solved Please respond to the two following attached discussed posts by

Please respond to the two following attached discussed posts by answering the followed number questions. Each discussion post should be answered seperately with the numbered questions.

What leadership assumptions about leading change are presented by your classmates and others in their responses to the cases? 
How might your perspective about the cases be different from the ones presented by classmates? 
What different questions should we ask about the case study in light of the week’s materials? 
How are your considerations about leading change shifting? How might our discussions and materials influence this shift?  

solved Each student will submit a 1000-word reflection note on what

Each student will submit a 1000-word reflection note on what they learned in class, in the simulation activity, and how they plan to use the knowledge and skills they acquired during the class in their current or future workplace.The essay will be evaluated on the basis of:- Clarity of language including proper referencing- Ability to link the learning to the module content- A forward looking self-assessment of how this knowledge and experience from the module might be leveraged for their personal and organizational success.the simulation meant here is Capsim simulation 2.0The essay MUST reflect the lectures slides (Attached)

solved Can partisan media polarize? Scholars have often argued about whether

Can partisan media polarize? 
Scholars have often argued about whether the media is to blame for high levels of polarization among the American public. For example, are the messages portrayed on Fox News or MSNBC pushing us farther apart in our political views? Read through Matthew Levendusky’s research on polarization and the media (“Are Fox and MSN polarizing” and “Levendusky_Partisan Media”). I even posted a video of him talking about this topic “Do partisan media polarize America?”
What is his conclusion? Do you agree with his argument? Why or why not? Is the media to blame for high levels of polarization?

solved 15 minute presentation (powerpoint)Review 5+ papers on the topic of

15 minute presentation (powerpoint)Review 5+ papers on the topic of your choosing For each paper, include the following:A few bullet points for background/why this is importantThe research questionAn overview of their methods/how they answered that research questionTheir resultsImplications of resultsStrengths/limitations of studyAreas for future research*My topic is “Barriers to access of OB/GYN (or any medical assistance) and follow up to care for pregnant veteran women (ex. Homeless women, rural areas, etc)Phrased in question: What are the predictors of follow up to care to pregnant veteran women? (Access and utilization)

solved I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Wireshark is one of the most widely-used network protocol analyzer. It lets you see what’s happening on your network at a microscopic level and is the preferred standard across many commercial and non-profit enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions. GlassWire is a free network monitor & security tool with a built-in firewall. Review the features of these two products and explain how you could benefit from using either of these network management tools.

solved I’m working on a health & medical case study and

I’m working on a health & medical case study and need support to help me learn. Discuss the Mr. Barley’s history that would be pertinent to his respiratory problem. Include chief complaint, HPI, Social, Family and Past medical history that would be important to know.Describe the physical exam and diagnostic tools to be used for Mr. Barley. Are there any additional you would have liked to be included that were not? What plan of care will Mr. Barley be given at this visit, include drug therapy and treatments; what is the patient education and follow-up?APA

solved Answer the discussion question by considering the case of Lake

Answer the discussion question by considering the case of Lake Erie (…) as well as by citing a recent news story of your choice (reported in the last six months) on a similar issue that might help us think through the question. Make sure to cite sources!QUESTION: Some critics feel that the inequities in power and resources between representatives of industry and citizens make true consensus between these two groups impossible. McCloskey (1996) claims that “industry thinks its odds are better in these forums …. It believes it can dominate them over time”. Do you agree?

solved Assignment Question(s): (Marks -5) LO 6: The capacity to write

Assignment Question(s): (Marks -5)
LO 6: The capacity to write coherent project about a case study or an actual research about ethics.
Critical Thinking Questions:  
1. You are the CEO of a small manufacturing company. One of your employees has dumped toxic waste in a nearby stream. Who would you call into your office and what would you want to know? Develop a short-term and long-term action plan for dealing with the crisis. Who would you communicate with and why? 
2. How will you charac:  thics efforts in this organization as taking a value, compliance, or combination approach? Is it effective? Recommend improvements.  

solved Complete all of the following parts for your initial post:STEP

Complete all of the following parts for your initial post:STEP ONE: Identify and describe a social problem/issue that teenagers face during adolescence (e.g., teen pregnancy, LGBTQ issues, underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, bullying, etc.).STEP TWO: Do a little research, looking at reliable websites (.gov) or a couple of research articles, on the social problem/issue that you chose. Using what you’ve learned and citing appropriately, identify three (3) challenges related to this social problem/issue. STEP THREE: Discuss the challenges and then develop a school program to address one of the challenges you have identified.

solved Design a PowerPoint presentation for high school aged students discussing

Design a PowerPoint presentation for high school aged students discussing normative aging changes, sexuality, STDs, and prevention. Discuss normal body changes that occur through puberty into young adulthoodDiscuss specific STDs, causes, symptoms, complications, and treatment: **You should include two slides for each of the following: Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, HIV, Syphillis, HPVDiscuss pregnancy and preventionThe assignment should be submitted in PowerPoint format, with at least 14 content slides (in addition to a title slide and reference slide) and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials.