solved I’m stuck on a Marketing question and need an explanation.

I’m stuck on a Marketing question and need an explanation.

According to Gibbons (2017), designing a service requires the provider to identify the touchpoints that create a customer’s journey — or rather the “experience of the user.” One tool managers use to understand the customer journey is a service blueprint ( (Links to an external site.)Consider a service experience in your work environment or a personal experience you may have had with a service provider. Using the service blueprint diagram displayed in the service blueprint article, map out the customer journey for the service you identified.

solved Using the health care law or policy Legislation around over-the-counter

Using the health care law or policy Legislation around over-the-counter Narcan™ (naloxone)      or needle exchange

, create a proposal or presentation for continued funding of a related program.
Create two separate proposals, one that addresses liberal viewpoints and one that addresses conservative viewpoints.
Convince each group that continued funding is essential to the well-being of its recipients.
Address the following in each proposal:

The party platform principles
How the program advances the party agenda
Program data related to target population outcomes

solved TEMA ES Deepfake Instruccciones: En clases anteriores se te repartió

TEMA ES Deepfake
En clases anteriores se te repartió un tema para la presentación individual. Prepara una presentación electrónica original sobre este tema. (Contenido: 10 ptos). Debes usar la herramienta Google Slides. Tu presentación debe incluir la parte ética del tema (10 ptos), que permita la discusión entre los compañeros de clase. (Delivery: 10 ptos).
Para la parte ética debes considerar una de estas dos preguntas: 

Cómo se      puede cometer un crimen con mi tema o cómo mi tema ayuda a esclarecer un      crimen
Cómo mi      tema afecta a la privacidad de las personas

solved Public Health Infrastructure Identify any public health concern that contributes

Public Health Infrastructure

Identify any public health concern that contributes to health risk or disease. 
Identity at least three agencies that are involved in addressing this health concern. 
Why is it important for those agencies to collaborate?

Please address the topic below:

Background facts about the public health concern including incidence and prevalence
The role that the three agencies play in public health including their mission and sphere of influence
How these agencies collaborate and any challenges to collaboration
Your recommendations to facilitate collaboration and effective public health response

solved 4-1 Discussion: Legal and Ethical Matters to Be Considered In

4-1 Discussion: Legal and Ethical Matters to Be Considered In advocacy work, the impetus for new legislation can often be due to an illegal or unethical issue. For instance, lawsuits have been brought against state’s Departments of Health and Human Services by disability rights advocates, citizens, patients, and family members due to a wrongful death from care or lack of care in an institution or practice. Research a case that resulted in a lawsuit in your state or location. Discuss how your agency might prevent this lawsuit from occurring, and indicate the specific codes of ethics and standards that could be violated.

solved need the appropriate answers for the given questions.1. Explain accounts

need the appropriate answers for the given questions.1. Explain accounts payable and account receivable.2. What are provisions?3. Differentiate deferred items and prepaid items.4. show the require minimum structure of an european income statement (PLA statement)5. What is the concept of Depreciation. Explain and give one example.6. Pick 2 valuation principles respectively rules and explain them properly.7. What are accruals and what are they all about?8. What are the keys to understand IFRS?9. What does true and fair value (IFRS) technically mean?10. Name 3 gap principals which differ FROM IFRS AND EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE

solved a short letter to any faculty member in the a short letter to any faculty member in the school of ENS to express interest in their research. Write the letter as though you were attempting to gain a position as a research assistant and the letter is your opportunity to showcase your knowledge about what they do and why you would be a good fit for their team. The letter only needs to be a couple of paragraphs long, but it should begin with Dear Dr. ________,.the link above is the website for the school of ens, go on there and find a faculty member and write a letter with the directions above. don’t send it to them, send it to me. thank you

solved Please write a policy brief outline on the topic of

Please write a policy brief outline on the topic of the disparity between kids who go to public schools vs kids who go to private school. Kids who come from wealthy/ upper middle class backgrounds vs those who don’t.
For the Policy Brief outline, create an outline for your paper using the headings from sections of the paper as seen below. It may be helpful to indicate what literature sources you intend to reference in each section (note: you do not need to include a separate “Synthesize Literature” section). 
I.  Audience for Brief (decision-makers)

II. Executive Summary

III. Overview / Background

IV. Implementation

solved Reflect upon the nursing practice issue of interest that you

Reflect upon the nursing practice issue of interest that you identified in earlier discussion assignments. In addition, consider the intervention that you proposed to improve the issue. (HAIs/CLABSI) With both the issue and the proposed practice change in mind, respond to the following: What type of evidence produced through qualitative research would be helpful to better understand the selected practice issue?How might qualitative research findings shape your efforts to improve the issue?Describe an example (real or hypothetical) of a qualitative research design that would provide valuable evidence regarding this issue.

solved Briefly summarize your case, highlighting the diagnostic symptoms seen in

Briefly summarize your case, highlighting the diagnostic symptoms seen in the case.(CASE OF VALENTINA)Describe your decision-making process for identifying the key problems in the case and the differential eliminations for your case.Identify the diagnosis of the client in the case. Explain the diagnosis by providing the supporting DSM-5 criteria with specific examples of how your client met those criteria.Post a fully coded DSM-5 diagnosis. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention).