Essay 1: The Hero’s Journey in The Phantom MenaceEssay 1: The Hero’s Journey in The Phantom Menace
Answer the following discussion question in a well-developed (compelling title, introduction, thesis, body, conclusion, work cited) essay. Make sure to use textual evidence (quoted material from the film) to support your ideas.Â
Pick ONE of the following characters (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Jar Jar Binks, Qui-Gon Jin, Padme, Darth Maul). Using Joseph Campbell’s 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey, track that character’s journey in the film The Phantom Menace. Include a paragraph about how this character’s  journey has affected you personally.Â
solved Please write two separate essays on the following questions: Do
/in /by adminPlease write two separate essays on the following questions:
Do you agree or disagree that Asian Americans are model minorities in terms of education, income, and maintaining traditional family structure?
In the papers we have studied, filial piety often contrasts with the U.S. mainstream culture and values around the family building or mate selection, family structure, and family relationships. Are there commonalities between Asian filial piety and U.S. family values and cultures? Explain the factors that might cause filial piety to unravel and be gradually replaced by U.S. family values and cultures across Asian ethnic groups.
solved For EACH reading (or chapter) you are to prepare a
/in /by adminFor EACH reading (or chapter) you are to prepare a 3-4 page outline summary. These are single-spaced outlines (with double spacing between each section). You are to provide I. Abstract; II. First Primary Idea, i supporting evidence/logic; III. Second Primary Idea, i supporting evidence….etc….you will thus be breaking down the authors stated ideas and discussing the supporting evidence/logic that he or she gives. You MUST put everything in your own words…you must paraphrase and summarize. If you feel it necessary to directly quote, keep it short and be sure to use proper quotations and give the page number.
For pages 261-280
solved For EACH reading (or chapter) you are to prepare a
/in /by adminFor EACH reading (or chapter) you are to prepare a 3-4 page outline summary. These are single-spaced outlines (with double spacing between each section). You are to provide I. Abstract; II. First Primary Idea, i supporting evidence/logic; III. Second Primary Idea, i supporting evidence….etc….you will thus be breaking down the authors stated ideas and discussing the supporting evidence/logic that he or she gives. You MUST put everything in your own words…you must paraphrase and summarize. If you feel it necessary to directly quote, keep it short and be sure to use proper quotations and give the page number.
For pages 281-305
solved Essay 1: The Hero’s Journey in The Phantom MenaceEssay 1:
/in /by adminEssay 1: The Hero’s Journey in The Phantom MenaceEssay 1: The Hero’s Journey in The Phantom Menace
Answer the following discussion question in a well-developed (compelling title, introduction, thesis, body, conclusion, work cited) essay. Make sure to use textual evidence (quoted material from the film) to support your ideas.Â
Pick ONE of the following characters (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Jar Jar Binks, Qui-Gon Jin, Padme, Darth Maul). Using Joseph Campbell’s 12 steps of the Hero’s Journey, track that character’s journey in the film The Phantom Menace. Include a paragraph about how this character’s  journey has affected you personally.Â
solved Hello, please take a look at the example work of
/in /by adminHello, please take a look at the example work of a good pre-writing task and the annotated bibliography of my essay topic.And complete a pre-writing task for me, thank you! (Please include everything as the example workYour plan.Your reference list. Your vocabulary work. You may also wish to include a contents page. There is NO word limit for this assessment, but you should consider how realistic your plan is, as the Extended Essay word limit is 2220 words.Two more recommended text:….
solved For the discussion you will need:Poem:Brain Frog Pandemic
/in /by adminFor the discussion you will need:Poem:Brain Frog Pandemic of a single story I believe pdf on critical thinking and instructions for the discussion post.For the writing paper you need:They say I say attached and the bibliography from before and the Intro draft from before (I will attach them to the chat)**Deadline in 20-24 hours but if you finish the discussion first please send it through.
solved InstructionsThe assignment this week is to create an 18-page PowerPoint
/in /by adminInstructionsThe assignment this week is to create an 18-page PowerPoint presentation that covers the below topics.Describe the responsibilities of the contracting officerDescribe the basics of government contractsExplain the contracting cycleLO-4 Explain how procurement fraud and ethics plays a pivotal role within the contracting communityLO-5 Define the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Branch, Congress, and Defense Industry in defense contracting, acquisition, and managementLO-6 Describe the fundamentals of each of the Executive Branch, Congress, and Defense Industry in defense contracting, acquisition, and management
solved The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate YOURinsight and
/in /by adminThe purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate YOURinsight and critical thinking in response to our course material this week. Â You may accomplish this in a number of ways… Â
Personal or other real-world examples (with additional explanation)
Commentary or critique…question or problematize something we discussed this week
Link to a relevant video or article (with additional explanation)
Questions for further consideration
Exploring further implications of various ideas
Other comments that indicate the depth of your understanding of the course material
…but NOT by merely summarizing or restating the course material. Â
solved I don’t understand this Business Law question and need help
/in /by adminI don’t understand this Business Law question and need help to study.
5(a): Circular 230:
(i) What is Circular 230?
(ii) Who is permitted to practice before the Department?
(iii) What penalties can the Secretary impose on practioners? Why might they do so? Give examples
(iv) What information must a tax preparer furnish to the IRS?
(v) If a practitioner is a notary public, may he notarize his client’s signature on a document to be sent to the IRS?
(vi) When does a practitioner have a conflict of interest?
(vii) What information may a practitioner publish about his fees?
(viii) Are there tax returns a practitioner may not sign?
solved In the United States, the exposure of young men to
/in /by adminIn the United States, the exposure of young men to violent media has become an area of increasing concern. Research has shown that 1) the consumption of violent TV, movies, and now video games has increased, and 2) consumption of violent media and especially long-term exposure lead to desensitization to violence in general.
Read the articles by Engelhardt et al. (2011) and Abou & Fournis (2014). In an essay of 750-1,000 words:
Explain how violent media may be influencing violent crime rates today—specifically rape and homicide—and in a way that may be difficult to measure.
How has this phenomenon impacted U.S. legislation?