solved To complete this essay you must read our textbook readings

To complete this essay you must read our textbook readings on Africa and Susan Vogel’s essay “Always True to the Object in Our Fashion” on Blackboard. Then, you must watch El Anatsui and read El Anatsui Old Man’s Cloth. 
After reading the textbook and Vogel’s essay, watch the video and read the short web page on the work of contemporary Ghanaian artist, El Anatsui. How is El Anatsui’s work connected to historical art works of Africa? In what ways does Vogel’s attendance to the display of African art objects inform your understanding of El Anatsui’s work? How did the readings and the films change or enhance your knowledge about African art?

solved assignments will be available for this course. I would like

assignments will be available for this course. I would like you to choose one movie and discuss how it relates to some of the major themes related to Buddhism raised in this class. Avoid using documentaries about Buddhism for this assignment. If you choose a documentary, you will not get credit. Those are too ‘on the nose’. Instead, I’d like you to demonstrate your creativity by noticing elements of Buddhism in ‘Hollywood’, or ‘Blockbuster’ movies. Be sure to support your thoughts with specific examples from both the movie as well as the Buddhist theme(s) you find it is related. This assignment should also be about 1000 words (4 pages).

solved I need support with this Marketing question so I can

I need support with this Marketing question so I can learn better.

Browse the Websites listed below, keeping in mind culture/subculture, social class, reference groups, family/household, and opinion leaders. Identify and describe the major social influences that enable each organization to be successful in reaching its consumers. 
? Beechnut: 
? Ben & Jerry’s: 
? CNN: 
? Motorola: 
? Music Television (MTV): 
? Oprah: 
? PetSmart: 
? Facebook: 
? See’s Candies: 
? Google: 
? Xbox:

solved Resiliency Resiliency is much more than just surviving adversity or

Resiliency Resiliency is much more than just surviving adversity or bouncing back after facing adversity. Please use the assigned readings and the Library to research peer-reviewed studies to support your post. Please respond to the following: What does it mean to be resilient? Create a brief fictional case study of a family, individual, or group that further illustrates what it means to be resilient. Explain how a multilevel systemic view is necessary to fully recognize the degree of resiliency the family, individual, or group possessed in your fictional case study.chapter 1 Walsh, F. (2016). Strengthening family resilience. New York: The Guilford Press.

solved Clinical Trials at National Institute of Mental Health Click here

Clinical Trials at National Institute of Mental Health
Click here to find four research studies in different topic areas in the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website. For example, you might look at the studies being conducted on panic disorder and depression. Read about each study and create a table to organize the required summary information.
For each study, you must state:

Study title
Purpose of the study
Study type
Study design
Three primary outcome measures
Estimated enrollment number
Brief description about the study
Eligibility requirements
One inclusion criterion and one exclusion criterion
Study location
One principal investigator

solved I’m working on a history question and need guidance to

I’m working on a history question and need guidance to help me study.

Give two reasons why the Election of 1800 is significant in American history:
2. Give two consequences that resulted from the Louisiana Purchase:
3. Give two examples of how the market revolution will change American society:
4. Give two examples of how the Old Immigration (1840-1860) affected American society
5. Give two examples of how the expansion of cotton affected the United States from 1800-1860:
6. Give two factors which led to the Indian Removal Act of 1830, and 2 of the tribes it affected:
7. Give two examples of how slaves resisted their captivity and forced labor in America:

solved I need to write the introduction and hypothesis section of

I need to write the introduction and hypothesis section of my research. My research topic is ” The effect of fluoxetine level in water on mature leopard frog muscle physiology”. I attached the instruction for the introduction and hypothesis. The instruction must be followed. the introduction must be very detailed. must use APA style for citation. don’t forget the in-text citation.
please write the subheading as following: 
1. Animal Background.
1. The levels of pharmaceuticals in wastewater.
2. Frog muscle physiology.
3. How pharmaceuticals in the environment may affect amphibians.
4. How Fluoxetine effect muscle frog physiology.
5. write the hypothesis.

solved Do you have any experience with problematic order ? Please

Do you have any experience with problematic order ? Please describe how you contact customer service and handle this issue.
Could you describe how the variety of food menus make you easier to choose food items on Ubereats? (for example, the key word like popular as a indicator under a food item)
Could you describe how the group order work in your case? step by step please.
As you mentioned, you would like to try new cuisines(new restaurants that you have not ordered before) on delivery apps. How do you find new restaurants on delivery apps?Does the system recommend some new restaurants to you?
What features would you like to see in a food delivery app?

solved I need help with a Nursing question. All explanations and

I need help with a Nursing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

What is the difference between Deductive Arguments and Inductive Arguments? Describe each by paraphrasing your findings (do not use the same wording or quote your sources but be sure to cite your sources and provide a reference list).Provide one example of a deductive argument and one example of an inductive argument. Please use original examples only. Do not copy the examples from our text or another outside source.Which do you believe that we use most commonly (inductive or deductive arguments) and under what types of circumstances do we generally use these?

solved Reflecting on the work we have done so far often

Reflecting on the work we have done so far often helps us identify strengths and weaknesses that can then help us do even better next time. To reflect a little on your first essay, please respond to the following questions in full sentences and as much detail as possible. Describe your writing process for Essay 2. What parts of your process worked well?What parts of your process didn’t work well? Where did you struggle?What might you do differently when we start working on our next unit and Essay 3?Write two specific goals for improvement for the next unit/next essay. These goals should relate to your writing process or an aspect of the writing itself.