Download and review the following CAPSIM related documents:
MGMT-522_CAPSIM Student Guide
MGMT-522_CAPSIM_Broad Differentiation
Watch the following videos:
MGMT-522_CAPSIM_Getting Started
Download and review the Capstone project documents:
File: MGMT-522_Capstone Project
File: MGMT-522_Case_SFA_Template
Using Microsoft Word, create an email message to your boss that:
Summarizes the requirements of the CAPSIM Business Simulation project and describes how you will approach the project.
Summarizes the requirements of the Capstone project and describes how you will approach that project.
solved Download and review the following CAPSIM related documents: MGMT-522_CAPSIM Student
/in /by adminDownload and review the following CAPSIM related documents:
MGMT-522_CAPSIM Student Guide
MGMT-522_CAPSIM_Broad Differentiation
Watch the following videos:
MGMT-522_CAPSIM_Getting Started
Download and review the Capstone project documents:
File: MGMT-522_Capstone Project
File: MGMT-522_Case_SFA_Template
Using Microsoft Word, create an email message to your boss that:
Summarizes the requirements of the CAPSIM Business Simulation project and describes how you will approach the project.
Summarizes the requirements of the Capstone project and describes how you will approach that project.
solved The assignments are for communication class. you can find the
/in /by adminThe assignments are for communication class. you can find the readings and instruction for each assignment in the link written front of it.Persuasive Speech Critique:…Self-Reflection:…Additional Resources Summary Assignment:…Persuasive Speech Critique:…Farewell Speech Outline Assignment:…Please send the answer for each part separately as soon as you’re done with one.
solved Can you help me understand this Writing question? Is it
/in /by adminCan you help me understand this Writing question?
Is it ever ok to manipulate a photo (in something like Photoshop)? Please look at the of photo manipulation examples, i.e. photos that have been photoshopped. In at least 250 words, you’re going to make a case for when this is ok and when it’s not, taking into consideration these three categories: 1) personal (such as an Instagram selfie or a high school senior portrait), 2) advertising (such as an photo is a beauty ad that has been retouched), or 3) journalism. (Links to an external site.)
solved Write an original Problem-Solving Report about a real-life crime problem
/in /by adminWrite an original Problem-Solving Report about a real-life crime problem in the US. Use the report format attached.
Crime: The illegal immigration in the United States
This is a support reference you can use it if you want or use others…
Follow the rubric and the exact steps in the report format.
Include images and charts, and use APA citation
The Report will be assessed using the four Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs): Rubric PDF is attached.
Describe public security problems.
Analyze data.
Recommend responses.
Write reports in conformance with industry standards.
solved I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need guidance
/in /by adminI’m working on a sociology discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.
Respond, in an initial reply to this discussion using no fewer than 250 words, to the following questions:How have you seen the “incompleteness” that Yancy mentions in your perspective on social life?What do you think about the concept of social justice? How do your friends and family understand the term?Why do you think many Americans, in particular, have trouble seeing what Yancey calls “structural impacts?”What structural impact is particularly concerning to you? please only use this source
solved Imagine you are training new case managers for victims of
/in /by adminImagine you are training new case managers for victims of familiar (family and other relationships) violence.
Write a 350 to- 700-word training guide in which you:
Identify causes and impact of victimization within families and relationships.
Describe police response practices to familiar violence incidents and calls for service.
Discuss mandatory criminal charging in familiar violence cases.
Identify federal and state (where you live) violent crime/crime of violence and victims’ rights laws.
Identify crime data and trends in familiar violence.
Discuss future approaches to police response in familiar violence incidents.
solved Sociodramatic play Allows children to act out various roles and
/in /by adminSociodramatic play
Allows children to act out various roles and themes in stories that they create, as well as:
Explore and rehearse the social roles enacted around them
Test their ability to explain and to convince playmates of their ideas
Practice regulating their emotions by pretending to be afraid, angry, brave, and so on
Develop a self-concept in a nonthreatening context
Discuss: Should sociodramatic play be included in Kindergarten curriculum (perhaps even first and second grades)? What are some considerations here? (Examples: time resources, other “academic†subjects , funding, etc.) What are some pros and cons?
solved This assignment allows students to explore the public policy implications
/in /by adminThis assignment allows students to explore the public policy implications of either feminist criminology or critical race theory. Students must write a 1-2 page response to the following:
In Anatomy of Injustice, Raymond Bonner describes the murder of Dorothy Edwards and the subsequent conviction of Edward Lee Elmore. Drawing upon EITHER a feminist perspective OR critical race theory, discuss a particular insight that criminological theory provides into the case.
Be sure to draw clear connections between specific aspects of Anatomy of Injustice and theoretical concepts from either feminist criminology or critical race theory.
solved Respond to one of the following in a minimum of
/in /by adminRespond to one of the following in a minimum of 175 words and your response must cite a scholarly reference other than the text or one of the readings for Week 4:The readings for this week are focused on patient-centered care; what are your thoughts regarding these articles? Which assertions made in the articles do you feel would be most applicable to your area of practice?Do you feel that utilization of EBP promotes less resistance to change? Why or why not? Use the information from this chapter to support your response.Of the resources you are considering for your project plan, what is the biggest challenge you foresee? Why?
solved Confidence IntervalsIn this week’s reading, we discussed different types of
/in /by adminConfidence IntervalsIn this week’s reading, we discussed different types of samples, their distributions, sampling errors, probabilities, and confidence intervals. Using Excel or StatTools, complete the following Problem. This is similar to Problem 33 in Chapter 8 on page 351.Problem – You have been assigned to determine whether more people prefer Coke or Pepsi. Assume that roughly half the population prefers Coke and half prefers Pepsi. How large a sample do you need to take to ensure that you can estimate, with 90% confidence, the proportion of people preferring Coke to within 5% of the actual value? Show all of your work.