solved Textbook: Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections. Reece, Taylor, et al,

Textbook: Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections. Reece, Taylor, et al, 9th Ed

1. What is osmosis
2. Draw, label, caption and upload a diagram of facilitated diffusion across a semipermeable membrane.
3. Draw, label, caption, and upload a diagram of active transport of a solute across a membrane. Include a caption stating the circumstances under which this type of transport takes place
4. Draw, label, caption and upload a diagram of what happens to an animal cell when it is placed in a hypotonic environment
5. Draw, label, and caption and upload a diagram of what happens to a plant cell when it is placed in a hypertonic solution. 

solved Here in California we use plurality voting and two round

Here in California we use plurality voting and two round run-off voting for our elections. Do you think we should switch to Instant Run-off? Explain your answer using information from both readings. Your response should be between 250 and 350 words.Tasks250-350 word essay on whether or not California should switch to Instant Run-off voting or keep plurality and two round Run-off voting for elections.Criteria for SuccessYour essay is clearly and concisely written. There are no or very few grammatical errors.You take a clear position on the voting systems.Your essay utilizes information, data, and arguments from the readings to defend your position.

solved In this project, you will view a video and discuss

In this project, you will view a video and discuss the organizational culture and organizational structure of the assigned organization. You are requested to view the video on Zendesk: (You may need to right-click on the link and open in a new window.) You are also required by Mr. Harried to read the material that he has assigned for you to read (i.e., that is your course material for this project). After you view the video read the assigned project material, you are to write a report to Mr. Harried that covers the information requested below. For the report, you are using only the Zendesk video and course materials.

solved I’m working on a business law question and need an

I’m working on a business law question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Locate the U.S. Business Judgment Rule
Then locate the rule in any other country.

Discuss the following:

1.   What part or parts of the U.S. rule do you either agree or disagree?
2.   Compare/contrast the U.S. with your selected country.  If they are the same, why do you think they are stated in similar ways.  If different, discuss the differences.

If you could change the U.S. rule, what would you change and why?
If you would not change anything in the U.S. rule, discuss what aspects of the rule you believe are most effective and why?

solved 1.Which poem in the reading assignment for this module did

1.Which poem in the reading assignment for this module did you enjoy the most, and why? Be sure to refer to the poem’s title in your response. Remember, it is acceptable to enjoy a poem you do not fully understand. By no means do you need to have it perfectly “figured out” to respond to the discussion.What do you like about the poem?How does the language of the poem influence your experience?What associations do you have with the poem?Your word count needs to be 250 and up. In addition, you need to go back and respond (50 words or more for each response) to three of your peers’ postings for full credit.2make a Cornell notes about the poem you pick

solved I need support with this Writing question so I can

I need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.

SubjectCritical Analysis: OppressionAdditional notesThe poetics of the oppressed, according to Augusto Boal in the selection from The Theatre of the Oppressed, transforms the spectator into an actor, in preparation for real action in the world, by focusing on the movements and expressions of the body. The last scene in Ruined, particularly the final dance, hints at the kind of physical transformation by the protagonist (Mama) that is necessary to overcome the brutal scars of past atrocities. How is Boal’s direction of empowerment through physical ownership reflected in the text?

solved I’m working on a social work question and need an

I’m working on a social work question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Why are various cognitive-behavioral approaches needed? Provide examples to support your answer.
Rational emotional behavioral therapy, a type of cognitive behavioral approach, is also void of self-evaluation. A client is urged to let go of the idea that there is judgment involved in determining if a person is worthy or not. Using this concept, clients are urged to believe they are valuable just as they are. If you had a client who had ego disturbance because of continual self-judgment, what types of exercises could you have them work on to change their own self-image?

solved I included the prompt the teacher gave us, my essay,

I included the prompt the teacher gave us, my essay, and a peer’s essay that can be used just to see how the essay should be. I have already began and almost completed my essay but need help completing the page count. I have 7.5 pages and I need it to be 9.5 pages. Continue in the discussion portion that I have already started, If what I have doesn’t fit with how you want to begin the discussion portion then feel free to delete it and start the discussion as you want (you can message me with any thoughts). Then after the discussion write the conclusion and that is all I need. Please include any sources that you may use for additional information.

solved Part 1: Personal Conflict project part 3: Please see attachments/

Part 1: Personal Conflict project part 3: Please see attachments/ I also attached part 1 and 2 of the project for reference. Part 2: Course reflection discussion: Each
discussion will be completed in 2 parts. First, the candidate will create a
500-word thread in response to the prompt. The thread must include at least one
in-text citation from the textbook, scholarly journals, and/or the Bible. Then, you will submit a 200-word replies to 2
peers. Each reply should include at
least one in-text citation from the textbook, scholarly journals, and/or the
Bible. While differing opinions are
expected, professional respect and courtesy are also expected.

solved I’m working on a public health discussion question and need

I’m working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards in Health and Health Care serve as a guide to advance and sustain culturally and linguistically appropriate services within organizations. Review the CLAS Standards and identify one that most resonates with you or is most relevant to your interests in public health. Prepare a rationale for the implementation of your selected standard. National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards are located in topic Resources. (W11 DQ1)Â