solved Book Report Instruction You are charged with reading or listening

Book Report Instruction
You are charged with reading or listening to a leadership-related book and writing the book report.  Go read the sample and then please choose ONE of the following:
David and Goliath – Malcolm Gladwell… This books helps you look at things you think you know for other angles. 
Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg
Quitter – Jon Acuff… Good if you ever think you might want to own a business. 
Drive – Daniel Pink
Lean In – Sheryl Sandberg
Extreme Ownership – Jocko Willink… More of a hard core Navy Seal type leadership book.  Look up the picture of Jocko.. You’ll see what I mean.  

solved I’m working on a Nutritional Sciences exercise and need support.

I’m working on a Nutritional Sciences exercise and need support.

While in the gym, you overhear two people arguing over the best foods and drinks to consume before, during, and after exercise. Person 1 feels strongly that formulated sports products like sports bars and drinks are superior to regular foods. Person 2 feels even stronger that sports products are just a waste of money and regular foods and plain water are superior fueling choices. You complete your workout but can’t stop thinking about this argument. Based on what you have learned thus far in class, who is right, Person 1 or Person 2? Support your answer.

solved This is the research paper assignment for IT 343 Instructions

This is the research paper assignment for IT 343

Source document is the BAE Automated Systems (A) business case found at 
Formal research paper format
Upload final version to Blackboard for grading
Minimum length is 2500 words
Content, at a minimum but not constrained to:

Fact Set and Background

Who, What, When, Where, etc.

Give a full analysis of two key issues
Explore the following two questions

What processes would you implement as PM?
How would those processes be implemented
State your key assumptions for this section (that are not found in the case.)

solved Evaluate factors that influence safe, quality patient-centered care. Consider:TechnologyCommu

Evaluate factors that influence safe, quality patient-centered care. Consider:TechnologyCommunication CollaborationShared decision-makingLaws, regulations, and policiesAnalyze changes in technology and their effect on quality patient care.Explain the roles of communication, collaboration, and shared decision-making.Consider communication and collaboration between health care team members, between the patient and staff, and involving insurance companies.Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources in an APA-formatted reference page.Format your assignment as one of the following:18- to 20-slide presentation875-word paper


I NEED A PROGRESS REPORT AND THE PROJECT I NEED 6-7 PAGES FOR THIS PROJECT ( WE WORK IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT) Your Division Chief has asked you and other veteran supervisors to create a best practices manual for new Lieutenants. Your assignment is to contribute two best practices for each assigned section of the manual. The sections to which you will contribute best practices cover the following supervisory responsibilities:Demonstrating Communication SkillsDetermining Effective Orientation and Training MethodsImproving Productivity for TeamsConducting Performance AppraisalsResolving ConflictImproving Employee Relations

solved These are the outcomes that need to be used:Determine appropriate

These are the outcomes that need to be used:Determine appropriate rhetorical techniques to apply in response to rhetorical situationsUse the writing process to discover and reassess ideasCompose valid arguments in multiple modalitiesSupport arguments with appropriate types of evidenceEvaluate sources for accuracy and authority Navigate print and digital repositories of informationUse the rhetorical situation to determine the appropriate citation systemDescribe how inquiry contributes to a life of significance and worth2 pages single spacedThere is a sample provided and the project draft with the memo style in it ready.

solved Signature Assignment The Signature Assignment is where we measure your

Signature Assignment

The Signature Assignment is where we measure your progress as well as the effectiveness of the course. This is a way of holding us as an institution accountable for the learning outcomes and quality of courses we are delivering.
Visual Presentation
Create a Visual presentation that encompasses your full capstone. You can either record yourself giving a presentation that includes your PowerPoint or you can do a voice overlay so that we can see you and the presentation. It should be long enough to share for 15-minutes. It should be neat and professional. It should include illustrations, graphs, etc.

solved I’m working on a business law multi-part question and need

I’m working on a business law multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read: Section 6:1 – 6:5 p. 221 – 249CQ: Thornhill v. Alabama #1, #3, #4 p. 232Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp. v. United Steelworkers of America #1 – 5p. 235Lechmere, Inc. v. NLRB #1, #2, #3 p. 244Brief: NVE Constructors, Inc. v. NLRB p. 249Problems:#1, #7, #9 p. 269 – 270#12 p. 2711. What does the Board have to decide in order to conclude whether or not the union’spicketing is lawful?2. Explain the factors the Board would examine in order to do so.Be prepared to discuss #17 in class – do not submit on Canvas

solved Instructions:- Select one concept (i.e., term/theory) from each chapter then:1.

Instructions:- Select one concept (i.e., term/theory) from each chapter then:1. Define it in your own words and 2. provide an example or apply the concept in such a way that is not included in the textbook.o Your assignment should include a definition and example for FOUR terms (oneper chapter)This assignment is open book; you may refer to your lectures notes and textbook. NOTE: at the end of each module, REVEL includes flash cards for a number of key concepts. If you’d like, you may select one of these. Answers should be in full sentences. Remember to emphasize quality over quantity. Submit your answer in PDF format

solved Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe

Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include:Summary of teaching planEpidemiological rationale for topicEvaluation of teaching experienceCommunity response to teachingAreas of strengths and areas of improvementPrepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.