solved Research topic: Prescription drugs among teens, please focus only on

Research topic: Prescription drugs among teens, please focus only on 1. Stimulants 2. Opioids 3. Depressants.
1. What are they (Stimulants/ Opioids/ Depressants.) and give examples of each. also their side affects 
2. How do teens gain access to these type of drugs?
3. What are the factors that contribute to drug misuse among teens, How to know the signs.
4. Here’s the Problem: For example “Prescription drugs is the fastest-growing drug problem in the United States, and it is profoundly affecting the lives of teenagers.”
5.Why it’s a Problem: 
6. Here’s what we know about the Problem:
7.What we can Do to solve the Problem:

solved I’m studying and need help with a Nursing question to

I’m studying and need help with a Nursing question to help me learn.

Your patient is a 23-year-old female with a history of headaches. This morning she was experiencing a really bad headache as her boyfriend was driving her to the university. He thought she was sleeping and by the time they got to the school, 45 minutes later, she was not waking up. She was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm and you are taking care of her in the Neurological ICU.What testing do you expect to be performed to diagnose brain death?What is the procedure when a patient is determined to be brain dead?Who should approach the family about organ donation?

solved Instructions In this unit’s assignment, you will continue building the

In this unit’s assignment, you will continue building the research plan you started to develop in Unit I. In a scholarly paper, you will plan your research to answer questions and/or solve problems by addressing the criteria below.

First, you will design a hypothesis of what you believe will happen in terms of observed change if the study proceeds.
Second, you will develop a null hypothesis that shows that nothing will change.
Third, explain how and why your proposed study incorporates ethics. 
Finally, how do you expect a standard institutional review board to approve or ask for changes to your research proposal? 

solved Can you help me understand this Writing question? Topic: An

Can you help me understand this Writing question?

Topic: An important step in a dissertation is the theoretical basis that might help explain and shed light on why the problem is happening. For example, if we want to know how different groups responded to the implementation of a new teaching strategy in higher education, you might consider theories related to adult learning.
Task: Discuss the theoretical framework you think helps explains your topic and problem you will address in your dissertation. Remember, this will also be cited in the literature as well, so make sure to include scholarly resources from a peer reviewed journal.

solved please locate and review two articles—one on how to improve

please locate and review two articles—one on how to improve the quality of decision-making and one on strategies for effective communication as a leader. After reviewing the two articles, address the prompts below.
Identify the main points of the article, and discuss the supporting information. Explain how you can utilize this information in your career.
Explain key aspects of group processes including leadership, the communication structure, and stages of team development.
Discuss the value of communication in health care organizations.
Explain decision-making methods for teams, including functional and dysfunctional processes.

solved I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me learn.

DQ 1: 
What are some of the obstacles or barriers to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing? Explain how at least one of the obstacles you have described could impact the implementation for your EBP project.

DQ 2: 
Identify two stakeholder barriers you might experience during the implementation phase of your evidence-based practice project. What strategies can you implement to gain stakeholder support for the project implementation. Provide a suggestion you would give to a colleague who is struggling with obtaining stakeholder support.

solved You have been developing a preliminary marketing plan for a

You have been developing a preliminary marketing plan for a hypothetical or real company. In Module 9, you will outline the control measures necessary to monitor the progress.   should now have a complete draft of your marketing plan. Thoroughly review the draft sections of your plan and make any revisions as necessary.
Is the marketing mix strategy congruent? Do the tactical actions support the strategic focus of the brand? Are the communications integrated and aligned with marketing mix elements?
Bottom Line: ensure that there is alignment between the organization’s mission, the marketing mix strategy, and actionable items. 

solved Chapter 16 introduces several infectious diseases of the skin. This

Chapter 16 introduces several infectious diseases of the skin. This is an area for you to discuss something of interest to you. For this response, please write something interesting about an infectious skin disease that was not mentioned in the PowerPoint or elaborate on a disease that was mentioned (i.e. tell us something else about it).  Your original post has a 100 word minimum. With each secondary response having a 25 word minimum.
Please note, all students must craft a unique response. Check to see what your classmates have discussed and either choose a different disease or discuss something different about the same disease.

solved You are a new First Officer on a fractionally owned

You are a new First Officer on a fractionally owned Falcon 9000 flying with a Captain you have never met. The weather is severe clear. It is a short flight from Melbourne, FL to Tampa, FL where you will pick-up your passengers. During the climb through 3,000′ the Captain wants you to request an altitude to FL 160, instead of the assigned altitude of 9,000′ where the temperature forecast is 5o C. You would prefer to not  spend so much time climbing to 16,000′ and instead make 9,000′ your cruise altitude.
From what you know of the effects of the atmosphere on aircraft behavior, which course of action do you think is better and why?

solved Below I will write 4 question and I need a

Below I will write 4 question and I need a detailed and professionally written SAP appeal. The reason this appeal is occurring is because I was financially unstable and began a new job that caused me to lose focus on my scholastics. With that expand it and write a proper SAP appeal please Explanation of Past Performance:Briefly explain what prohibited your ability to be successfulWhat has changed in your life that will now allow you to be successful?Describe the specific plan of action that you will follow to attain academic success if your appeal is approvedWhat is your action plan in the event your previous issues come up again?