solved Create a CIP based on the material from this chapter

Create a CIP based on the material from this chapter that you find interesting or inspiring. Follow the CIP instructions that were explained in the Ch. 1 assignment.This CIP should focus on ways in which you would like to improve your communication across ethnic cultures. This might be some way in which you would like to learn more about a cultural group in your community. It might be some way in which you would like to overcome some stereotypes you have adopted about a cultural group in your community. Or it might be something else entirely that you come up with based on your reading of this chapter.Use the vocabulary from the chapter, and put those words in bold font in your CIP’s.

solved I’m working on a english multi-part question and need a

I’m working on a english multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1. The author includes a lot of descriptive details in the essay. What is the effect of these descriptive details? In other words, when reading this article like a writer, what do you think these descriptions accomplish?
2. What is your favorite descriptive detail in the article “Where Wonder Lives”? Why is this your favorite? Why do you think it is effective?
3. Obviously this is a story about much more than just the place/view being described. What larger ideas/themes are being explored? How does the author use their descriptions of a very specific place to introduce and explore these other themes?

solved This law has its positive and adverse consequences when the

This law has its positive and adverse consequences when the factor of segregation turns out to be handicap, physical, or something else, contingent upon how the concerned incapacity is applicable in playing out the fundamental elements of the work. An individual with actually restricted capacities can, in any case, be viewed as qualified enough for a task if the actual limits don’t upset him/her from playing out the fundamental capacities, neglecting the difficulties with a couple of minor functionalities. It likewise necessitates that the business should cause sensible facilities for such possibility to agree with the rights and advantages like other completely abled representatives.

solved The Discipline of Anthropology: Chapter 1 of the text discusses

The Discipline of Anthropology:
Chapter 1 of the text discusses the 4 major fields of anthropology and the diversity of interests among anthropologists. Go to the American Anthropological Association (Links to an external site.) website and visit the “AAA Sections (Links to an external site.)” AND “Interest groups (Links to an external site.)” links (accessible from the “Participate and Advocate” link).

How many specialized groups do you find listed? Which specialties interest you? 
What surprised you, if anything, about the range of topics or concerns covered by anthropology?
Which interest group/s, if any, might be useful to your major or profession?  How could it be “applied”?

solved Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it

Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission.

Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Statement of the Problems
Literature Review
Research Objectives
Research Questions and Hypotheses
Research Methodology, Design, and Methods

Research Methodology
Research Design
Research Methods
Data Collection Methods
Sampling Design
Data Analysis Procedures

Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing
Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing

Please follow the Unit VII project templateto complete your assignment.

solved PSY 200 – Summer 2021 Developmental Psychology Reflection Paper Many

PSY 200 – Summer 2021 Developmental Psychology Reflection Paper 
Many developmental psychologists believe there are several stages of life. Most developmentalists agree on the following stages:
• Prenatal 

Emerging Adulthood (and like we discussed last night, is a relatively new

stage of development)

Middle Adulthood
Late Adulthood

Reflecting on your experiences and personality, which of these stages do you believe was
the most influential in shaping who you are? Your job is to write about this, and be sure
to include specific examples in your response to why you feel this way.
(My major is computer science, or you can write something relate) 

solved What are the requirements for a valid contract? Per the

What are the requirements for a valid contract? Per the Chapter reading, explain how legally a contract is formed, the elements required and the differences pursuant to common law versus the Uniform Commercial Code. Why is it important to distinguish and identify which applies in business?Using the NEXIS-Uni Legal Research Database, find and provide one breach of contract case example from your home state in the past 5 years. Be sure to explain the facts of the case, the parties to the lawsuit, the dispute and the outcome and remedies provided by the court. Provide whether you agreed with the court or not. Nexis-Uni link:

solved I’m working on a powerpoint Case Study and need a

I’m working on a powerpoint Case Study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Solidia Tech a presentation to cover the following:the revenue model for your selected start-up(Solidia Tech). Be sure to provide an explanation.the e-business model for your selected startup(Solidia Tech). Be sure to explain your choice. a list of some of the challenges that this startup will face, as it relates to identifying market segments, managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer protection and adhering to any government regulations. Be concise and brief.a list of the tools that the business will use for connecting and communicating internally and externally.

solved Request: Read the attached pdf which contains the case study

Request: Read the attached pdf which contains the case study entitled “ Disney Case”. The paper will be based on this case study and the graphics attached at its end. You will need to deliver the following elements in a word document ( make sure you clearly state where each part is answered and to use headings to point out that everything is answered):
1. Please describe the busines model of Disney and indicate how it has adapted due to the rise of streaming services in the last years using models and approaches from the lecture. (~ 1,600 words,) 
2. Please construct a persona for a typical user of Disney’s streaming services. (~ 800 words) and also use graphical illustrations

solved Cite all answers – use APA sentence structure and referencing1.

Cite all answers – use APA sentence structure and referencing1. What is selective toxicity?2.How does antibiotic use promote resistant
organisms? What are ways that nurses can help to reduce the spread of resistant
organisms in hospitals?3.What is broad spectrum vs. narrow spectrum
antibiotics? Name an example of each.4.How is clostridium difficile treated initially?
How about for a severe infection?5.What medication can cause “red mans syndrome?”
How is this treated?6.What organs can be affected by aminoglycosides? 7.What are some nursing teaching points for the
patient being prescribed Tetracycline?8.Who is at the highest risk for tuberculosis
(name some populations of people).