solved Write an original Problem-Solving Report about a real-life crime problem

Write an original Problem-Solving Report about a real-life crime problem in the US. Use the report format attached.
Crime : aggressive assault In Seattle
You can use different sources to gather data but it better to include data from :…
Follow the rubric and the exact steps in the report format.
Include images and charts.
Write 1250 words.
The Report will be assessed using the four Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs): Rubric PDF is attached.

Describe public security problems.
Analyze data.
Recommend responses.
Write reports in conformance with industry standards.

solved Answer the question in the file Using the Industry Analysis

Answer the question in the file Using the Industry Analysis Outline .You must write about “downtown diner” that is restaurant at weatherford, OKLAHOMA.Using the Industry Analysis Outline, provide all the essential details in preparation for completing Marketing Plan of ( “downtown diner” that is restaurant at weatherford, OKLAHOMA , Address: 123 W Main St, Weatherford, OK 73096).Notes********************You must write about “downtown diner” that is restaurant at weatherford, OKLAHOMAIt is should be about it that what is saying in the post everywhereOr you can write about other company at US but make sure the company doesn’t large business like Amazon or Macdonalds.

solved what are your thoughts on The Great Gatsby? can you

what are your thoughts on The Great Gatsby? can you reveal your thoughts on The Great Gatsby, through a specific lens?
Specific lens (Literary Theory) which are Archetypal, Feminist or Post-colonial
answer your thoughts in point form that way its easier for me to continue the next step which is creating a concept map that I will have to finish 🙂

ideas presented as key words or phrases
starts with a major term
next term or idea extends either in hierarchical or radiating format
branches on concept maps move from a more complex to a less complex idea
branches often end in examples
linking words or phrases on lines state the relationship between concepts 

solved 1. Your reflection essay (1 page) 2. (2) Classroom Observation

1. Your reflection essay (1 page)
2. (2) Classroom Observation Forms attached to the course outline, for each of the two lessons you observe, and
3. This will count as 10 (5) hours for each classroom observed, your justification for hours is

1 hr prep time for lesson
1 hr reflection of classroom observations,
1-2 hours observation
1-2 hr review study material of classroom observation

Your essay is your personal experiences, and/or other educators’ ideas you have witnessed, what you learned from the experience, how this will benefit you as a counselors, something different that you observed, regarding classroom management, student engagement, teacher presentation.

solved Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and Threats (SCOT) is a simple yet

Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and Threats (SCOT) is a simple yet comprehensive way of assessing the positive and negative forces within and outside your organization so you can be better prepared to act effectively. It reminds the project leader to build on strengths, minimize challenges, seize opportunities, and counteract threats.Assignment PromptEach student will perform a SCOT (formerly SWOT) analysis in their practice that identifies strengths, challenges, opportunities and threats to assist in making strategic plans and decisions in the implementation of the EBP.Submit a 1-2 slide PowerPoint presentation of a SCOT analysis as it relates to your project

solved Unit 2: Current Event ExerciseDirectionsEach student is required to develop

Unit 2: Current Event ExerciseDirectionsEach student is required to develop an 8-10 slide Power Point Presentation using APA format (Title Page, Running Header/Titles and Reference page with references properly cited in the body of the presentation). The presentation will summarize an HR business case of your chosen HR current event or ULO. The current event can be from the news, the employee’s organization, or other current event. The presentation must clearly articulate how the Human Resource Management function of an organization positively contributes to organizational outcomes. The final presentation slide is required to include all references in APA format.

solved Question to which the peers answered toBased upon your careful

Question to which the peers answered toBased upon your careful reading of chapter 21, in what ways did the struggles for independence of African and Asian peoples in the twentieth century parallel that of the “new nations” in the Americas of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? In what ways did they differ? Your response should discuss at least two different African and/or Asian independence struggles. As always, be sure to use specific evidence from the readings to support your argument.Peer response should be fluent adding to the conversation, example Hey good post, i agree with you… then continue to add the conversation. Short response 4 to 5 sentences

solved Explore and critically think about some of the learning outcomes

Explore and critically think about some of the learning outcomes and concepts presented in this course ( managerial economics). Effectively communicate how you would lead an organization (or a group of people within the organization) by applying the knowledge you have learned ethically and responsibly.  Your discussion should also include innovative thinking, and information technology aspects (such as the Internet, social-media, computers, and so forth) that may assist you in decision making. You may frame your discussion around any functional component of business, and in any context; problem-solving, management, leadership, organizational behavior, and so forth

solved You will write a 500-word (minimum) research paper on a

You will write a 500-word (minimum) research paper on a successful company of your choice.
Your paper should include: A brief history of the company. What are some of the strategies that
helped it become so successful? How do you envision the company 5 years from today? What can
you learn and apply from this company or its founders? (At least 1 paragraph for each topic.)
You may use knowledge in addition to outside sources. Your research
paper must be typewritten and follow APA format, with a minimum of 500 words. It must be
double-spaced, use Times New Roman Font, 12 Point Font Size. You must include a minimum of 3
scholarly references. You must use Microsoft Word

solved HRM 520 Â Human Resource Information Week 11 Discussion Social

HRM 520  Human Resource Information Week 11 Discussion Social Media and Recruitment
Based upon Chapter 16, please respond to the following:

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media tools in the recruitment process?
What type of policies should organizations implement when using social media tools for recruitment?
What are some legal ramifications of using social media during the recruitment process?
Chapter 16: “HRIS and Social Media,” from Human Resource Information Systems.

Chapter 16 PowerPoint.

Chapter 17: “The Future of HRIS: Emerging Trends in HRM and IT,” from Human Resource Information Systems.

Chapter 17 PowerPoint.