solved Visit the websites of three Middle Eastern companies like Al

Visit the websites of three Middle Eastern companies like Al Baik, Almarai, and Emirates Airlines or any others of your choosing. Identify information on the companies’ supply chain management activities.
Address the following requirements:

Identify your selected companies in no more than three paragraphs.
In the remaining pages, break down information you find on purchasing issues, supplier issues, logistics, information systems, quality, and customer service to compare and contrast the supply chains of your selected companies.
In your final one or two paragraphs, suggest improvements for each company based on your comparison to the other two.

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need guidance

I’m working on a business discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Review the Aldi case study on page 169 of your textbook. Assess your satisfaction with Aldi and make recommendations about how the company could modify its business-level strategy to both increase your overall level of satisfaction and to attract new customers. Provide specific examples to support your response.Analyze the five business-level strategies discussed in Chapter 4 to determine which strategy most likely applies to Aldi. Determine how a shopper’s experience might change if it switched to one of the other four strategies (your choice). Explain your rationale.

solved After reading the “Argument” chapter on pages 184-199, “Proposals” ch

After reading the “Argument” chapter on pages 184-199, “Proposals” chapter on pages 208-226, and “Using Argumentative Strategies” chapter on pages 401-415, apply your knowledge to create a proposal and convince me to fund it. 
Pretend I (Dr. E) am the head of a grants committee that has $1 million dollars to donate to a worthy cause.  (I don’t really have the money.  This is a pretend scenario, so don’t ask for any real money!)  Pick a cause and draft a proposal to convince me to give the money to you.  Make sure you appeal to reason, authority, and emotion (from “Using Argumentative Strategies”) to craft your argument.   

solved Apple is being impacted (positively or negatively) by the current

Apple is being impacted (positively or negatively) by the current disruptions caused by COVID-19.Provide a 5 page paper detailing ONLY the RECENT ECONOMIC impact for the company, what has happened to its market valuation/stock price(etc., supply chain impact, other impacts, customer impact…) Must Include how Apple has reacted so far to the virus situation, what Apple has said or not said about it, and how it has communicated with customers. How has the media and Wall Street commented on the company’s stock performance, and what is the expected long-term impact or road to recovery. Make sure to include in-text citations and references. APA style.

solved Individually you will conduct a critical review of your learning

Individually you will conduct a critical review of your learning in the course, preparing a critique responding to a series of reflective questions, based on the course content. The reflective assessment will take the form of 4-5 short essay questions (approx. 500 – 1,000 words per question). Certain questions will ask you to: explain, describe, analyse, evaluate, justify and/or reflect on…. the key learning content or your skills acquired and applied across the semester. The reflective questions will derive from the three critical strategy areas studied during the semester: Advertising Strategy and Planning; Creative Strategy; and Media Strategy.

solved I’m working on a philosophy report and need guidance to

I’m working on a philosophy report and need guidance to help me understand better.

Please make sure to carefully read the file attached before bidding. This essay should be college-level writing with no plagiarism, which includes outside sources that were not provided to you. Each question should be answered completely. If after reading the pdf you can not open the readings, I can attach a pdf of the assigned excerpts. If you have any questions, please let me know! Thank you. 5 – 5.5 pages using MLA format (Use one-inch margins all around, double-spacing throughout, and Times New Roman font, size 12 only–and no title pages or page numbers please.)

solved Referring to at least three of the works we have

Referring to at least three of the works we have read in class so far (Weeks 1-4) discuss the role of art as it relates to social change in America. This is a broad question and students have the freedom to take it where they want. However, references to literary works and social change must be specific and supported. Minimum of 2 double-spaced pages. Submit the journal on an MS Word file attachment. The journal is graded on accuracy, presentation, analysis, and detail. The journal should reflect your knowledge of the writers and their themes along with a detailed analysis. Do not summarize the content of what you read. Instead, analyze and discuss.

solved you will have to revise a section of this power

you will have to revise a section of this power point based on the tutors recommendations, note that you must, use different font for me to see the revision if it meets the expectations. i have attached the original instructions in a zip file, which contains part 1 and part 2 instructions. you will be revising part 2. i have also attached the part 1 and part 2 solutions. read carefully the part 2 instructions. then i have attached a sniped with the needed revision which must meet the expectations. you must include subtopics from the snipet to ascertain that you have addressed all the issues. you must use a different font to make sure that i see it.

solved The documents linked below are speeches by Winston Churchill, George

The documents linked below are speeches by Winston Churchill, George C. Marshall, and Andrei Vyshinsky. As you read them, try to see what each person’s position was within their respective government, and how this position might have influenced what they said and how they said it. Be aware that these sources, as well as the textbook, have their own biases. 
The short paper prompt is as follows:
Do these historical figures see the Cold War as a defensive or offensive conflict?
Iron Curtain Speech (Links to an external site.)
The “Marshall Plan” Speech (Links to an external site.)
The U.N. General Assembly Speech (Links to an external site.)

solved How do the above videos relate to concepts of globalization,

How do the above videos relate to concepts of globalization, time-space compression, global transformation, how technology influences international interconnections, historical regional orders, and the development of the modern international order? (Remember this is not an exhaustive list and there might be other connections). Make an effort to link examples from the prompts to key course concepts examined in the readings and discussed in today’s lecture. You may also make connections to earlier lectures if relevant.