solved When the price of a good changes (decreases), it becomes

When the price of a good changes
(decreases), it becomes less expensive which allows consumers to
increase their satisfaction (purchase) for that good. Just the opposite
happens when the price of a good changes increases. When the price of a
good changes (increases), it become more expensive which changes the
consumer satisfaction for that good causing the consumer to seek a
substitution. This concept is the substitution effect of the price
change. In this discussion forum, identify a consumer product that has
decreased in price and discuss the increase in consumer demand for this
product. What have consumer substituted because of this decrease in

solved Vestige, Inc. is an online software company that specialize in

Vestige, Inc. is an online software company that specialize in selling ad spaces in their parent company’s magazine.  Vestige manages an online database that allows their customers to upload and pay for their business ads for magazine placement.  Because Vestige’s database needs to connect to the parent company’s database, the parent company has requested that Vestige system be assessed and verified as secure.
Your company has designated you to be the lead architect for this project because it’s a small company and perfect for your first time.  Since you have spent the past 7 weeks in training to be a System Architect, perform your assessment:

solved Pain can be described in several different ways and although

Pain can be described in several different ways and although there is often a physiologic reason for pain, a person’s experience and response to pain are subjective (Boling & Engelke, 2018). Depending on the severity of the pain, there are other nursing interventions we can do that are non-pharmacological. The use of music, for example, is one that doesn’t need a doctor’s orders.  Find a scholarly journal article that discusses  another non-pharmacological pain intervention that can be used to assist a client.  In 300 words (or more), summarize the journal findings and offer your thoughts on whether the intervention could (or could not) be useful. 

solved Your response should consist of at least 250 words. 1.

Your response should consist of at least 250 words.
1. Describe how you, as a sales manager, would handle the following situation: One of the salespeople under you is trying to get a customer to purchase a new product. He decides to take three individuals from the customer’s firm to dinner and a basketball game, even though he knows that he has exceeded his entertainment budget for the next month. He asks you if he can just hide these entertainment expenses in different categories in his expense report. How do you handle this situation?
2. Discuss how the development of personal selling techniques can help a salesperson evolve into a business consultant.

solved I need support with this History question so I can

I need support with this History question so I can learn better.

Black LGBTQ+ actvists Bayard Rustin and Marsha P. JohnsonTraditional narratives of African American history are presented as “straight” history, however Black LGBTQ+ individuals have shaped nearly every aspect of African American history and culture. In this essay you will write on the impact that the Black LGBTQ+ community has had within the wider African American community during the 20th century. You can choose an individual (e.g. James Baldwin, Pauli Murray, Bayard Rustin, Marsha P. Johnson), a cultural or political movement (e.g. Ballroom culture) or an event (e.g. Stonewall uprising).

solved I’m trying to learn for my Criminal Justice class and

I’m trying to learn for my Criminal Justice class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

The abuse of children has long lasting effects on the victims which follow them into their adult years. Whether it is the result of physical, sexual, or neglect, they all have an adverse impact on the victim. Define each category of abuse and list the physical and behavioral indicators associated with each on the victim. Differentiate between intra-familial and extra-familial cases and discuss any similarities between the two categories. Finally, list and explain the varying ways that disclosure occurs along with the circumstances leading up to that disclosure of the abuse

solved Educational Policy Analysis PaperAssignment This paper is to be an

Educational Policy Analysis PaperAssignment

This paper is to be an exploration of American educational policy. After watching the TedTalk from Schleicher, explore American educational policy. Begin by describing which educational policy you will address in your paper. Then, using research supports, describe which sociological theory most directly ties to the American educational policy you are examining . Then, provide three policy-based suggestions to improve educational equality, outcomes or achievement. Your suggestions should tie to sociological theory and current policy weaknesses. You must also provide research support for your policy suggestion.

solved Assignment 7.2 – Discussion Board Instructions: (Please, read carefully) In

Assignment 7.2 – Discussion Board Instructions: (Please, read carefully) In a PowerPoint presentation (PPT), describe at least three (3) acts of legislation that have had a significant impact on health in America.Your PPT must be “at least” three (3) slides, and “no more than” eight (8) slides of content (not counting your title slide and references slide).Upload in the Discussion Board to share with classmates, and evaluate.Please, respond to “at least” one of your classmate’s posts.Upload your slides here for grading here, as well as in the “Discussion Board” area to share with your classmates.Come prepared to class to discuss it with your classmates.

solved I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation

I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation to help me learn.

DB Q1: Self and Group Member EvaluationsAs you learned from your readings in this unit, a group leader should: a.) evaluate the group as a whole, b.) evaluate your own role as a group leader; and c.) ask for feedback from group members. What is your comfort level in completing each of these processes? DB Q2: Course ReflectionPlease share with the class three of the most important topics/concepts that you learned during this course. Be sure to include why you find each to be important. Also, how prepared are you to provide group therapy now that you have completed this course?

solved What if…?” Â What if the time period of “Neighbour

What if…?”  What if the time period of “Neighbour Rosicky” were changed to contemporary society?   Write a 400-word creative response in which you rewrite one of the following scenes. Assume the setting is contemporary.

The opening conversation between Rosicky and Dr. Burleigh in Part I.
The scene between Polly, Rudolph, and Rosicky in Part IV.Polly, Rudolph, and Rosicky

There is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment. Contact your instructor if you have questions about this policy.