I need support with this Humanities question so I can learn better.
According to DuBrin (2015), the following strategies or tactics are identified for enhancing your career:
develop career goals,
capitalize on your strengths and build your personal brand,
be passionate about and proud of your work,
develop a code of professional ethics and prosocial motivation,
develop a proactive personality,
keep growing through continuous learning and self-development,
document your accomplishments,
project a professional image, and
perceive yourself as a provider of services. (p. 430)
Identify and explain three career-enhancing techniques or tactics in advancing your career.
solved HRM 520 Â Human Resource Information Week 11 Discussion Social
/in /by adminHRM 520 Â Human Resource Information Week 11 Discussion Social Media and Recruitment
Based upon Chapter 16, please respond to the following:
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media tools in the recruitment process?
What type of policies should organizations implement when using social media tools for recruitment?
What are some legal ramifications of using social media during the recruitment process?
Chapter 16: “HRIS and Social Media,” from Human Resource Information Systems.
Chapter 16 PowerPoint.
Chapter 17: “The Future of HRIS: Emerging Trends in HRM and IT,” from Human Resource Information Systems.
Chapter 17 PowerPoint.
solved I’m working on a Sociology question and need guidance to
/in /by adminI’m working on a Sociology question and need guidance to help me study.
Chapter 1 Discussion
Consider the following popular beliefs:Â
Crime rates increase when the moon is full.
Venting anger is healthy.
Abused children become abusive adults.
If you’re depressed, think happy thoughts and you’ll feel better.
Visualize success, and you’ll achieve it.
Positive thoughts can cure disease.
Consider the scientific method in determining the credibility of these claims. Does evidence support these claims? Is the claim reasonable? Could bias contaminate the results? Use the guidelines considered in this chapter and apply critical thinking as you reason on these claims.
solved Performance Appraisal Process1.In The Performance Consultant’s Field Book (p. 202)
/in /by adminPerformance Appraisal Process1.In The Performance Consultant’s Field Book (p. 202) the author relates the scenario of an HR director who developed a new performance appraisal process Read the scenario.2.Provide an analysis of what criteria is missing from the Director’s proposal? What other measures would you include in order to make this proposal worth the investment? Use the Figure 9.2, p.209 for additional measures to consider.This summary should be a minimum of two pages and should follow proper APA essay format.Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.View your assignment rubric.
solved Choose one of the following themes explored in Shakespeare’s sonnets:
/in /by adminChoose one of the following themes explored in Shakespeare’s sonnets:
Option 1: Love versus pride
Option 2: Corruptibility of time versus romantic love
Option 3: Real beauty versus cliché beauty
Option 4: Conventional gender roles versus flexibility
Option 5: Love versus lust
Option 6: Betrayal versus faithfulness
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze how this theme is treated in at least two of the sonnets. Select two sonnets that treat the theme differently.Â
Summarize how the theme is presented in each sonnet, and compare the similarities and differences between the two.Â
Explain how the treatment of the theme helps shape each sonnet.Â
solved This Project is already done by me and I already
/in /by adminThis Project is already done by me and I already finished the excel part but I need a 1 page of (Memorandum).I will attach the Project Instructions with my completed excel file.Instructions:Memorandum• Write a one-page memorandum to Lisa which:o Explains the simulation model and methodology (1 paragraph).o Describes the characteristics and profitability of the current state and the three scenarios analyzed (1 paragraph per scenario for a total of three paragraphs).o Identify your recommendation and why you selected this recommendation. Reference your simulation model results and focus on both the efficiency and profitability of your recommendation (1 paragraph).
solved I need support with this Humanities question so I can
/in /by adminI need support with this Humanities question so I can learn better.
According to DuBrin (2015), the following strategies or tactics are identified for enhancing your career:
develop career goals,
capitalize on your strengths and build your personal brand,
be passionate about and proud of your work,
develop a code of professional ethics and prosocial motivation,
develop a proactive personality,
keep growing through continuous learning and self-development,
document your accomplishments,
project a professional image, and
perceive yourself as a provider of services. (p. 430)
Identify and explain three career-enhancing techniques or tactics in advancing your career.
solved ****See attached Appendix B ****See attached Appendix C (Only complete
/in /by admin****See attached Appendix B
****See attached Appendix C (Only complete yellow highlighted portion)Â
Class Book:  O’Sullivan, E., Rassel, G. R., Berner, M., & Taliaferro, J. (2017). Research methods for public administrators (6th ed.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 978-0205856251
Read Chapter 6 – Contacting and Talking to Subjects (O’Sullivan).
Read Chapter 7 – Collecting Data with Questions and Questionnaires (O’Sullivan)
Review criteria for  (Appendix B) and (Appendix C).
Scan literature related to developing and administering survey instruments.
Scan literature related to optimizing response rates for online and print surveys.
solved Essay 2: Interrpreting Lao-Tzu’s Work We have been reading through
/in /by adminEssay 2: Interrpreting Lao-Tzu’s WorkÂ
We have been reading through Lao-Tzu’s Thoughts from the Tao Te-Ching and we have been trying together to figure out what it all means. And we have been trying to find modern value in the advice given to an Aristocratic Leader even though we live in an era of elected political representatives.
You Tasks:
Find two meaningful statements with different intentions from Lao-Tzu’s Thoughts from the Tao Te-Ching:
Explain the meaning of each statement.
Draw multiple modern contextual connections to each statement.
Discuss the connection between both of  Lao-Tzu’s statements.Â
Conclude with an assessment of these two statementsÂ
solved Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations.
/in /by adminDescribe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first describe the operation process of the production system. Second, identify operations decisions. (word count maximum:500)
A paper manufacturingÂ
An internal design officeÂ
Suppose that a firm is considering moving from a batch process to an assembly-line process to better meet evolving market needs. What concerns might the following functions have about this proposed process change: marketing, finance, human resources, accounting, and information systems? (word count maximum: 150)
3. Describe the flow chart of Textile Manufacturing Process.(word count maximum: 100)
solved Describe the current status of accreditation, considering National Patient Safety
/in /by adminDescribe the current status of accreditation, considering National Patient Safety Goals and their accreditation standards. In your paper, specifically address the following questions:What is the role of accreditation in ensuring patient safety?What is the relationship between an organization’s achievements in meeting National Patient Safety Goals and the results of the Joint Commission survey?If patient safety goals are not met based on the benchmarks set by the Joint Commission, what are the consequences?What strategies will you use to assess your own organization’s readiness for the Joint Commission survey?What actions need to be taken to prepare for the survey?