LINK:…

solved This week you read two short passages by two very

This week you read two short passages by two very famous Buddhists – Thich Nhat Hanh and The Dalai Lama. For your discussion board, I would like you to choose one these readings and discuss your thoughts and reaction to it. In your response you can respond to any of the following questions:

why did you choose this particular reading? what interested you about it?
did you find the reading beautiful? or disturbing?
what did you learn about Buddhism from this reading?
is there something about the reading that confused you or that you would like to know more about?
Was there an idea or opinion in the reading that you strongly agreed or disagreed with? Why do you agree/disagree with it?

solved Assignment Content Review UOP’s Sample PowerPoint in the Center for

Assignment Content

Review UOP’s Sample PowerPoint in the Center for Writing Excellence to guide you in creating an effective presentation. The sample can be found in the Tutorials & Guides section of the CWE, under the heading labeled Sample.Create a visually engaging 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on one of the case studies (found at the bottom of this page) that includes the following: 

Describe the ethical dilemma(s) in the case study.
Identify challenges to effective communication in the case study. 
Use course materials to strengthen your information
Describe how you would ethically communicate with this offender’s family members regarding the issue.

solved Select your organization or a business with which you are

Select your organization or a business with which you are familiar.
Create a process flowchart for a process that requires improvement within your selected organization.
Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which you describe at least three of the four process flows: process time, flow rate, inventory, and throughput. Analyze the financial measures necessary for key organizational performance.  
Identify how operational measures of flow time can be used to improve a process from production to delivery (e.g. material, customers, data, orders, etc.).
Discuss how some of the levers can be used to speed up the process, and highlight activities that are done (or could be done) in parallel.