solved Write an analytical, persuasive essay that answers the prompt below.

Write an analytical, persuasive essay that answers the prompt below. Minimum acceptable length is 600 words; typical length of an adequate response will be closer to 1000 words. Make sure your thesis sentence addresses both questions in the prompt (one is a “what” or a “how” question and the other is a “significance” question).
How does the Rood compare its own character with that of Christ? (Does it say they are similar, different, both? Which specific character traits does it address?) How does this similarity and/or difference in character affect a reader’s perception of Christ as he is presented in this poem?

solved The ASSIGNMENT INVOLVES TWO PARTS: Part 1: Retailer Analysis: Select

Part 1: Retailer Analysis:
Select any two retailers of your choice and analyze the way in which they carry on their business. Compare them. Summarize your suggestions on how these retailers can improve the shopping experience for their customers, increase sales, and improve their image.
Part 2: Evaluate store layout, design and visual merchandising:
From the above two retailers evaluate the store layout, design and visual merchandising techniques employed. Identify which retailer is best and why? 
Explain your answers through the following questions:

¬ Promotion
¬ Layout
¬ Merchandising

solved Based on your reading and analysis of Preparing for Conflict

Based on your reading and analysis of Preparing for Conflict and Negotiation: A Case Study on Perinatal Depression, discuss the following questions:

What are Pam Albright’s policy priorities?
How do you think Pam Albright views conflict? What are the strengths and weaknesses she may bring to the negotiating table?
Where do you think Pam Albright will face her greatest challenges?
What negotiation strategies might Pam Albright use?
Characterize the likely negotiating style of the characters in the case study based on the five approaches to handling conflict (competing, accommodating, avoiding, collaboration, and compromising)

solved Implementing systems is often more challenging than designing systems. Consider

Implementing systems is often more challenging than designing systems. Consider a large health care organization that is implementing a major system that must interface with multiple external systems, and complete the following:

Select 1 of the following components of such an implementation, and explain what would be required to implement this aspect of the project:

User training
Documentation of the system for support or operations
Documenting the system for regulatory approval
Evaluating the system for security concerns
Evaluating the system for implementing the system at a new facility that the organization has acquired

solved Discussion assignments will be graded based upon the criteria and

Discussion assignments will be graded based upon the criteria and rubric specified in the Syllabus.For this Discussion Question, complete the following.1. Read the two articles below that discuss why fuel prices fluctuate. Research two of these types further. 2. Locate two JOURNAL articles which discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are not expected to fully understand the Data and Methodology. 3. Summarize these journal articles. Please use your own words. No copy-and-paste. Cite your sources.500 words, APA format and references are important

solved I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Consider the socioeconomic factors that affect the Saudi Arabian rural healthcare systems. How do these factors relate to quality? How have they improved patient satisfaction?
Write a paper that addresses the following:
An introduction,
At least two contemporary political factors that impact the KSA healthcare system,
At least two contemporary economic factors that impact the KSA healthcare system,

The role of privatization in the context of these factors,
The role of health insurance in the context of these factors, and

solved A few years have passed, and Aaron has an adult

A few years have passed, and Aaron has an adult domestic violence (DV) criminal case pending and a possible child abuse case pending. See the updated scenario. The memo should be updated to include an assessment of Aaron’s possible consequences given the history of the family. Include the following:The new component will discuss if there are real interventions that work for perpetrators of DV. Current theories suggest that it is very difficult to treat perpetrators and that recidivism is very high. Discuss recidivism and whether you believe perpetrators can change.Examine the costs to the community that are associated with DV.

solved Pretend you are a prosecutor and prepare a plea offer

Pretend you are a prosecutor and prepare a plea offer for Mario. Assume he was charged with possession of methamphetamine and with DUI (with a blood alcohol content of .08/.09).
Write an essay (500-750 words) explaining what you as a prosecutor would offer him, and what factors you would consider in your offer. Include a paragraph justifying your offer. Assuming the role of defense counsel, prepare a counteroffer, following the same structure as outlined above.
You can be creative with realistic details that you provide (providing they are consistent with the parameters of the facts above), but each offer should be persuasive.

solved In the article “Information Technologies at Domino’s Pizza,” (page 8),

In the article “Information Technologies at Domino’s Pizza,” (page 8), Domino’s Pizza takes advantage of a whole range of technologies to bolster their business position.
1.  Briefly describe the technologies the company used.  Why were these technologies successful?
2.  If you were the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Domino’s Pizza, what other technological advancements (s) could you propose that would improve profit or efficiency? (Note:  Please keep your recommendation(s) realistic.  Fanciful or outrageous responses NOT encouraged.  A Google search might be in order here).
s) to posts from your peers’ discussions 

solved Download and review the following CAPSIM related documents: MGMT-522_CAPSIM Student

Download and review the following CAPSIM related documents:

MGMT-522_CAPSIM Student Guide
MGMT-522_CAPSIM_Broad Differentiation

Watch the following videos:

MGMT-522_CAPSIM_Getting Started

Download and review the Capstone project documents:

File: MGMT-522_Capstone Project
File: MGMT-522_Case_SFA_Template

Using Microsoft Word, create an email message to your boss that:

Summarizes the requirements of the CAPSIM Business Simulation project and describes how you will approach the project.
Summarizes the requirements of the Capstone project and describes how you will approach that project.