solved Identify an ethical issue in the workplace. You may describe

Identify an ethical issue in the workplace. You may describe one from the news or at your current or former job. You do not have to state the organization’s name (use Company ABC or XYZ if you wish). Answer each of the following questions.Describe the ethical issue. What happened? Why do you believe these events occurred? How did the issue affect employees and the company? Identify three repercussions associated with this issue. What could be done to prevent similar issues from reoccurring? Name three tools managers use to encourage ethical behavior in the future.Make sure you also:Submit as a Word document in APA format. Submit the assignment by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT.

solved Situational and transformational leadership approaches are among the leadership theories

Situational and transformational leadership approaches are among the leadership theories that can be applied by Nursing homes leaders to ensure the success of the facility.Questions:Explain in details how Nursing home leaders can promote quality care by applying transformational and situational leadership styles.Critically analyse the different situations that these two leadership styles can be applied in Nursing home.Use up to date, research, and evidence-based literature to support your discussion, remember to challenge the theories.In-text Citation is required as much as possible to back up each point made and the reference should be Harvard referencing style.Word count: 500

solved 1. Why did Bartleby “prefer not to?” This is both

1. Why did Bartleby “prefer not to?” This is both a philosophical and an economic concern; addressboth in your writing.2.What would you do if one of your employees “preferred not to?” This question shall not be answered with one sentence: “I’d fire him.” Maybe you would, but why? The answer to this question will explore your choice and your own psychology as to why you would take whatever action you describe.3.What was the main point Melville intended with this story? Again, must be a thoughtful answer.In your answer to this question you must use quotes from the text to set up your claim, and then you must write a clear and complete argument to justify your claim.

solved 1) Research and document a response strategy for each risk

1) Research and document a response strategy for each risk item on the Risk Register you created for Module 3.1a) There are some sample resources to get you started, but you should expect to do extensive research on your own. If you get stuck, you are encouraged to email me questions, but if you do, you should include notes regarding what research you have done up to that point.2) Your strategies should include activities to be performed before, during, and after the event.2a) Remember that you are developing a response strategy, so you only need a moderate level of detail. You do not need to create a click by click guides.2b) There is a list of sample response strategies below

solved I’m working on a business case study and need a

I’m working on a business case study and need a sample draft to help me study.I need help with the work analysis of the Thompson Technology in Controlling Labor Costs. Please read the attached and writing must be analytical and use HR metrics (if you know any)1. What criteria should be used to determine which jobs and which employees should be selected for telecommuting?2. What jobs are most likely to be identified for flexible schedules and which should be kept to a more traditional 8 to 5 workday?3. What cost savings can be expected from telecommuting and flexible schedules?Requirements: each question should be answered at least 1.5 pages. Double spaced, 12 fonts, Times Roman

solved I’m working on a social work presentation and need a

I’m working on a social work presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.

You are discussing various formal and informal instruments to assess individuals as well as human service programs. You learn there are several types of formal and informal methods of assessing individuals and organizations. 
First, select a nonprofit agency to assess its program effectiveness.
Then, select the type of assessment instrument you will be using.
Next, develop a presentation that includes the following:
Identify the agency.
Describe the type of assessment tool you will be using to assess the agency’s program effectiveness and explain why you chose this tool for the selected agency.

solved INSTRUCTIONS Compose a well-informed and well-written essay comparing the origins,

Compose a well-informed and well-written essay comparing the origins, context, meaning, and message of blues and rap music. You must cite the below reading at least twice (e.g., Danaher and Blackwelder, p. 4). Feel free to agree or disagree with its assumptions, evidence, and conclusions. Beyond this, you are encouraged to draw on additional resources. Additionally, comment on more recent developments in rap, using examples of your own choosing to illustrate your points.
William F. Danaher & Stephen P. Blackwelder. “The emergence of blues and rap: A comparison and assessment of the context, meaning, and message, Popular Music & Society, 17:4, 1-12, 1993.

solved Your response may be based on an actual situation or

Your response may be based on an actual situation or a hypothetical situation. Any actual situation should be presented as a hypothetical one, with any names and other identifying information changed for anonymity. Begin with a brief summary of the situation. As you discuss the psychosocial and biological factors involved, include:
(a) identification of two specific psychosocial factors,
(b) identification of two specific biological factors,
(c) the impact of the factors on healthcare as both an art (methodology, bedside manner, etc.) and a science (systematized knowledge) for the patient and/or provider, and
(d) any implications for dealing with patients from diverse cultures.

solved based best-practices in the field of exercise science. Please review

based best-practices in the field of exercise science. Please review the attached document for a list of professional journals. Please select a journal and read an article that interests you. Upon completion please complete the following in MLA format:-Appropriate citation of the article.-A summary outline of your article listing all key concepts as well as main and supporting details. Please make sure this is in outline-form. Use bullet points!-A one-paragraph critique of the article. What was the main thing you took away from it? Was there anything that surprised you? Is there anything you learned that could be a resource to you both in your education and/or active lifestyle.

solved Ask someone who knows you well to evaluate your social

Ask someone who knows you well to evaluate your social style using the exercise from Class 3 to have them assess your assertiveness and emotional control levels. How did their evaluation compare with your self assessment? For example, did they place you in roughly the same quadrant, did they perceive a big difference in one or both of the factors, etc.? What is your takeaway from this?After reading the article, “Harnessing the Science of Persuasion,”, choose two of the techniques and give a new example (not from the article) of each. These examples can be drawn from your personal experience or from business cases.