solved must read the source that I assigned below only. outside

must read the source that I assigned below only. outside sources that I don’t provide are not accepted and will request for a refund.!!!🛑the assignment is this below ⬇️ 🛑 Baum says that his stories replace Old European fear and morality with “wonderment and joy”.Looking at “A Box of Bandits” from Baum’s American Fairy Tales, analyze it in order to define what is wonderment and what is joy in the story. Devote a paragraph to describing and illustrating the quality.In a third concluding paragraph, indicate if you also find a sense of American irreverence in the story.write 3 paragraphwrite an analysis not a summary MUST READ THE TWO BOOKS THAT IS REALTED TO THE QUESTIONS

solved This assignment involves researching Starbucks Being able to understand the

This assignment involves researching Starbucks
Being able to understand the inner workings of a global company from an operations and strategic point of view are critical to the success of those companies. 
What is the corporate culture of Starbucks and is there a home country influence?
Do you think Starbucks’ culture is low context or high context? Why?
Does Starbucks stress individualism or collectivism? Why?
Analyze using Hofstede’s 5 dimensions
Have there been any cultural expansion failures and why?
CONCLUSION: What would you do to change or improve the culture?
Double-spaced and sources cited correctly using APA Format
Self-research required on Starbucks as case study.

solved L.L. is a 13-year-old female who has been prescribed two

L.L. is a 13-year-old female who has been prescribed two inhalers for her new-onset asthma. She is being sent home with the two inhalers. L.L. lives with her mother and two brothers and is in 8th grade at a small private school. Playing volleyball and spending time with her friends are her two favorite pastimes. L.L. has no other medical concerns.

Reply to the following:

Choose who to provide education to: L.L., L.L.’s mother, L.L.’s brother, or personnel at L.L.’s school.
Include a teaching plan with at least three points of information. One of these points must be related to administration techniques. Please use bullets and headings to separate and define the three topics.

solved 1st paragraph – Briefly describe the function and purpose of

1st paragraph – Briefly describe the function and purpose of the Roman Pantheon in ancient Roman times? Why was it built and for what purpose? Where is it located? What distinguishing characteristics make it recognizable? 2nd paragraph – What aspects of Classical Greek architecture are appropriated in the Roman Pantheon? In other words, what elements of Greek temple building did the Romans borrow when building the Pantheon? 3rd paragraph – Finally, what uniquely Roman architectural elements did Pantheon architects incorporate? In other words, what formal elements of architecture did the Romans incorporate that the earlier Greeks did not have in their temple buildings? 300 words

solved I’m working on a international trade question and need an

I’m working on a international trade question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please read the Fiat Chrysler case study (closing case Chapter 7). 
From a resource-based view, what does Fiat have in turning around Chrysler that Daimler did not have?
Prior to their merger in 1998, Daimler and Chrysler had not collaborated in any alliance relationship. This probably contributed to the eventual failure of DaimlerChrysler. After Fiat made a strategic investment in Chrysler in 2009, both collaborated in an alliance, which eventually resulted in a merger in 2014. Does FCA have better odds of success than DaimlerChrysler?

Will the new FCA-PSA merger be successful?

solved I’m working on a philosophy question and need support to

I’m working on a philosophy question and need support to help me study.

Religious and Spiritual Influences on PerceptionThis discussion purposely separates religion and Spirituality. Religion is the organization of a belief system while Spirituality is the personal manifestation of beliefs—putting into motion what one believes.Perception is a very important part in the process of communication. What parts can religion and Spirituality (address them separately) have on perceptions of the world and how someone interacts within it? In what ways can this help or hurt Christians in the effort to grow His Kingdom? Use information from the text and examples from your own experiences.

solved In this assignment you will apply the readings and presentations

In this assignment you will apply the readings and presentations in the Reading & Study folder of Module: Week in a meaningful way to clarify your understanding of the juvenile courtroom actors. Examples of various actors includes the roles of the prosecutor and defense counsel. Also, why is there a need for legal representatives for both sides in contemporary juvenile court system Additionally, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the judge as lawgiver and parent figure? The purpose of this assignment will give you the opportunity to apply weeks activities in a meaningful essay application. ***********I don’t have the textbook **********And APA 7TH edition iis Required

solved impact of Lifestyle Variables Are women too busy to participate

impact of Lifestyle Variables Are women too busy to participate in leisure? How does lifestyle choices and variables impact women’s opportunities to participate in leisure? Discuss at least two lifestyle choice and variables that impact women participating in leisure. For example, a single mother who is enrolled in school and working 40 hours a week, or a married woman with five children. What would you say to a woman who tells you “I do not have time for leisure, I’m too busy”? 
Your paper must be at minimal 2 pages. You may use social media, news, research articles online, data, and personal experience to support your position. Make sure to include a reference page.

solved Describe the role of each component of the ECG in

Describe the role of each component of the ECG in the heart’s contraction: the P wave, the PR interval, the QRS complex, the ST segment, the T wave, and the QT interval. What is the difference between artifact and dysrhythmia? How can you reduce artifacts? What are some situations that can occur if artifact is not reduced or eliminated?You are working in the Telemetry Unit. The nurse “watching” the monitors is reading a magazine. She constantly turns off an alarm that looks a lot like Ventricular Fibrillation. She tells you that it is not a dysrhythmia, it is just artifact. What do you think about her actions? What is the worst case scenario in this situation? What would you do?

solved After reading the section titled “Dominant Microprocessor Company Intel Adapts

After reading the section titled “Dominant Microprocessor Company Intel Adapts to Next Trend” (Chapter 11 pg. 384-385) and the article titled “2018-2019 Intel Corporate Responsibility Report: Creating Value through Transparency,” complete a list of (4-5) reasons how Intel comes to dominate some markets. List (3) reasons why Apple would depart from a dominant corporation like Intel. You must include an introduction that explains the course theory regarding monopolies – dominant firms. Although this assignment allows you to create a list, you must follow the APA style of writing and include research to support your list and place this information in your reference section.